Note: This section is for archive of historical updates. Some old web links below will not work.
Historical Updates – 24 January 2011 to Current
01 Mar 2020
The new template has being applied to all the Data Files in the ACTF section.
The focus next will be on the Chronos Data Files section.
19 Jan 2020
The work on the new template and applying it to the website is progressing along nicely.
The Updates section of is back up and running with this update and a lot of work over this weekend.
Focusing on the fan-fiction part of the Warrior Guyver Fan-Fiction site at the moment.
05 Jan 2020
The website will be getting a major change done which will break links.
This will be happening soon and the new url will be (we’re going secure!). This will be the first of the 3 domains I run to get it and will trigger a massive project of having to update all links contained within the website to no longer use http:// . This though is the perfect time to do this as we’re mid updating templates and would have had to update all html pages within that to match up…
Lots of work ahead but when this is all done it will be the start of a great new decade for these websites and what we do.
05 Jan 2020
While working on TheGuyver.Net I discovered it worked much better on mobile phones than the older Template.
This new template now being changes on and I’ll be updating its pages to work better on the new template. This though effectively means all Word Press pages need to be updated again. But the end result is simply worth it.
29 Dec 2019
TheGuyver.Net had some very important steps in getting back to being an active website this week 🙂
Word Press has being enabled on this domain and a new template put in the use.
While the content at the moment is lacking, that will quickly follow once I get the basic structure of the website up and running.
19 Sep 2018
Great War of the Guyvers has being fully restored as to what it was before the change over to WordPress. This also has a fully working Gallery section which is a nice upgrade to the way pictures used to work on the site. Note if you want to save pictures move the mouse to near the top of the picture when the mouse icon changes from a hand to a pointer. Rightclick and then you can save the picture.
Along with that the Links section has also being fully restored and updated.
There’s still a lot of left to do. The ACTF Data files along with the other data files are still on going.
19 Sep 2018
Progress with the site has being a little slow. Mostly it has being me learning how the WordPress system works. Yesterday though I finally got tables to work properly which is a big thing for the design of that site
I can now push ahead with getting back up a lot of the important sections of the website and go from there.
27 Aug 2018
Last weekend was a bit of a learning curve. The import tool sucked giving me 1000’s of pages that were useless. So will have to do this manually and am learning my around the application at the moment.
So far though I really like the application, it’s just a case of getting the most out of it and transferring stuff so nothing is missing. Lots of work ahead, but when this is finished it will be worth it.
31 Jul 2017
Over the weekend the messageboard was updated to the latest version.
This has given more LIKE options for posts. Note there has being an unexpected result from this.
People who use the old “RED” look for their view have being given HUGE like icons. The theme hasn’t being updated yet. The Default standard theme updated automatically and is working fine.
11 Jun 2017
The Calendar has being updated. The Warrior Guyver fan-fiction going forward is now based on the 2005 Anime and the events there in and going forward from there to written Manga. We’ve worked out thanks the animated version of the Guyver when X-Day took place and have updated the timeline from there.
The next big update of the site will see the timeline and events updated in the current re-written fan-fic’s of the Warrior Guyver and some new stories from both Brian (Warrior Guyver fan-fiction) and Andre (Nova Guyver Fan-fiction).
15 Apr 2017
In preparation of the re-launch of TheGuyver.Net I’ve rebuilt Star’s Guyver’s page.
The old site had many broken links along with unlinked images still pointing at the original site and needed a slight revamp. The Non Frame section didn’t work well and if using a mobile device would be a bit of a nightmare to use as there are no back buttons (this site dates from 1999 so was never designed with that in mind). This has being updated so the pages have a back button in keeping with the design of the site.
NOTE: The Guyver Desktop Theme located within this site was designed for Windows 98 as are the instructions.
15 Apr 2017
The 6th version of the Warrior Guyver Fan-Fiction Page. This was the first template used after the re-launch of the site back in 2013. Only 1 file of this template remains which is a data file of Zygote Guyver. This has being re-linked to work with the current site.
Located at:
08 Oct 2016
The Guyver Fan Archive has being updated and given more than just a new interface.
