Disclaimer | This is a fan-fic based on characters created by Yoshiki Takaya and contains violent situations with adult language. |
Title | Revenge: Part 2 |
Author | Brian O’Sullivan |
Contact | ![]() |
A week has past since the Warrior Guyver had returned to the present with Faye. Unable to call for help, Warrior Guyver and Faye have been forced to try and sneak across Chronos territory while avoiding contact with Chronos forces as they made their way to the border. They were doing well until a group of Chronos helicopters appeared over the abandoned town they were presently searching through for supplies and clearly showed that they intended to land. So with little time to spare Warrior Guyver and Faye made a dash for the forest range that surrounded the town. Faye couldn’t understand why they where running. From what she understood the Zoanoids where nothing to the Warrior Guyver and herself but yet they where running but soon they reached the forest and quickly hid behind a large tree. Warrior Guyver then looked back and about five Chronos helicopters touched down in the centre of the town and, to his and Faye’s surprise, out came three Guyvers and six Zoanoids. Warrior Guyver recognised all but two. Five of them where clearly a new batch of Hyper Zoanoid Team 5. The next three, Guyver 2, Guyver Zoanoid and some new Female Guyver really surprised Warrior Guyver as last he heard the first two where supposed to be dead. Then there was the last one who was clearly a Zoanoid but was as big as a Gigantic Guyver and looked enough like one for Warrior Guyver to wonder if Chronos had gotten their hands on one and incorporated it into this Zoanoid. Chronos had sent there top people after him but how the hell did they find him so quickly?
Europe, the Portal.
Once again the inter dimensional portal came to life and in a flash three Creators and their protectors arrived on Earth. Solom, Galen and Draven all wanted to have a further look at what had happened to their experiment after being left alone for so long, but from what they understood from the Warrior Guyver, this world was at war with a group led by Alkanphel and so they had brought three Kavzars to protect them and all three of the Creators where wearing Aceaer Armour over their Controller Armour.
Draven and his Kavzar were the first to teleport out of the cave and looked around as he sensed the minds of the people within the nearby cities and looked up to see a plane fly overhead and was astounded at how much has changed since he was last on Earth. He was soon followed by Galen, Solom, and their Kavzars. They all agreed that Earth had evolved far differently than they could ever have imagined but they had come for a reason and had much to do. . .
Washington DC, the abandoned warehouse.
Cyber Guyver Green had converted enough of his new body so that he had now regained his full range of mobility and 50% of his former power. His new control medal was not fully formed yet but with a new breed of nanites now in full production inside his body that it would not take long before he regained his full strength, though his new Control Medal would not be the equal to his old that it was close enough to give him a level of power comparable to what he was used to, but his new body was absorbing too much electricity from the surrounding area and soon his enemies would know where to find him. . .
Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?
I am Bio Titan and I’ve been sent by Lord Alkanphel to help with the capture of Warrior Guyver.
Alkanphel sent you, hmm, what can you do besides stand there and look as big as a house?
Without turning, Bio-Titan aimed his right arm at a nearby building and fired a ball of energy that tore into the building and blew it to bits.
Well, well, well, after seeing that I guess you’ll be wanting to be part of Team Alpha. . .
This chatting is getting us nowhere, according to the Shadow Guyver, Warrior Guyver and a female Guyver are nearby! I’ll lead the way with Neo-Zektol as we are the strongest of the Hyper Zoanoids but are expendable if reports of Warrior Guyvers weakened state prove false.
Tisk, tisk, tisk, haven’t you ever heard all work and no play makes the big guy
a very tempting target?
Bio Titan ignored her as he signalled Neo Zektol to join him as Team Alpha moved out and began their search for Warrior Guyver. Neo-Zektol wasn’t too happy with what the Bio-Titan had said about him being expendable but the statement was true. The three Guyvers where all unique and unlike him could not be processed by Chronos.
Meanwhile Warrior Guyver was dumbfounded, Team Alpha was moving straight for them? Not only had Chronos knew where to find him but now they where walking straight for him? To him there was only one choice in his weakened state, Faye and him had to run for it. Telepathically communicating this to Faye, she quickly grabbed his arm and flew up and away from Team Alpha but they got no more than a hundred feet when Faye was knocked out of the air and they both Crashed back to the ground.
What happened?
Something hit me!?
They looked up to see a black Guyver appear out of nowhere. He said nothing and simply fired a pressure cannon at Warrior Guyver. Warrior Guyver barely got out of the way in time as the blast hit the ground where he had stood. In return, Faye fired her head beam at him, but the still unnamed Guyver seemed to vanish out of sight temporally just as the beam hit him and didn’t even leave a scorch mark. Warrior Guyver was then blasted from behind by an energy beam. He turned around to see Team Alpha running straight for them.
By the order of Alkanphel the ‘Warrior Guyver’ is mine!
