Disclaimer :This fanfic is based on characters created by Yoshiki Takaya, the creator of de Guyver Series and on the Warrior Guyver's Universe created by Brian O'Sullivan. Any new characters in this fanfic are made by me and are therefor rightfully mine, so you should ask my permission if you want to use any of them. Also this story has no baring on the Warrior Guyver Universe, it happens in a parrallell Universe. Everyhing up to his Story 3 :Revenge has happend here too.

By : Michael Lurquin

Mail : MichaelL_19@hotmail.com

Prelude :

A group of people are sitting around a fire. They 're laughing and drinking…it's been a long time since they had any fun.

-Old Man :

Happy 20th Birthday, son.

The old man gives a box to the boy. It's wrapped in old newspaper. Nice wrappingpaper is very hard to find since Chronos has taken over Europe. Anything is hard to find these days for that matter, even food.

The boy opens the box. There's a weird looking thing in it….the only way to describe it is that it looks like some sort of mine but in a triangular form with a weird looking wires in it and there 's a strange metal thingy in the centre of it wich was also triangular shaped.

-Boy :

Thanks dad.

Uuuummm…what is it??

-Old man :

I don't know son…I found it in a cave before the Lords took over. I thought it might be valuable, so I hold on to it. I was planning on selling it someday, maybe after the world was free again, but it seems that that day won't come soon. I'm getting old and I'm sick….I want you to keep it, sell it one day and settle down….live a good life.

-Boy :

Thanks dad, I'll keep it in mind.

-Father :

Just one more thing. Don't let Chronos find it….you would'nt want to loose the only thing that has a bit af value, would you?

-Boy (laughing) :

They'll never find it, dad. I've got just the right place for it. I'll go hide it right now,

He looks at his dad and they both smile at eachother.

He gets up and leaves the group behind him, going to that place in the old building that he calls his own. He's thinking how much he loves his dad. Then he thinks of his mother and sister. They were killed when the zoanoids first came to his town. His family was hiding in their basement while they could hear the screams of people being slauthered. He ran to the window to see what was happening, his dad tried to stop him. At that moment he saw a bat like creature opening his shoulderpods and some sort of laser shot out of it. The laser beam hit the building and they got trapped under the rubble. Only he and his dad got out alive. Thats why they joined the rebels. It's a hard life; they aren't much of a match against the zaonoids , but they do what they can. He remembers when they were attacking a foodtransport and…..

All of a sudden his foot gets trapped behind a rock. He falls over, his head hitting the artifact dead centre.

-Boy :

OH GREAT, hope I didn't break it….my dad would kill me.

He starts examening it, turning it in all directions. Nothing seems broken? Then , without a warning, the metal thingy starts glowing brighly white.

-Boy :

What the…??

End prelude :

2 months later.

Sean is walking to the Messhall. It's been 3 days since his friends rescued him from Chronos. He slept for over 36 hours, the control medalbeing torn from his head and than being put toghether again had drained him completly.

When he enters the Messhall, he sees Jason sitting at a table, eating his dinner. He gets some food for himself and goes over to the table.

-Sean :

Man, being caught by Chronos sure makes you hungry….mind if I join you?

-Jason :

Not at all.

Sean sits down and begins to eat.

-Sean :

So….how's your sister doing??

-Jason :

A lot better, thanks for asking. She's still getting used to the Guyver Unit. I was training with her just a couple of minutes ago. She went to her room to get some rest, she was pretty exhausted.

-Sean :

I can relate, I slept over 36 hours and I'm still tired.

That unit of hers, it's some kind of new type, isn't it?

-Jason :

Yeah, she's able to go in some type of Turbo mode or something which dubbles her strength and stamina for a few minutes, but she's completely exhausted after it. We also discovered that she can take on her Zoaform while she's bioboosted.

-Sean :

A real gain for our troops, huh?

-Jason :

I like to think so.

-Sean :

Jason, listen. What you did back there for your sis…..I just want you to know that I would've done the same.

-Jason :

Thanks Sean…that means a lot to me coming from you.