This site is now the hosting website of all the archived sites formally on
Added a new image of Valkyrie to GuyverXenon’s art section:
31 Aug 2016
The Message Boards for Japan-Legend and have now being merged into one message board located at:
This will make future maintenance a lot easier in the future not having to keep up to date for 2 completely different message boards.
02 Jul 2016
The Re-write has started. Chronos Saga being the first target. As this is now a much deeper story and somewhat different to the old story in regards to some characters and events the non-rewritten version of the story / art and data files have being removed. As the re-write continues more and more will be added to the site over time.
The following two Chronos Saga Stories have being added to the site:
The Ark Attacks
Added the following pictures to the website:
From Matthew Bellamy;
Anubis, Fighter Guyver, GIG Guyver 1, Female Guyver 1, Arsenal Guyver, GIG Cerise, Guyver 4, GIG Gold, Assassin Guyver, Assassin Guyver (Stealth Upgrade), Dark Assassin, Black Guyver, Black Guyver 3, Guyver Vamore, Guyver Ramotith and Guyver Gregore.
From Brian O’Sullivan; Phantom Guyver.
16 Mar 2016
Today is the 18th anniversary of the Warrior Guyver Fan-Fiction website!!!!
Fan-Fiction: Uploaded the edited version of Union of the Guyvers Part 1 which has being edited by James Diaz.
Fan-Art: The original Giant Guyver, Eliminator and 3 Warrior Guyver pictures have being moved to the Archive Art section.
New pictures of Giant Guyver and Eliminator added to the Enhanced Guyvers art section.
New Warrior Guyver picture to celebrate the 18th anniversary of Warrior Guyver Fan-Fiction added to the Warrior Guyver art section.
Data Files: Added the data file of Warrior Guyver Thancrus and updated Guyver 0’s Datafiles.
08 Mar 2016
Scanlation of Book 33 – Chapter 1 added to Japan Legend’s messageboard.
Further details on:
07 Feb 2016
Archived artwork of Life Force Guyver, Battle Guyver, Guyver 5 and Guyver Faye Aceaer.
Zoalord Artwork – Added pictures of Albass human form, Albass Zoalord Armoured form and Albass in Zoalord form.
Guyver artwork – Added Guyver 5, Guyver 5 Aceaer and Guyver Faye Aceaer.
Warrior Project – Added new art of Life Force Guyver and Battle Guyver by Matthew Bellamy.
07 Feb 2016
The old GWOTG page has being updated to be a time capsule of Allen Lucas’s work and is known as the “Before Edited” version. This version of the webpage is as close as we can get a complete version of the page.
The front page version of the GWOTG will in the future be getting continued updates by the team.
11 Jan 2016
The website has being updated so that all pages use the new menu system and you can navigate easily through all sections of the website.
Fan-Fiction: Uploaded the rewritten fan-fiction of the Warrior Guyver 2 story.
Fan Art: The following pictures have being moved to the Archive Section: Gilgamesh, Crimson, Warrior Aceaer, GuyverC 2003, Primitive Guyver, Guyver Alpha, and the first 4 pictures of Destrol.
The Zoalord Art section has being updated with: Apprentice Zoalord Destrol, human form Destrol, human form Zeugma, Zoalord from Zeugma, Bio-Armour form Sara, and Elera from Matthew Bellamy.
The Gen Army art section has being updated with the Atrahasis, Warrior Aceaer picture from Matthew.
The Standard Guyver art section has being updated with the new Primitive Guyver picture from Matthew.
The Enhanced Guyver art section has being updated with the new pictures of GuyverC and Gilgamesh from Matthew.