With that said he fired several bio-blasts at Warrior Guyver. Warrior Guyver tried to raise his shields but could only manage a weak pressure cannon shield, before he could move another inch the first two blast slammed into his pressure cannon shield with enough force to blast through and knock his arms apart as two more blasts hit his right shoulder and stomach. Warrior Guyver’s right arm was hanging on by only a few tendons from his shoulder and his intestines where falling out his bio-armor, Warrior Guyver then fell to the ground holding his stomach with his remaining arm. Faye wasn’t faring too well either. The four Guyvers where cutting her apart with their vibrational swords and they seemed to be enjoying it. Neo-Zektol then fired his head beam at Faye, which cut deeply into her back, and knocked her off balance enough for Guyver 2 to chop her left arm off from the elbow. Warrior Guyver tried to get up to help her but could not, once that failed he fired his head beam at Guyver 2, the beam lanced out and burned a hole into Guyver 2’s left shoulder just as he was swinging to strike Faye again with his sword, forcing Guyver 2 to abort his attack. He tried to fire again but the laser beam was stopped by Shadow Guyver, the beam wasn’t even strong enough to even scorch him, who simply stood in front of him laughing. Desperate, Warrior Guyver tried to stand up again but the Bio-Titan fired another energy blast at his stomach, which nearly cut off the upper part of his body from his waist. The massive damage was more than Warrior Guyver could take in his weakened state, he was out of the fight, as he finally lost consciousness from the pain and loss of blood. Faye screamed out when she saw this and Guyver Zoanoid took advantage of her distraction and sliced her head off with his vibrational sword. . . The fight was over, Chronos had scored its biggest victory against the Guyvers. . .
The Kavzars stood still in shock as the three Creators cried out in pain. You could see what looked to be electrical sparks dancing over their control medals.
My Lords, what is happening?
A Guyver has died and we are feeling her pain!
The Creators where not the only ones to feel Faye die. Guyver C, the Aceaer Marine, the two Cyber Guyvers in Washington, Sean in Idaho, Sho and Agito in Japan, and William(a.k.a Guyver 0) in Canada. All of them somehow knew that it was a female Guyver and that she had died in a part of the USA. Faye’s death was a beacon to all of them who wanted to find out what was happening. The result of this was Agito and Sho summoning their Guyver armours and then calling out to Guyver C. Guyver C informed them of what he and the Aceaer Marine where up to and that they where too busy and too far away to find out what happened to this mysterious female Guyver. They then contacted Guyver US and he agreed to join them to find out what had happened with this female Guyver as not much was happening in Idaho. Guyver0 was Canada’s only Guyver protector so he could not help and no one trusted Cyber Guyver Dark enough to ask him. Guyver3 summoned the Gigantic Unit and teleported himself and Guyver1 to Guyver US’s location, but to Cyber Guyver Green it was a wake up call. He now knew that Chronos had captured Guyver Faye and the Warrior Guyver, so he had little time to act and kill the Warrior Guyver before it was too late. . .
Chronos knew that the other Guyvers would soon arrive at the location of Faye’s death, having felt her death throws themselves, and acted quickly. Faye’s head was frozen and her body mega-smashed to oblivion by the Guyver Zoanoid when it attacked him. The Warrior Guyver was put into a cryogenic chamber and his right arm was ripped off fully and put into another chamber. As soon as that was done they left Shadow Guyver behind to interfere with any attempted pursuit and got into their helicopters and left. Seconds later Gigantic Dark, Guyver 1 and Guyver US arrived on the scene. Gigantic Dark could sense the fallen Warrior Guyver inside a quickly departing helicopter. He charged his pressure cannon but before it was fully charged he saw a black Guyver appear out of nowhere right in front of him. In a way it looked like his own Guyver form but how could someone look almost the same as him? He stopped wondering about that and fired the pressure cannon at this unknown attacker. The gravity ball went straight through the Shadow Guyver and before he had a chance to react, he was stabbed in the back with a vibrational sword. Guyver 1 and Guyver US where shocked to see Shadow Guyver appear behind the Gigantic Guyver, but Agito was not one to let being stabbed put him off track. He activated his Gigantic Guyvers shielding and blasted the Shadow Guyver away from him. The shielding cut off Shadow Guyvers front right vibrational sword and knocked him to the ground. Shadow Guyver looked up to see three angry Guyvers looking down on him, but before they could get their revenge on him he disappeared right in front of them. Gigantic Dark quickly fired his head laser at the spot where Shadow Guyver once was but he was already gone.
What the hell was that?
No idea, some kind of Guyver but he clearly has an effective cloaking power.
But the Shadow Guyver had left. His mission was only to slow down the other Guyvers not to have a battle with them. His mission was a success by the time the three Guyvers had stopped looking for him they had lost track of the helicopters.
Washington DC One hour later.
They’ve captured the Warrior Guyver?!?!
Yes General, they have him and a female Guyver that we guess was with him too.
How could they have gotten past you three?