-Speaker :

"All guyvers and the Acrear Marine, please come to General Carters office please"

-Sean :

Well, so much for dinner.

They go to the Generals office where they are joined by Warrior Guyver 2, Acrear Marine and Faye.

-Sean :

Where are Sho, Agito and Aptom?

-General Carter :

They got a message from Mizuki. They were needed in Japan.

They had to leave in a hurry.

-General Carter is looking very serious now.

-General Carter :

People, we just received some new information from one of our spies. He died giving us this information, so you can understand it's very important to keep this on a need to know basis.

Chronos is making a large facilety for creating Bio-Titans in large numbers. I don't think I have to tell you how dangerous this Neo Hyper-Zoanoid is, so if they can make them in large numbers, they would get a good advantage over us.

-Jason :

And you want us to take it out before it's finished.

-General Carter :

Right. And save any civilians that might allready be captured.

-Stephen (Marine) :

Where is this facilety located sir?

-General Carter :

The Chronos reports tell us that it is located at sector 15. Intelligence have figured out that it's in the country that used to be called Belgium. Jason, Sean and Stephen, the Acrear Marine will go. You will be joined by 26 Blue marines and 5 green. We don't think that they are expecting us, so security shouldn't be that high, but watch eachothers backs anyway. A stealth airplane will drop you off at 6 miles from target. You will leave tomorow evening at 0800 hours.

-All :


-Stephen (Warrior 2) :

Sir, why can't I go with them?

-General Carter :

We need you and Faye here to protect the base. We still have to figure out what to do with those two Acrear Units that Zoaguyver or whatever it was, gave us. We have spies in Chronos, so we have to asume that they have spies too or have a way to spy on us. If they find out what we have, they might try something. We can't take any chances on this.

-Stephen :

I understand, sir.

-General Carter :

Everyone, prepare yourselfs for tomorow and rest. Especially you Sean, I hear your still feeling some fatigue.

-Sean :

I'll be allright General

-General Carter :

Ok then. You can leave.

Oh Sean, I almost forgot. Sho left that second second Gigantic pod. He wanted you to have it.

-Sean :

A Gigantic pod?…Cool!!…uuuummm…sorry sir…thanks.

Then they disperse in the HQ. Sean went to bed, trying to get some rest, Jason went to check on his sister while the Acrear went to inform the marines and help them with getting the gear ready.

The next day, everybody was a bit nervous. They checked the gear they had prepared the night before and then they checked it again.

Finally, they could do no more then wait untill it would be time.

Sean and Stephen were waiting at the plane, as were the marines.

-Sean :

I hate waiting like this.

-Stephen (Marine) :

Yeah I know. It'sl like time just isn't going forward.

Jason came up to them.

-Jason :

It is time.

-Sean/Stephen :


They all got in the plane and took off.

-Pilot :

We'll have to fly low so radar can't detect us. This will delay us, but it's safer.

-Jason :

So be it. Make it happen, soldier.

-Pilot :

Yes sir.

The flight took about 5.30 hours before they reached there destination. There were no complications at the drop off.

The marines got in there armors and started it up. They started checking there systems.

-Stephen :

Well, I think it's time for us to get into our armors as well.


The Acrear armor wrapped around him and there stood the Acrear Marine.

-Sean :

Show off!

-Sean/Jason :


-Jason :

Let's move out.

20 minutes later they were at there destination. Hiding in the bushes, they were planning the best way to attack the base without endagering possible innocent people.

-Warrior Guyver :

Okay, Stephen you go from the south with 20 marines, I'll take the front with the remaining marines.

Sean, you try to sneak and find those captives while we distract them.

-Guyver US :

How can we know if any of them aren't zoanoids allready??…I mean, what if we take one with us to HQ.

-Marine 1 :

Don't worry sir, all people are submitted to a dna-scan which determens if they have been altered or not. If they turn out to be a zoanoid, they will be dealt with.

-Guyver US :

Okay then, let's get to it.

Everyone, move into possition.

The Acrear Marine takes his team to the far end of the base and Warrior Guyver moves his to the front, while Guyver US flies high above them, looking for a window to sneak in unnoticed.