Datafiles: The following Datafiles have being updated Guyver US, GuyverC, Warrior GuyverC, Ultimus, Angel ACTF, Angel GEN, W’Kar, Guyver Faye, Guyver0 ACTF, Guyver 0 GEN, Guyver 1, Guyver 2, Female Guyver 2, Female Guyver 3, Gigantic Upgrade, Guyver 3, Guyver 5, Guyver 6, Guyver 7, Guyver 8, Guyver 9, Guyver 10, Guyver 11, CRF Guyver 2, CRF Guyver 3, Chronos GuyverC, Red Armour, Blue Armour, Guyver Zoanoid, Female Warrior Guyver, Warrior Guyver 3, Psi Guyver, Turbo Guyver, Black Nova ACTF, Black Nova GEN, Black Nova 2, Nova Storm ACTF, Nova Storm GEN, Starfire ACTF, Star Fire GEN, Novablaze ACTF, Novablaze GEN, Shadow Guyver Chronos, Shadow Guyver GEN, The Matrix, Hyper Aceaer. Battle Guyver ACTF, Battle Guyver GEN, Life Force Guyver, Warrior Guyver Vamore, Zeugma, Warrior Kavzar, Kavzar Commander, Guyver Zoalord, Kavzar, Ninja Guyver ACTF, Ninja Guyver GEN, Warrior Guyver 4 ACTF, Warrior Guyver 4 GEN, Aceaer ACTF, Aceaer GEN and Primitive Guyver.
Renamed Valkyrie to Andromeda to prevent confusion with the official character Guyver 2F.
Added Warrior Guyver US, Guyver 14, Guyver Zerebubuth and Atrahasis.
06 Dec 2015
Added 5 new pictures to the Chibi Art Section. Guyver 1, Guyver 2, Guyver 3, Griselda and Libertus.
Reorganised the Zoalord Art section into Chronos Zoalords and Rival Zoalords sections. Added Griselda and Sara Zoalord pics from Matt.
Added pictures of Guyver 1, Guyver 2 and Guyver 3 to the Standard Guyvers art section.
Updated the Gigantic Guyver Data File correcting it for the power levels of the Rewrite.
Updated the Warrior Guyver 2 Data File.
Updated front page of the WG Fan-Fiction site adding Greg McAvoy to the Staff page. Welcome aboard Greg!
29 Nov 2015’s hosting section’s menus and info areas have being updated due to us taking on the management of and TheGuyver.Net.
The Guyver Information Page has being removed from and will be merged with TheGuyver.Net to make it our source of Official Guyver Information. There is a lot of work still pending for TheGuyver.Net but it’s being updated now that the temporary board has being moved from there back to
28 Nov 2015
Added the CRONOS World Government to This side was previously hosted As part of simplifying the work required there this site is now hosted on which for a long time has hosted Guyver based websites.
This site is the official representative of the CRONOS World Government on the Internet. This site is accessible to everyone. This website was created to provide timely reports to the citizens about the activities of the World Government. Website designed by Cannibal.
Located at:
Original Russian version located at
27 Nov 2015 is now managed by the staff. Today the domain joined our server and the files mostly restored. forum is back up and running fully and relinked to the front page of that site. This weekend, and will receive updates to better link all three sites and to manage dead links.
15 Nov 2015
Purchased the domain TheGuyver.Net. This was the the site that eventually became Japan Legend.
The old version of the website is stored at:
15 Nov 2015
Purchased the domain TheGuyver.Net. This was the the site that eventually became Japan Legend.
Japan Legend will be moving under the management of staff. For the moment as we’re waiting for Japan Legend to move hosting the Japan Legend Messageboard is currently running from this site. In the future it will host the Guyver Wiki originally hosted on Japan Legend.
01 Nov 2015
New image of Angel added to the Enhanced Guyvers art section.
New image of Guyver Zoanoid added to the Standard Guyvers art section.
Guyver Zoanoid and old Angel picture moved to the Archive Art section.
The Character Stories section has being repurposed, the Chronicles of the Warrior Guyver and Twilight Guyver stories have being re-added to this section.
The Warrior Guyver Fan-Fiction section has had the Faye, Psi-Guyver and Warrior Guyver 2 stories moved there.
25 Oct 2015
The Artwork section has being updated and the sites new menu system is also present there now there. The following has being added:
Zoanoids -> New redesigned Bio-Titan Picture, a redesigned Syn and Neo-Thancrus added.
Warrior Guyvers -> Warrior Guyver 7 added.
Guyvers -> Guyver Zoalord and Guyver US added.