They have at least one Guyver working for them. For lack of name we have code named him the Shadow Guyver. He seems to have a cloaking ability that makes him invisible to both our site and senses.
It’s worse than that I’m afraid. . . I sensed the presence of three other Guyvers in the escaping helicopters.
So it was this Guyver with the help of at least three other Guyvers that not only beat Warrior Guyver, but a Female Guyver as well?
Yes sir.
We must look at the wider implications. My sources in Chronos told me before that the only reason they have stopped using Zoalords to lead their attacks here is because of the Warrior Guyvers power-level which is estimated by them to be twice the power of a normal Guyver using the Gigantic Armor. It is my fear that now that they have captured the Warrior Guyver that Chronos will launch a full scale attack on the US and Canada to finally stop your resistance.
Agito, I know you don’t like the idea of the US being the only free power, but I’m asking, will you and Sho stay here to help us resist their attacks until we can rescue Jason.
It’s not like we have much of a choice General, if you fall then Chronos wins the war. . . Sho, take the Gigantic armor and go to Japan. I need you to bring Aptom here, we’re going to need all the help we can get.
Two days later, Chronos Arizona
The remains of the Warrior Guyver and Faye where still being kept in cryogenic stasis. Strangely enough, Alkanphels had ordered that no one was allowed to experiment on either one of the new captives. This had Valkus totally confused, since they had finally captured the most advanced Guyver on Earth but he still wasn’t allowed to see what made it tick. It was then that Valkus noticed the air around him beginning to warp as Alkanphel teleported next to him.
Greetings lord Alkanphel.
Hello Hamilcal, has there been any signs of life from our two captives?
No Alkanphel, the Warrior Guyver has not moved nor regenerated and the same goes for the white Female Guyver that was also captured, but I do have one question sir.
Yes Hamilcal?
Why haven’t we experimented on the Warrior Guyver or any of the artifacts captured over the past few months?
That is something that does not concern you yet Hamilcal, but speaking of the Warrior Guyver, I have a task for you. . . I will let you experiment with the Warrior Guyver but only to ascertain whether we can duplicate some of its technology. Primarily, I am interested in knowing whether the Warrior Units bio-armor remains controllable when separate from the Control Medal.
Yes my lord.
One more thing, do not try to take apart the Warrior Control Medal as the Guyver would self-destruct!
Alkanphel then teleported away, leaving a very confused Valkus to wonder at his lords request for all of five minutes, but then a look of shock and realization covered his face. He had figured out what Alkanphel was up to! He smiled and thought of the many experiments he was going to do on the Warrior Guyver.
Washington DC, The Abandoned Warehouse.
Cyber Guyver mood improved immensely as his new control medal started to glow and the energy level of his body shot straight up as he finally started to become independent of outside energy sources as he body started to produce its own. He realised that he was still only seventy five percent of what he used to be but that was still a lot more powerful than what the Warrior Guyver is at this moment than he was a week ago. . . Now he stood up and started to make his way out of the building when the huge doors to the warehouse where knocked down and there stood Guyver C and Aceaer Marine.
-CYBER GREEN (Still hiding in the dark interior of the building)
Look, I’m not interested in fighting either of you, so leave now and I’ll let you live.
No fucking way asshole, your coming with us or your going down.
Fuck this, let’s take this bastard out.
With that said, the Aceaer Marine then fired his head beam at Cyber Green. Cyber Green barley dodged the blast and then fired his own head beam hitting the Aceaer Marine’s right shoulder pod, seriously damaging it, and putting it out of action. The Cyber Green then walked out of the darkness, into the light, and both Guyver C and the Aceaer Marine gasped as they saw that the Cyber Green was now no longer the Green Proto Type but a newly reborn Cyber Guyver.
Now you’ve seen my new form, you’ll see I’m no longer that useless old armor but something oh so much more.
Even so the two of use will destroy you.
Cyber Green answered with two plasma balls one hitting the Aceaer Marine, easily breaking though his shield and hitting the Aceaer Marines other Fusion Pod, blowing it apart and the other just missing his right arm. The Aceaer Marine countered with his rail guns, blasting away at Cyber Greens but he had already managed to erect a shield and it deflected the blasts back at Guyver C, who tried to dodge but still got hit in the arm as one bullet shattered his right vibrational sword.
Shit he has shielding.
Cyber Green then extended his vibration swords and taunted them to attack him. The Aceaer Marine extended both his swords and Guyver C did the same as they charged at Cyber Green. Cyber Green maneuvered out of the way of their attacks with his superior speed and agility. Aceaer Marine then fired his Rail Gun at the Cyber Green but all of the bullets where again deflected by his shield. The bullets deflected wildly around the room one ripping through Guyver C’s right knee cap. The Cyber Green then took advantage of the Aceaer Marines shock and fired a plasma ball at his chest blowing it apart. The Aceaer Marine fell to the ground, basically drowning in his own blood.
Now it’s your turn.