-Warrior :

Stephen, is your team ready?

-Acrear :

Ready as we'll ever be.

-Warrior :

Then let's do this.


Warrior Guyver and his marines jump from behind the bushes where they were hidding.WG fires multiple pressure cannons while the marines fire their short disstance missiles.

The Acrear and his team follow their example.

Hundreds of Zoanoids come out of the building. Vamores start firing there lasers, easily blocked by Warrior Guyver's bodyshield. He fires his headlaser at one contious beam and takes out 15. The Acrear starts firing his rail gun and takes out 26 zoanoids. They both extend their Vibrational swords and start cutting them to pieces.

Meanwhile Guyver US is hovering above them, observing and waiting to get inside.He's considering his options: he could blast a whole in the roof but that might attract too much attention. He can't do anything but wait.

-Guyver US :

God I hate this. I should be down there, fighting with them.

As if Warrior Guyver heard him, he grabs the head of a Ramotith and crushes it. He then trows the body right at the base's wall, making a hole on the second floor.

-Guyver US :

Thank you , Jason.

Guyver US flys as fast as possible to the whole so no one would see him. When he enters the base he sees that he's in some sort of testing room.

-Guyver US :

Hmmm….this must be where they test new models or something.

He sees a big iron door and walks to it.

-Guyver US :

God damn it, why the fuck isn't it budging?

He takes he few steps back and fires his head laser at a wider range, melting the door.

He starts walking down the hallway. He sees a door marked "Control room".

-Guyver US :

This is interesting. Maybe I can find some information where the prisoners might be.

He opens the door to find a dark room. The only light there is, is from the machines and a display screen. After a bit of searching he finds a blueprint of the base.

Guyver US :

Bingo. Now where are those prisoners?….ah, typical. They are at sub-level 2. Couldn't have put them farther away?

The left orb on his head suddenly shifted backwards.

-Guyver US :

Someone's coming.

He runs to the door and opens it a bit. He can see two Gregols coming in his direction.

-Guyver US :

They must have been allerted when I accesed the computer.

Guyver US keeps very quiet and waits 'till the 2 zoanoids are close.

He then extends his vibrational swords and jumps right in front of them. Both Gregols were surprised, which made it very easy to kill them. Their dead bodies fell to the floor and started to disintegrate.

Sean made his way very carefully to sub-level 2, killing every zoanoid he encounterd with his Vibro Swords , not making a sound.

He finally reached the area where the prisoners were held captive.

He enters the room seeing a group of about 15 people. They had all a look of fear on there faces.

-Guyver US :

Don't worry. I'm a friend. We're here to get you out.

-Old man :


-Guyver US :

Yeah, my friends are outside keeping the zoanoids busy. But we don't have much time.

Sean had barely finished his sentence when a laserbeam hits him in the back.

-Zerebubuth :

And that was just one of my lasers, Guyver!

-Meanwhile outside.

-Warrior Guyver trough the organisms:

Acrear, how are you holding up?

-Acrear :

We're okay, lost 2 marines though. How are you doing?

-Warrior Guyver :

We lost 1 marine. Where the hell do they keep coming from?

-Acrear :

I was just about to ask you the same question.

How about we even the odds a bit?

-Warrior Guyver :

What did you have in mind?

-Acrear :

You use your mega-smasher, I use my shoulderpods. Just be carefull not to hit the building.

-Warrior Guyver :

Okay, you take left, I'll take right.

Acrear :


-Warrior Guyver :

Full duration blast!!

Warrior Guyver opens one mega-smasher and the Acrear open both of his shoulder-pods. A bright white light lightens up the forest and dissapears just as fast as it appeart. Everything in it's pad is destroyed, including 75% of the remaining zoanoids.

-Acrear :

Now that's more like it. Marines, take them out!

-Back inside.

Zerebubuth grabs Guyver US by the heas and trows him into a wall.

-Guyver US :

Ouch. That hurt , asshole.

-Zerebubuth :

Prepare to die, Guyver.

-Guyver US :

I don't think so.


