Things had been going fine with Sho's training and then Guyver 2, that was until Chronos kidnapped Muzuki and Tetsuro it was totally out of the blue. I knew that this was no desperate attempt, this time I called all of the Guyvers together for a telepathic meeting. It was time to act.

Guyver 2:Dam, how did they know when to come get them.

Guyver 3:I dont know, but at least now we know that Agito is an agent of Chronos.

Guyver 1:How could he be one of these monsters.

Guyver 2:What Agito are we exactly talking about, is it makashimi?

Guyver 1:Yes, how did you know that?

Guyver 2:He is the son of this Chronos bases director.

Guyver 3:This is bad news, now we cant even trust anyone at the school.

Guyver 2:We need to find out where they have taken the Segawa siblings. I know that they will be trying to lure you two into a trap with zoanoids to drain you of energy, but they dont know that I am still alive and with you. They will probaly use the japanese branch or an abandoned warehouse.

Guyver 1:That narrows it down, its either that old warehouse in the industrial area, or as you said the base.

Guyver 3:I just had a bad thought, what if they found the last unit, and activated it.

Guyver 2:That isnt a big problem, three against one. Plus remember how easily you defeated me, and Sho is as good as me in fighting ability now maybe better.

Guyver 3:Thats all fine if the host is Human.

Guyver 1:Good point.

Guyver 2:I hope you have a new armour configuration if they did find it and use it on a zoanoid.

Guyver 3:No, but I might have and old one that will make me an even match. I unluckly deleted it from my data base, so I'll have to remake it.

Guyver 2 and Guyver 1:Atleast we have something.

Guyver 3:We need to go on the offencive, who wants to attack the base?

Guyver 2:We should still check out the warehouse.

Guyver 1:You check out the warehouse, me and Guyver 3 will destroy the base.

Guyver 3:We have to first find the Segawa's.

Lets breaklink and head out, now that we have an agreement.

That done Guyver 1 at his house headed for where Lisker had said the base had been waiting to Bioboost when he arrived, Guyver 3 at a local restaurant went into the restroom and destoying a bathroom stall bioboosted and flew through a window and he hadnt payed his bill yet, Guyver 2 was only a few blocks from the warehouse and reached it in a few minutes.

He then told the others.

Guyver 2:I've reached the warehouse, I cant hear anything yet but i'll check inside to be sure.

Lisker saw a small hole in a board over the decaying biulding. Takeing care he looked in through the hole carful not to block the sun, and thus alerting anyone that they were being watched. It took several seconds before his eyes adjusted to the dimmness. That was when he saw it, nothing else could describe the zoanoid inside. The thing was a redish color and larger than any zoanoid Lisker had ever seen. It was standing over something, or possibly someone. It turned and walked out of view of Liskers small opening. It was then that Lisker sent out a telepthic call to the other Guyvers.

Guyver 2:I found a very big zoanoid here, and Ive never seen anything like it.

Guyver 3:I'll be right there, Ive already Bioboosted. Lisker I want you to stay out of trouble till we are all there.

Guyver 1:It will take me a while to get there, Im in down town. I want you two to go ahead and get Muzuki and Tetsuro out if they are there.

Guyver 2 and Guyver 3:Ok

Guyver 2:I will wait till you show Guyver 3, then we Bioboost and...

With that the wall of the warehouse burst out in a wall of dust and wood fragments, Lisker suddenly felt something grab him and suddenly was flying into the darkness of the warehouse. Lisker reacted and shouted out.


The blast field formed and broke the grip of what was holding Lisker's clothing. Guyver 2 now bioboosted landed on his feet and turned to find his attacker. It was hugh to say nothing else standing even taller than Guyver 2's seven foot frame. It was insectoid with two arms ending in pod like grippers, and with a head of a ant with three horns around its skull.

Guyver 2:What are you?

Zoanoid:Im Zerebubuth, and you must be that new Guyver, because of you and the rest of the Guyvers my creator Director or should I say Ex director Makashimi is now fated for death. He in an act of revenge released me to find you and destroy you.

It was then that the roof of the old and rotting biulding groaned with a terrible sigh. It then there was a groanign again then again. Lisker started to scan through the roof, but suddenly a sickening crack sounded and debrea fell, something was standing in the debrea. Lisker recognized it before the creature could.

Guyver 3:I think plans have changed. Lisker who is this new guy?

Guyver 2:He's the ex directors pet project.

Zerebubuth:Lisker... as in Oswald A. Lisker.

Impossible, your dead.

Guyver 2: No you are.

The thing frozen Guyver 2 formed a pressure cannon taking time to biuld it to full power. The thing was to stupified to realise the danger, and didnt even dodge when Guyver 2 lauched the attack. The ball connected with Zerebubuth's head, it's head disappeared with a wet plop. The thing collapsed to the ground with a dull thud and a bubbling sound started as its body decomposed to a wet mess then nothing.

Guyver 3:Well that was pointless. Did it have Tetsuro or Muzuki?

Guyver 2 shaking his head:No it was a rogue. It was just a stupid attempt just like all the other ones by Makashimi.

Guyver 3:Better call Sho, he is the closest to the base now.

Guyver 2:Sho the warehouse was a dud, it was only a rogue zoanoid. The Segawa's must be at the Headquarters. Where are you now?

Guyver 1:Im near the school, it will take me a minute to turn the cab around.

It was then that they heard the telepathic call.

Voice:We have the Segawa's, it is a surprize that you Lisker have survived you appearent death. That and turned against Chronos. I thank you for dealing with that rogue Zoanoid, but you will not so easily defeat my zoanoids.

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Disclaimer: The Guyver Fan Archive is a collection of Archived Guyver Websites, Fan-Art and Fan-Fiction done by various people based on the Anime "Bio-Boosted Armour Guyver" by Yoshiki Takaya.

The fictions and images contained within this site belong to those that wrote and drew them and should not be used by other individuals unless you have their permission.