Guyver C answered by firing a pressure cannon at Cyber Green, who in turn fired two more plasma balls back at him, the first one canceled out Guyver C’s attack the other hitting him in the right shoulder, blowing off his arm.
You see Max, you never had a chance, I’ve fought you many times before and this past version of you is no match for me!
You what?
Cyber Green loved to see Guyver C so confused, then realized that if he got even a sample of the Guyver C’s control medal that he could fully recover and then be back at what he considered full power. Guyver C, in an act of desperation, opened the left side of his mega-smasher.
Now Max, you know that you’ll kill thousands of innocents with that attack!
Guyver C realized what he was doing and closed the mega-smasher before it had fully charged but that gave Cyber Green the time he needed to charge up to him and attack with his vibrational swords, quickly disabling Guyver C with several well placed slashes that rendered him helpless.
Now Max you die!
He reached down to his control medal and started to absorb it, but suddenly the air behind him warped and out stepped Guyver 1 Gigantic, who wasted no time and fired his head beam at Cyber Greens back, cutting deeply and exposing wires and circuitry.
-CYBER GREEN (Turning to face his attacker)
Uh, fuck that hurt. . . Well, well if it isn’t Sho Fukamachi, its been a long time since we last fought! . . I can assure you that you won’t be so lucky again.
This left Sho a little shocked but it did not stop him from charging his pressure cannon. Cyber Green did not bother trying to counter this attack and flew straight out through the roof. Guyver 1 Gigantic was about to give chase but decided to stay and protect his mortally wounded allies. Now Cyber Green was truly happy, he had gotten a sample of a Guyver’s Control Medal, which meant his nanites could replicate its molecular structure. Soon he’ll be back to his full power and can then finally kill the Warrior Guyver.
Dallas Texas.
A young girl and her uncle have been in hiding for over six months but finally things had gone against them and they where on the run again. Over the past millennia’s, he had seen the human race hunt its own kind but it was the first time he’d been hunted like this and it reminded him of what had happened to the Jew’s some fifty odd years ago and to so many others before them. Now the new breed of Zoa-forms the so called Chronos where hunting his breed to extinction but he was one of the most powerful of his breed so he’d not go down easily even if they where found.
A day later Idaho
Sean had just arrived at the army base which also held the 4th Armored Division. He had a bad feeling about being there. With the Warrior Guyver captured, things would only get worse until he was rescued but that then left the question of what the hell could have taken him down? Warrior Guyver was even more powerful than the Gigantic armored Guyvers like Agito. At least we now have Agito in the USA helping us which was a miracle in itself. All these thoughts raced through his mind as he walked into the Idaho Base HQ. He had a meeting with the 4th Division C.O. as they wanted to plan their defenses but that meeting took a rain check as the base alarms went off. Sean raced outside to see four humanoid figures in the sky. As far as he knew there was only one kind of person that could do that and they were the Zoalords. He bio-boosted and opened up both mega-smashers and fired it at the four of them but they saw the attack coming and teleported out of the way. They then all teleported right in front of Guyver US to look him face to face. Guyver US recognized the four Zoalords as Fredrick Von Prug’stall, Sin Rubeo Amniculus, Rienzi and Waferdanos, these where the top people at Chronos and they wanted him dead. The 4th Division marines started to come out of the armories in vast numbers and started firing at the Zoalords but the four of them laughed at them as the bullets bounced off their shields. Prug’stall simply raised his left hand and a bolt of lighting fired out of it and hit one of the marines, instantly killing him and five of the men around him.
Face it Guyver, you are out numbered and out gunned, you and your men might as well surrender now or die.
We’ll never surrender.
Then death it is.
Guyver US opened the left side cell of his mega-smashers but before it had a chance to charge up Sin, who was still in his human form, fired his Zoa-Crystal beam at Guyver US, blowing a hole through his mega-smasher cell, blasting right on through his chest and out his back. Guyver US the collapsed as he fell to the ground but managed to fire a gravity ball at Sin but it was nullified by his shield. The 4 Zoalord then moved towards Guyver US and he called out for help through his unit but it was too late. Prug’stall changed into his full Zoalord form which sent electrical bolts of lightning all around him. The Zoalords protected themselves with their shields but the men 4th Division where not so lucky as another sixty men where electrocuted just by Prug’stall’s transformation. Waferdanos then started cutting down the men that where pissing him off with what he saw as their senseless attack. Meanwhile, Prug’stall walked up to Guyver US and proceeded to rip his control medal out. Seconds later the four Zoalords teleported out leaving the body of the Guyver US for the 4th Division to deal with as the loss of its Control Medal made it go out of control.
Anti-Chronos Headquarters, Washington DC.