The gigantic pod appears and wrapps around Guyver US. Two seconds later Gigantic Guyver US steps out.

-Zerebubuth :

Oh shit!!

Before he could even react, Gigantic Guyver US jumps forward with his Vibrational Swords extended. He lashes out and the Hyper Zoanoid falls in two pieces on the ground.

-Gigantic Guyver US :

Now who's laughing, asshole?

-Old Man :

That is impressive. I want to ask you something.

-Gigantic Guyver US :

Sorry sir, but not now. We have to go and get you to safety.

Sean send the Gigantic armor away and they started to make their way outside. Warrior Guyver and the Acrear Marine were waiting for them. The last zoanoids were still disintegrating when they came out.

-Warrior Guyver :

Had much trouble?

-Guyver US :

Nothing I couldn't handle.

-Warrior Guyver :

Then lets go home.

They made their way back to the drop off zone and contacted HQ.

-Acrear Marine :

The mission was a succes sir. On the down side , we lost 3 marines. But we saved 15 cevilians.

-General Carter :

Good work, son. The plane is on it's way and should be there within the half hour. Over and out.

The Guyvers and the Acrear deactiveted their armors and went to the cevilians. The marines stay in their armors, just in case.

-Sean :

Is everyone ok?

-Old man :

yeah, we're ok. We want to thank you for saving us back there.

-Jason :

Don't mention it. I know what it's like, being captured by Chronos.

-Sean :

You wanted to ask me something when we were inside the base?

-Old man :

yeah, are you guys friends of my son?

-Sean :

And don't think so sir, what's his name?

-Old man :

it's David Conrell. And my name is Jacque Conrell by the way.

He holds his hand out and shakes hands with Jason, Sean and Stephen.

-Sean :

That name doesn't ring a bell. Why do you ask?

-Old man :

Well, I thought he might know you guys cause he can change in that thing like you people.

-Sean/Jason/Stephen :


At that moment the plane arrived the marines started to board it.

Then the rest of them enter the plane.

-Jason :

Tell us everything you know.

On the way over to HQ, Jacque tells them everything he knows about his son and what has happend to him. 4 hours later they land in the Free US at their HQ.

-Jason :

Jacque, if you want, will come to the generals office and tell the story again after they put you trough de dna test?

-Jacque :

Sure, no problem.

-Jason :

Doctor Drake, this man has to go first trough the test. He has crucial information and had to see the General asap.

-Doctor Drake :

no problem, you can pick him up in about 40 minutes.

-Jason :

Sure. Marines, take the gear out of the plane and….well….you know what to do.

Two marines escort Doctor Drake and Jacque Conrell to the lab while four marines escort the rest of the cevilians to a secure room.

Forthy minutes later Jason goes to Doctor Drakes lab.

-Jason :

What's the result, Doc?

-Doctor Drake :

He's clean. You can take him to the General.

-Jason :

Comon, Jacque. I told the General about your son and he's eager to hear your story.

-Jacque :

Let's go then. Wouldn't want to keep the General waiting.

Jason and Jacque head for the Generals office. When they arrive, Stephen (warrior 2) is also there.

-General Carter :

Good day sir. Hope the trip wasn't to rough?.

-Jacque :

It was fine, thank you General.

-General Carter :

Jason told me your son is a Guyver or an Acrear. What do you mean by that?

-Jacque :

Well, I don't know what a Guyver or an Acrear is, but there are differences with what I 've seen so far.

-Stephen (Warrior 2) :

What kind of differences?

-Jacque :

Uumm, it's hard to explain. You wouldn't happen to have a picture or anything of a "Guyver"?

General Carter loads a picture up on his computer from Warrior Guyver.

-General Carter :

Will this do?

-Jacque :

it's fine.

Now let me see, My son doesn't have those shoulderpads. They are more like Sean's. And the colour is different, his is some sort of dark yellow-light brown with Grey areas. Uuuummm, ah, he doesn't have those swords facing forward and those metal orbs on Jason's head, he doens't have them either.

-Jason :

What do you mean he doens't have them? Every Guyver has them, even the Acrear unit does.