Archived Art -> Old Bio-Titan picture moved to this section. Added pictures missing from the new version of the Website; The original Grakken picture, Syn, Union of the Guyvers picture, the original Guyver Zoalord picture and the first picture Brian ever coloured which is of Guyver 2.
11 Oct 2015
To celebrate 17 years of the GuyverC and Warrior Guyver Fan-Fictions merging together the front page of the WG-Fic site has being changed to an updated version of the original picture that was the front page of the site back in 1998. The Gliddean has being added to the Zoanoid artwork section.
26 Sep 2015
Updated the Links section, and disabled Links to websites that no longer worked re-pointing them to the main links section. Webrings that no longer work have being disabled as well. Added the new Hosted Website banner. Gallery section has being updated to make to easier to browse without changing the look of the old website.
01 Jun 2015
The original Guyver fan fiction archive site. It hasn’t being updated since 1997 but contains fan-fictions that inspired the likes of the Warrior Guyver fan-fiction. As Tripod might someday go the way of Geocities and this site doesn’t contain the updated stories from Megara and the Bubblegum Crisis Guyver crossover story from Jeremy Phillips we’ve decided to host a lightly updated copy of the site here.
Located at:
27 Jul 2015
Added the 2001 version of the Great War of the Guyvers Fan-Fiction page. This version of the site has data files that have being removed in the current version of the site.
Located at:
08 Jun 2015
The new template has being finally applied to all sections of the data files. Some data files received at least minor updates to reflect the true power level of a Gigantic Guyver.
Heavily updated Gigantic Upgrade
Added – Gigantic Guyver
Added – Warrior Guyver (Pre Matrix)
There are still data files with out dated data (simply put there are a LOT of them). So over time the rest will be updated and corrected.
The next updates to the site will focus on the remaining areas of the site that are still under construction.
01 Jun 2015
The original Guyver 4’s Anime Page is now back on-line and hosted on The site disappeared off the web when deleted all their once freely hosted sites.
Thankfully I (Brian) created an archive of her work ages ago. But this was made out of a lot of saved files using Internet Explorer and nothing linked together or worked….
After a lot of work and Anita’s permission I’ve put the site back together and it’s available for you to read. Anita’s email address is guyver4isis @
01 Jun 2015
The 2009 version of the Warrior Guyver Fan-Fiction page has being moved to:
Note: This version of the site was the last version before the re-write of the fan-fiction started.
01 Jun 2015
The 2002 version of the Warrior Guyver Fan-Fiction page has being uploaded to the site. This is located at:
Note: This was the second version of the site to use frames and was the last version of the page to hold other peoples fan-fic / art that was not related to the Warrior Guyver story.
01 Jun 2015
The 2001 version of the Warrior Guyver Fan-Fiction page has being uploaded to the site. This is located at:
Note: This was my (Brian’s) first attempt at using frames for the webpage.
09 May 2015 has moved to a new hosting site. Sorry for the downtime but the old hosting site didn’t make the move easy and took over a week to release the site.
All pages are back up and running but both tthe Message Board and the old Archive Message Boards are still down at the moment and need me to learn how to make new ones on the GoDaddy server.
23 Dec 2013
I’ve started updating the Warrior Guyver Fan-Fiction site with a new more functional template. This has being applied to the Fan-Fiction section which has being completely updated. The following 3 stories have being added.
Part 2 of Union of the Guyver rewrite.
The Prologue to Warrior Guyver 2
A new story called Inception in the Character stories section by a new writer.
09 Jun 2012
Updated the holding section of the site cleaning up the menu system and fixing links to the Archived Websites.
The Links section has being updated and sites no longer working removed and some new websites added.
Sadly the Guyver 4 Anime page has being removed due to Fortune City changing to a paid model 🙁 i will deeply miss that website. Thank you Anita for getting me hooked on Guyver Fan-Fiction’s all those years ago!
11 Sep 2011
Added Time War Part 5 to the WG Fan-Fiction, Warrior Guyver Fan-Fiction section.
This is the final part of the rewrote story.
Added a new structure and site design to this section of the site but many parts are under construction. This will be fixed over updates coming over the next few weekends.