Everyone there now was at the lowest moral ever recorded at the base. The Warrior Guyver was attacked and captured, so was another Female Guyver that must have been helping him, then Guyver C is badly damaged and might be out of the fight for good. Now the Guyver US was captured too. That was four very powerful allies that had been taken out, if things didn’t improve soon, then everyone was certain that Chronos would soon win the war. All this started to make the General worry like never before. At least the two Japanese Guyvers and the Aceaer Marine where here and now he could use the Cyber Dark as Cyber Green was reported heading towards Chronos so at least he was out of the way for the moment. The Green V1 Battle Armor had also gone on-line so that would give them the necessary mass help to hopefully survive what is widely expected to be a large open war from Chronos. It was just then that he had heard some interesting news from Dr Drake. The fusion cannons where working thanks to the technology they had recovered from Area 51. Dr. Drakes team had managed to use the Area 51 technology to create the dimensional coupler, a device similar to the Warrior Guyvers Hyper Space Link, which draws energy directly from energy filled dimensions such as hyper space, thus providing us an unlimited source of power that combined with other improvements, allowed us to built particle beam cannons that were nearly as powerful as the Mega Smashers of a Guyver. There was now a hundred of these fusion cannon’s ready for use, though it had taken a year to build them and all of the original six prototypes had been destroyed in a recent battle in Canada. The prototype cannons had operated as expected but Chronos had sprung a trap that proved all too well how vulnerable the massive cannons were to attack. So the questioned remained on whether they would be enough to take on the force of the Zoalords? The Zoalords can survive anything up to a single cell Mega Smasher blast from a Guyver. The fusion cannons were barely over half as powerful as that so it would take at least two to three fusion cannons to take out a Zoalord but one would really want four cannons hitting at once to make sure, but now a new plan came to mind as the General thought of the other Canadian prototypes, the Robo Guyvers. The General then called Dr. Drake and asked him the feasibility of his plan. Dr. Drake confirmed that it could be done and immediately went to work on it. The General then called Agito, Sho, Stephen and Scot together as they discussed the plan.
Two days later at Chronos HQ, Arizona.
The Warrior Guyver woke up too see Valkus and Alkanphel looking down at him.
Don’t try to fight Jason, in your weakened state you don’t stand a chance against me.
-WARRIOR GUYVER(completely confused)
How the hell do you know that and what the fuck makes you so sure?
You have no secrets to one as old as me. You see, I know you have been damaged by your fight with the Guyver Zoalord.
The Warrior Guyver slowly got out of the cryogenic chamber and took account of himself. His right arm had still not regrown but his stomach was thankfully almost fully recovered, but really his body, even frozen, should have healed by now. This made him worry. There was no way on earth he could take on Alkanphel now.
I’ve waited millions of years for you.
But how is that possible.
Come with me and I’ll tell you.
With that the Warrior Guyver followed Alkanphel as he started to walk around the base.
You see Jason. I’m more than two hundred years older than your unit. I was created to serve as what you would call the commander in chief of all zoanoids and zoalords that where going to fight for the Creators against a still unknown foe. With me, their most powerful of Zoalords, they had finally succeeded in making the perfect warrior race that they had come to Earth so long ago to create but the Creators still wanted more. As you know, they wanted to test how we would react to an old tool of theirs, the bio-booster armor you call the Guyver Unit. Initially they were pleased with the result, a mere human had been made nearly as powerful as a Zoalord but when the test subject proved to be uncontrollable. . . I was sent to stop it, but the Creators had been scared by the experiment and feared the ramifications if something more powerful than a human bonded with a Control Unit and became a Guyver. They then left to stop this ever from happening and tried to destroy the Earth with a small moon that I was barely able to destroy but a piece got through. I believe your scientists called it the “Big Bang” that killed off the dinosaurs. The Creators where of course furious at my actions and punished me by stripping me of most of my power. I am still more powerful than any Guyver but must rest after using my powers but now you must be thinking that I am lying to you for my story does not account for you?
Well yes!
Hmm, you see, though the Creators feared the creation of a Guyver Zoalord. Many of them admired the raw power of the Guyver. My interference in the Earth’s destruction had bought time for the Creators to dwell on what happened until they finally decided to try to tame the power of the Guyver and use it for themselves. The Creators then experimented among themselves to make them more Guyver like. As you can guess these Creators eventually came back to Earth and after many attempts, made your unit. The unit that saved them and cursed their project as they were finally forced to leave the Earth alone, for any interference would have altered history and allowed the Guyver Zoalord to destroy them all.
Wait! What do you mean many attempts?
Your unit is a Prototype unit, but there was at least five prototype units before that. I’ve found three of those units and one of them was there to fight you in the forest.
You mean that black Guyver?
Yes. They’ve all been simply called the Battle Guyvers but they are all different parts of the unit you where made from. Your unit has the best parts of all these Units which is why I want you to join me Jason. Together we can avenge the Earth!
You’ve got to be joking. I can never even imagine joining forces with you. Your army killed my family and my wife on our wedding day. I will never forgive you for that! I’d rather die than join forces with you, you bastard.
I know, I personally made sure of those events to ensure you would become the Warrior Guyver.