-Jacque :

I don't know why, but he doens't have them. There are two grey things instead of it. I'm sorry, I don't know how else to explain it.

-General Carter :

That's okay.

The General looks at Jason.

-General Carter :

Jason, do you think this could be a new Guyver type?

-Jason :

Could be. We have discovered other new types so I don't see why not.

-Jacque :

I just noticed something else, but I don't know if it's different with other Guyvers then Jason.

-General Carter :

What is it?

-Jacque :

Well, that metal thing in the middle of his head, My sons isn't in a pyramide form, it's triangular.

-Stephen :

Well I think we can say that this is some new type of unit.

-General Carter :

Stephen, have you heard of a Guyver Unit with a triangular controle medal?

-Stephen :

Never heard of it sir. But I never heard of the Acrear Unit before I came here either for that mather.

-General Carter :

Point taken. We should go to Europe and find this new Unit. We have to get to him before Chronos does. Jacque, is there any chance your son would work with Chronos?

-Jacque :

No, Hell would freeze over before he'd do that. You see, Chronos killed my wife and my daugther, that's why we joined the rebels.

It's been 2 months now since he became this "Guyver".

-General Carter :

How did he obtain this Unit?

-Jacque :

I gave it to him for his 20th birthday. I found it in a cave before Chronos took over. I held on to it cause I thought it made be of value, so I could sell it after we were free again.

-Jason :

And let me guess, he fell on it or something and changed.

-Jacque :

That's how he told me.

-Jason :

I thought so. That's how most people turn in Guyvers when they don't know what it is. Tell me Jacque, does he know how to control the Guyver?

-Jacque :

I don't know. I've seen him practecing with his swords, nothing more. Are there anymore weapons then?

-Stephen :

oh yeah, there is the pressure cannon, a gravity weapon, there is the sonic disrupter which can blow a man's head clean off and then there is the headbeam, which is a laser located above the control medal. And then there is the most powerfull weapon of a Guyver, the Mega Smasher which is located underneath the chestplates.

If he hasn't found these weapons yet, how did he survive this long then?

-Jacque :

Simple, Chronos doesn't know of his existence. He hasn't fought yet.

-General Carter :

They don't know yet? That is a big advantage we have. We have to get to him asap. But who will we sent?

-Jason :

May I recommend Sean sir? I would like to stay here and help my sister, I know it's a bit selfish but she needs my help right now. And as you said, we can't take any risks if Cronos should attack. And Sean has Gigantic Armor now.

-General Carter :

Granted. We'll send Sean and mister Cornell here. If you want of course. To show him the way.

-Jacque :

Of course I'dd like to go back, it is my son. Is it also possible that the rest of my group joins us. We would all like to go home.

-General Carter :

Of course, when they all are find negative, they are free to go.

The General presses a button and speaks into the microphone.

-General Carter :

Sean, could you come to my office, please.

When Sean enters the room, the General filled him in about the situation with the new Guyver-type and his mission. Sean and Jacque would leave the next day at dawn.

The arrive not far from the rebels camp. After 10 minutes walking they entered the camp.

-Gaurd :

Good to see you again Jacque. We thought we lost you guys.

-Jacque :

You don't get rid of us that easily.

-Gaurd :

I sure hope not.

Who's that?

-Jacque :

That's Sean, he's a friend. He helped us escape.

Where is David?

-Gaurd :

Then he's okay in my book.

He's in you building. He took it pretty hard when you were captured.

On the way to the building, Sean looked around and saw nothing but miserie.

-Sean :

How can you live like this?

-Jacque :

We don't have a choice. We could live a better life, but that would be under Chronos' control, which we clearly don't want. We want to be free.

-Sean :

But how did you survive this long? I mean, you don't have any weapons except for spears, bows and arrows?

-Jacque :

In my opinion, with a lot of luck.

We're here. This is were I live with my son.

It was a building ready to colapse at any time. There was no glas in the windows or doors for that matter. Just a big concrete dump.

Sean thought of an anime he saw once, a long time ago. It was called Fist of the North Star, the buildings looked exactly the same. He always laught when he saw them, thinking that it never could be like that in real life. He wasn't laughing anymore.

