
By Matthew Bellamy

Apprentice Zoalord Form

Chronos Zoalord Artwork

Alkanphel Human Form
By Brian O’Sullivan

Warrior Alkanphel

By Brian O’Sullivan

Human Guyver Form

Warrior Alkanphel
By Brian O’Sullivan

Zoalord Guyver Form

By Matthew Bellamy
Human From

By Matthew Bellamy
Zoalord From with Chronos Armour

By Matthew Bellamy
Zoalord From

Master Zoalord Kron
By Brian O’Sullivan

Kron Human Form

 Biolord Kron
By Brian O’Sullivan


By Matthew Bellamy

Human Form

Elite Zoalord Friedrich Von Purg’stall
By Brian O’Sullivan

With Chronos Armour

Elite Zoalord Friedrich Von Purg’stall
Coloured by Brian O’Sullivan

Elite Zoalord Zarfel
Drawn by Matthew Bellamy and coloured by Brian O’Sullivan

Human Form

Elite Zoalord Zarfel
Drawn by Matthew Bellamy and coloured by Brian O’Sullivan

Zoalord Form

Disciple Zoalord Alfred Drano
Drawn by Matthew Bellamy and coloured by Brian O’Sullivan

Human Form

Disciple Zoalord Alfred Drano
Drawn by Matthew Bellamy and coloured by Brian O’Sullivan

Zoalord Form

Disciple Zoalord Kalika Karlon
Drawn by Matthew Bellamy and coloured by Allen Lucas

Human Form

Disciple Zoalord Kalika Karlon
By Allen Lucas

Zoalord Form

Disciple Zoalord Noire
By Matthew Bellamy


By Matthew Bellamy

Rival Zoalords

By Matthew Bellamy
 Human Form

By Brian O’Sullivan

By Matthew Bellamy

Zoalord Sara
By Matthew Bellamy
Human Form

Zoalord Sara
By Matthew Bellamy
Zoalord Form

Zoalord Sara
By Matthew Bellamy
Bio-Armour Form

By Leigh

By Matthew Bellamy