You fucking bastard.
With that the Warrior Guyver opened fire on Alkanphel but he easily shielded all of his attacks. Nearby Chronos agents quickly transformed into Zoanoids and moved to attack the Warrior Guyver but Alkanphel simply waved them back as the Warrior Guyver tried to punch Alkanphel, who without flinching, simply grabbed Warrior Guyvers arm and with a flick of his wrist, sent Warrior Guyver flying head first through a wall.
Now Jason, you know you simply don’t have the power to fight me anymore. Surrender to your fate and join me. We’ll rule the universe together and never let anything harm this world.
Fuck you! I’m gonna kill all of you bastards.
With that the Warrior Guyver took off and started to make a run for it as he knew that Alkanphel would not have asked him to join Chronos unless he was going to return to full power soon and if he could do that then he could kill him. All it will take is time, but time was something he didn’t have much of left. Alkanphel was hot on his tail as the Warrior Guyver smashed his way through the Arizona base. Strangely though, no zoanoids didn’t as much looking at him as he ran through doors and other objects that just got in his way. He at least expected a small army by now but it was only Alkanphel himself doing the chasing and he was really not pushing himself either. It was almost like Alkanphel was letting him have a little impromptu tour through the Chronos base. A chill ran through his spine at the realization that they were treating him like a mouse already trapped and just didn’t know it yet.
Anti-Chronos Headquarters, Washington DC.
Max was one very unhappy guy. Many thoughts where flying through his mind. He was put out of the fight by that Cyber Green because of the fact he underestimated his opponent regenerative abilities. He knew while he was brooding in his room that Canada was under renewed attack from Chronos and there was nothing he could do now as basically he was back being a normal human, as he could bio-boosting again without risking his damaged Control Medal would fail and he’d die just like Guyver 2 and Guyver Zoanoid did when their control medals failed them. Whether or not a Guyver unit can repair its control medal was doubtful but maybe Chronos might have a way to fix his control medal but they sure as hell weren’t going to help him. They also had the Warrior Guyver, Guyver US and that mysterious Female Guyver captured. Added to that Chronos had that Shadow Guyver working for them and three others that Agito detected. Clearly Chronos had everything going in there favor. It was then he heard a knock on his door. He opened it and there stood Scot as Cyber Guyver Dark. He looked the exact same as the Cyber Green only for the color difference which left him feeling uneasy with him but Scot too was a victim of this Guyver so he was not about to let his anguish fall onto him.
Hello Scot, what’s the plan then?
Well I’m heading to Canada tonight to help head off that Chronos attack and the rest are staying here to fight Chronos in the USA. I’ve just stopping by to let you know. I’ll be heading off now, do you have any messages for them?
Yes, tell them I’LL BE BACK.
The Cyber Dark nodded his head and left Max.
A day later in Dallas Texas .
The uncle and his niece where calmly walking down the street when a man dressed in black stood right in front of them and started to laugh at them.
At last I’ve found you too. Why low life’s like you two warrant an immediate termination order is beyond me but Alkanphel himself wants you dead, so be it!
The man then turned into a Zerebubuse and opened fire on the two but the uncle erected a shield in front of them, protecting them from the blast.
How the hell did you do that?
And Zerebubuse got his answer as the uncle turned into a Zoalord lord right in front of his eyes. The Zerebubuse stood there in shock and then he kneeled in front of the Zoalord. The Zoalord then walked up to him and ordered the Zerebubuse to fire on his own head. With that the Zerebubuse charged his blusters, pointed them at his head, and opened fire killing himself. The Zoalord called over his niece and they decided it would be best if they hid out in the so called Free USA. He picked her up then and started to fly towards the border
Chronos HQ, Arizona
Alkanphel was standing, quietly looking at a display of the Warrior Guyver hiding in a store room. While Valkus walked up beside him but soon could not resist questioning his lord on his strange way of handling the situation.
Sir, why are you letting him hide there?
I want him to join us Hamilcal as he’s one of a kind and impossible to duplicate. After all, you couldn’t scan his control medal to find out how he produced the Warrior bio-material.
I am sorry my lord but the Warrior Control Medal is incredible complex and completely unscannable.
Hmm, with its healing ability, he’ll be back to full power soon.
We had to use a great deal of the Ark’s resources to fix our Guyvers, if we could find out how the Warrior Guyver can repair its own Control Medal, then we’ll have an advantage against the Creators. Maybe even find a weakness that we could exploit.
That’s why we must have him on our side Hamilcal, at least until we can use his control medal to activate my unit. We must have that and I know the just person that can get it for us.
Then Prug’stall walked into the observation room.
Sorry to interrupt my lord but there has been a report of one of our Zerebubuse agents has been killed by a impure ancient Zoalord .
Find it Prug’stall, kill it and any others of his kind you may find.
With a simple nod of the head Prug’stall left Valkus and Alkanphel to finish their conversation.