-Jacque :


-David :


David came out of his room, running to his dad and gave him a big hug.

-David :

Dad, I thought you would be dead by now or turned into a zoanoid by now.

-Jacque :

I probably would be if not for this guy over here. May I introduce to you, Sean from the American free army. He and his friends freed us from the Lords.

-David :

Then there are still free countries in the world?

-Jacque :

You see Sean, we don't know anything out of this sector. We don't have any means of communication with the outside world.

-Sean :

I understand, must be hard.

He turns to David

-Sean :

But Yeah, part of America is still free and kicking ass. Japan is still free too thanks to the Guyvers 1 and 3.

-David :

Wow wow, you lost me there. What the hell are Guyvers?

-Sean :

I'm a Guyver, those friends of mine are Guyvers too……an you are a Guyver!

-David :

huh? I'm a Guyver? You mean that thing I can change into?

-Sean :

Yep, to keep a long story short, there was this ancient alien race that came to Earth before there was any life. They were here to create the ultimate Biological weapon and they succeeded.

-Jacque :

The Guyver.

-Sean :

No, it wasn't the Guyver, that came later. It was mankind.

This shocked both David and his Dad so much that they didn't breath for a minute.

-David :

You mean we are an alien creation?

-Sean :

Yeah, just think about it, the history of man is one of war. That's the way we have been created and that's the way it will always be.

Now to go on with my story, humans could be transformd into tho second stage, which are zoanoids. Now the creators , that's how we call them, had some kind of spacesuit or something like that, we're not sure about that one, anyway, one day they got curious what would happen if they used it on a human. The result was disasterous. They had no mental control over him anymore and his power was beyond belief. They called this "Guyver", which means "Out of Controle".

-David :

What happend to him?

-Sean :

They destroyed him, well, Alkanphel did acctually.

-Jacque :

That bastard is around that long?

-Sean :

Yes, he was created to rule over all life and that is what he's doing right now.

-David :

What happend to the Creators?

-Sean :

We don't know, they left Earth but we don't know why.

I'll tell you the rest later, about the other Guyvers and stuff like that. Now let me see your Guyver, your dad tells me that it's different from mine or any other Guyver we know off so far.

-David :

okay, but lets go outside to the area where I mostly practice. I don't want to destroy anything here.

-Sean :


They went outside and behind David's home. There was a large open place with a huge stone in the middle of it. You could see gaps in the rock where David had been practising with his Vibro Swords.

David took a few steps forward and turned around.

-David :


A blastfielf surrounded him and there stood a Guyver before Sean and Jacque. Sean abserved him closely. He looked like Jacque had discribed him. No sensors on his head, light brown of colour with dark grey areas. The controle medal was triangular shaped.

-Sean :

you really are a new type of Guyver.

-David :

Excuse me?

-Sean :

You're controle medal….that metal thing on the middle of your forehead….it's triangular.

-David :

Well yeah, aren't they all?

-Sean :

No, wait let me show you.


See, mine is round.

-David :

There are no other Guyvers with a control medal like mine?

-Guyver US :


-Guyver US :

So what's so special about mine then?

-Sean :

I don't know……yet. You should come to the States with me, we have a doctor there that is specialized in bio-engeneering, he could find out more.

-David :

I wouldn't want to leave my dad behind. I don't want to lose him again.

-Guyver US :

Then he'll come with us.

-David :

And what about the camp? What if Chronos attacks it?

-Jacque :

I wouldn't worry about that. They don't know where the camp is, it's surrounded by a large forest so they can't see us. There have never been any attacks before, have there?

-David :

okay, I'll go. How are we gonna get there?

-Guyver US :

There is a plane which will pick us up.

Then Sean sees large scorche marks going into the forest. There are 5 of them. 4 small ones and a bigger one.

-Guyver US :

What are those? Looks like the work of the mega-smasher but only that big one is large enough for it.

-David :

Oh that's a new weapon I found. It's some kind of intense laser or something. Those small ones are created when I use one, the large one is when I use all four of them.

