Warrior Guyver Fan-Fiction |
The Guyver is the work of Yoshiki Takaya, it is thanks to that man that we have great book, movies and Anime to base our fan-fictions on. Warrior Guyver Fan-Fiction is just a fan story based on his works and the two Guyvers movies.
The Warrior Guyver Fan-Fiction is written by Brian O’Sullivan and edited by James Diaz. The Meeting Of the Warriors Fiction was wrote by Brian O’Sullivan and Allen Lucas Tai Yang designed the look of the Warrior Guyver 2. GuyverXT9 was created by Michael Cox. Leigh designed the look of the Zygote Guyver. Guyver Merc was created by Eilert Jr Johnsson-Junes. W’Kar, Fighter Guyver II, Apothecary Guyver Dibblis, Jy-Taki, the Great War Fiction World and other characters that where in the cross-over fiction “Meeting of the Warriors” are the property of Allen Lucas. Assassin Guyver, and the Mark II tech, Apothecary Unit Mark II were created by Allen Lucas and a copy of which is now is use by the Warrior Guyver Fan-Fiction. Atrahasis character was designed by Allen Lucas and Brian O’Sullivan and visually designed by Allen Lucas.
Q1. Where did the idea for the Warrior Guyver come from? A – A Guyver unit is not designed for war fare intentionally. So from there the idea of what if a Unit was designed for war was created and then activated.
Q2. Do the worlds of the Guyver Movies and the Guyver books mix? A – Not really, some of the characters in the two movies share the names of people in the books. This is where I use artistic licence and try my best to work around them, though if you think about it we often run into people sharing or first, or second names or in some case both so I use that excuse if needs be. The main focus though is on the Guyver Books from Takaya.
Q3. I would like to join as a writer for Warrior Guyver Fan-Fiction, is this possible? A – Jason Duncan basically got the last spot, so I’d have to say not it is not possible for the foreseeable future. This though does not stop you writing your own fan-fiction and having it posted in the Guyver Fan Archive which can be based on the Warrior Guyver Fan-Fiction if you want (see next question 4 for more details).
Q4. I would like to do my own fan-fiction based on your fan-fiction, is this ok? A – Each writer here has there own rules. Mine are as follows: 1. You credit Takaya for the Guyver story. 2. You credit us for characters used from our fics. 3. If the character design or plot is changed you explain what has been changed to make it clear to those that read the fan-fiction what is different to the my fic. 4. All of my characters used in your stories should be true to their characters. Basically don’t have Dreadnought wake up one day suddenly decide he will hug Alkanphel and say all is forgiven… 5. I’m sent a copy of the fic to go into the Archive (if I want to that is, if your story sucks way too much I reserve the right to not put it up).
Q5. When is the next update? A – Whenever I get around to writing it and uploading it. Look at the message board I normally let people know when the next planned fiction is about to happen.
Q6. I’ve an idea for a custom character/Unit should I e-mail it to you? A – With the amount of spam I get these days, e-mail is plain and simply not too safe a way to contact me. Around 10 e-mails a day get killed by my spam filter and the only exceptions I add in are for friends and family. Best options is to post about your idea in the fan-fiction section of the message board. Not only would I have a look over it then, but so would other fans and you would get a better overall response.
Q7. Will you draw me a picture? A – This goes down to two things: 1. Am I a fan of your fiction, website etc. If I am not then I will not draw you a picture. Simply put I do not draw pictures on request for others, I offer to do a picture because I want to. 2. Do I have the time? I will not have time to do non-WG.com work for a long time to come, even then I’ve a few friends I owe favours to over the past 3 years and will not be drawing for others outside them for a long time thanks to Work….
Data Files |
The Data Files were written by James Diaz and Brian O’Sullivan and art works were done by James Diaz, Brian O’Sullivan, Allen Lucas and Matthew Bellamy.
Thanks to |Star| for use of some of his images for the Guyver1, Imakarum, Gregore, Vamore and Ramotith Data Files.