Hamilcal, I’ve a task for you as well!
One day later, Thirty Miles South from Oklahoma City
The 2nd Armored Division and 6th Artillery Division had readied their force’s for the coming wave of Chronos forces. Moral was not incredibly high since the 4th Armored Division suffered huge losses to four of the Chronos Zoalords and the Bio-Booster Creature that Guyver US was turned into when his control medal was ripped out. Thankfully that creature was stopped by the Gigantic Dark who obliterated it. It was then the convoy of five articulated trucks arrived from Washington DC and suddenly bad moral was replaced by confusion. One of the trucks drove straight to the front line and the Gigantic Dark himself flew right over it and hovered right there. The truck pulled up and turned around so its trailer was pointing towards a nearby hill. Then the tailor opened up to reveal a huge cannon. The cannon soon let out a powerful energy blast towards the hill. When the dust cleared there was a huge hole in the hill. Everyone then let out a huge cheer to show their approval. The Gigantic Dark then landed beside the Fusion Cannon and under the armor Agito smiled.
Elsewhere in the Free USA, all the other ninety five Fusion Cannons where distributed around the country where their incredible firepower was needed. While both Guyver 1 and Aceaer Marine both went to Idaho with the reinforcements for the 4th Armoured Division. All over the USA they readied for the Chronos attack that was sure to come. Then some hours later all hell broke lose. With the four Zoalords leading them, a massive army was striking out all over the USA. From Coast to Coast, Chronos was making their presence known. A huge army of many different types Zoanoids ran across the clearing towards the 2nd Armored Division 6th Artillery. They where clearly out number a hundred to one but they held fast. Once the zoanoids got half way across, the five Fusion Cannon’s fired and did their job well, killing many thousands of zoanoids before they got the chance to cross the clearing. Then the men of the 2nd armored division opened fire.
Meanwhile, Somewhere over Idaho
A strange badly burned humanoid being was hurdling through the sky towards the ground and soon crashed into an abandoned building. He was holding two small objects, one was a small orb shaped like a Gigantic Guyvers cocoon, the other was a dormant Warrior Unit. Meanwhile, a nearby Blue Armored scout of the 4rd Armored Division ran to the building to see what had happened, only to stop short a few blocks from the building the loud crashing sound had come from as the soldier suddenly gasped as he saw a badly damaged Warrior Guyver run from the building and disappear around a corner. The soldier quickly got over his shock and activated his hover jets as he raced after the Warrior Guyver, only to see the Warrior Guyver standing next to a large boulder as its control medal glow before the mysterious Warrior Guyver vanished. The soldier then quickly activated his video comm link and demanded to talk with General Carter immediately. In Washington the General, who was meeting with the President of the USA himself inside the White House war room, discussing possible battle strategies when the call came in. The soldier quickly informed them of his discovery of another Warrior Guyver and showed them the video clip his armor had recorded during the siting. The General then told the soldier that this information is to be considered top secret before breaking the link and discussing this new discovery with the President. There were only a few possibilities, the first thought was that the Warrior Guyver may have escaped but the image from the video clip did not match, the alternative was that someone else now had the Warrior Unit and would most likely be working for Chronos but the damaged condition of the Unit would suggest otherwise. Whatever the true nature of this new Warrior Guyver, they quickly decided that all the Guyvers had to be warned, that decided, the General then made a secure call to each as he updated them to this new startling development but when he reached Stephen, he was surprised to find that the mysterious Warrior Guyver had already helped the 4th division repel a zoanoid army. The General quickly asked who this mysterious Guyver was and was shocked to learn that this was not only a new Warrior Guyver but was the parallel world counterpart of Stephen Cain himself. Though totally unexpected, this was great news and the General quickly acknowledged Stephens report and signed off as he discussed the new possibilities now presented to them with the President.
Meanwhile, in Idoho
Aceaer Marine Stephen quickly questioned Warrior Guyver 2 Stephen about the events that had brought him there.
That’s quite a story you got there.
Yeah, it was one long nightmare but I gotta tell you that meeting you takes the cake.
Tell me about it! It’s like I’m suddenly faced with my twin.
I hate to interrupt you two but did you mentioned that your Agito gave you his Gigantic armor?
Yes but it didn’t work with my Unit?
But do you still have the Gigantic Unit?
I don’t know, hold on Sho, why don’t you transform and I’ll see if I can transfer it to you.
Sho then bio-boosted while WG2 Stephen concentrated on transferring the Gigantic Unit to him and soon Sho found himself engulfed into familiar Gigantic Guyver Pod and was transformed into Gigantic Guyver One.
Thirty minutes later and 30 Miles South from Oklahoma City
Sin fired his zoacrystal beam at one of the fusion cannons but was surprised to find his beam deflected by an energy shield. The Generals plan had worked, Dr. Drake had been able to modify the shield generators of the Robo Guyvers for use by the cannons, but unknown to Sin it would take another five minutes to recharge as it drew upon the same power as the cannon. Sin none the less fired his zoacrystal again at the same fusion cannon but this time the Gigantic Dark flew in front of it to protect it with his own shields. Rienzi flew beside Sin and together they flew towards the Gigantic Dark but stopped the second they saw the Gigantic Guyver teleport next to Gigantic Dark and they now faced two Gigantic Guyvers, but they did not stop for long as four more Proto-Zoalords joined them and they renewed their courage and started to attack the two Gigantic Guyvers. A full fledged Zoalord and a Gigantic Guyver are fairly evenly matched but when teamed up with other lesser Zoalords like the Prototypes, that the Gigantic’s would lose every time. Confident now that they would win, they all opened fire with their Zoacrystals but the gigantic Guyvers shielded themselves from their attack and they in return fired their head beams at the two full fledged Zoalords but they too shielded the attack. The Zoalords were about to use their telepathy for a coordinated attack on Gigantic Guyver One when Warrior Guyver 2 suddenly appeared and slammed against Rienzi’s shield with his own, sending the Zoalord careening out of control through the air as he crashed to the ground. He looked at all the other five and glowed his control medal. Everyone recognized the type of Guyver he was, he was clearly a Warrior Guyver of some kind! One of the Proto-Zoalords nevertheless was enraged by his surprise attack on the full Zoalord and flew straight at him attempting to do the same shield attack but the Warrior Guyver did not care to let him have that chance. A mini cyclone of energy built up around him and he fired the cyclone blast at the Proto-Zoalord who tried to shield against it but the blast was more powerful than a normal Guyvers Mega Smasher and easily blasted throw, disintegrating the Proto Zoalord. Sin knew this battle was lost and ordered all the zoanoids to attack like crazy to give him time to get Rienzi. About a dozen or so Vamores opened fire on the fusion cannon that the Zoalords had hit before and managed to break through its shield and destroyed the cannon. Warrior Guyver 2 didn’t like that at all and opened fire with his head and arms beams, quickly killing all of the Vamores, but another group was fast approaching and Warrior Guyver 2 quickly landed in thir path and started wiping out every zoanoid in site. Before long the Zoalords had escaped and together the Warrior Guyver and the Gigantic Guyvers, with the remaining four working fusion cannons, turned the tide of the Chronos forces.
Chronos Headquarters Arizona
Alkanphel had felt the pain of Rienzi from the attack he suffered by the Warrior Guyver2. Before Sin had got back with the fallen Zoalord. He arranged for the best treatment ready for his Zoalord and with that he turned to Valkus who was busy working on his project.
Hamilcal, another Warrior Guyver has appeared from nowhere and as you know this changes everything. . . Is she ready?
Not yet my lord, she has all the basic powers of the Overlord but unless I complete her processing, she will die within two weeks.
She will have to do the way she is now, get her ready.
Meanwhile, deep within the Chronos base, no one took a second glance at the form of Oswald Risker walking down the corridor. Everyone knew him as Guyver2 and most if not all Zoanoids feared him as he easily killed thirty of them in a test of his newly repaired control medal yesterday, but this was not that Oswald Risker. This was Cyber Green and he was slowly making his way to the control room. Walking down the corridors it brought back a lot of memories to Oswald as he’d not been in the old Chronos base for over thirty years now. He slimed as this was simply too easy. About five minutes later he made his way into the main control room of the base. In there he could see Alkanphel and Valkus as they where looking at a screen. He could barely make it out but it did not take his advanced eyes long to make sense of the image on the screen. It was the Warrior Guyver and he was still in his low powered damaged form. He saw the number of the store room and left the two Zoalords to their business. Knowing time was short, so as soon as he got away from the two zoalords, he changed into Cyber Green and pulled himself down through the floor. Zoanoids started to challenge him but they where quickly over come or just ran by as he knew he’d no time for them now. Two Zerebubuses where guarding the doorway into the storeroom where the Warrior Guyver hid but they didn’t have a chance against the Cyber Green who shot two plasma balls, one at each of them, hitting both their heads and killing them instantly. Inside the Warrior Guyver could hear the commotion outside and thought the noise was from the Gigantic Dark or another Guyver trying to rescue him and stood up. The door was smashed open and their stood his savior but it was no Guyver he’d ever seen.
Who the hell are you?
And with that the Cyber Greens lower arms began to glow. He then pointed his arms at the Warrior Guyver and fired his arm plasma cannons. The blast of energy hit the Warrior Guyver who had already erected a shield and blasted him back through the storeroom, knocking him back through several walls before stopping. The Cyber Green quickly followed as he morphed his arms into fusion cannons and fired again at full power in an attempt to over power the shield but it was too late. When the blast cleared this time, there before him stood the Warrior Guyver but now in full power mode.
-WARRIOR GUYVER (Smiling beneath his armor)
Hmm, Okay, you wanna dance. . . THEN LET’S ROCK!!!
End of part two.