-Guyver US :

Four?! That sounds like the mega-smasher but I've never heard of four mega-smashers except for the Grakken.

-David :

I have no idea what you are talking about. Wait I'll show you.

David turns around facing the forest. Then all of a sudden he opens one of the grey pads on his head. Sean looks at it with surprisment.

-Guyver US :

He's got some sort of mini-smasher under those pads on his head. Amazing.

At the same moment David fires his mini-smasher. The forest before him is completly destroyed.

-Guyver US :

Wow, that is impressive. You say you have four of these?

-David :

Yeah, two on my head and two under these pads here on my hips.

-Guyver US :

Looking at the large distruction path there, I'dd estimate that when you use all four of them, you have the same power as a full powered mega-smasher. That combined with your mega-smasher, that's one hell of a weapon you got there.

-David :

What other Mega-smasher?

-Guyver US :

it's hidden under your chestplates.

A branch cracks under a footstep. A shadow can be seen in behind the trees.

-Shadow :

Damn, that was stupid.

The shadow comes from behind the tree where he was hidding. Jacque and David get a good scare when they see a beetle like creature coming in the light.

-Neo-Zektoll :

I'll have to kill you three now.

-David :

We'll see about that.

David takes a battle stand.

-Neo-Zektoll :

Boy, you're stupid. You're an unexperienced fighter and you don't even control the Guyver to it's fullest yet. And you think you can take on a Neo-hyper zoanoid?

-David :

We'll see.

-Jacque :


-David :


His opponent confused by his father, Neo-Zektoll retracts the horn on his head and fires. David surprised by this attack, try's to dodge but the laser hits the back of his head, blowing part of his brain away.

The zoanoid runs forward and punches David with such force that he flys to the other side of the camp, before he even hits the ground.

-Guyver US :


Let's see how you handle me.

-Jacque :

My son…

-Gigantic Guyver US :

Don't worry. The Guyver will repare his head, he'll be okay.

Sean runs forward and grabs Neo-Zektoll by the face. He trows him into the rock where David was practicing.

-Gigantic Guyver US :

Not so confident anymore, are you?

An incredible pain rises in Gigantic Guyver US' chest. Sean looks down to see a Vibrational sword sticking out of his chest.

-Gigantic Guyver US :


The Gigantic Guyver falls down on the ground right in front of

Neo-Zektoll. Sean turns on his back in pain to see a Neo-Thancrus standing above him.

-Neo-Zektoll :

You honesltly didn't think that I would come alone, knowing that you would be here.

Both zoanoids start poinding and kicking him. All of a sudden a laserbeam hits the Neo-Thancrus cutting his right arm clean off.

They look up to see David flying above them, his control medal glowing.

-Neo-Thancrus :

You shit, you cut of my arm. You're lucky you took me by surpise.

The Neo-Hyper Zoanoids take a few steps back, making themselfs ready for an attack.

David lands between The Gigantic and the Zoanoids. That's when gets a look at the back of David's head.

-Gigantic Guyver US :

OH SHIT. His brain isn't fully restored yet. He's in selfdefense mode. JACQUE, GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!

Without a warning David turned around and grabed Gigantic Guyver US with both hands.

-Gigantic Guyver US :

I'm to weak to defend myself. I'm dead.

David's control medal starts glowing very brightly. Sean felt a weird sensation, like if his powers were being tapped. The control medal stopped glowing and David let go of Sean. David turned to face the Neo-Hyper Zoanoids.

-Gigantic Guyver US :

Why didn't he finish me. Don't worry about that, stupid, get yourself to safety!

David extended his Vibrational sword and rushed at the Neo-Thancrus. He punshed the zoanoid in the stomach, making the him bend over from the pain. David then brings his arm up, cutting Neo-Thancrus in half.

-Neo-Zektoll :

How the hell did you do that? You're stronger and faster then you were a few minutes ago. It doesn't matter, it won't be so easy with me. Face me, you coward, see you're death coming!

Neo-Zektoll opened all of his pods revealing all his Bio-lasers. David jumped back so his back was turned to the camp and opend both mini-smashers on his head. The Neo zoanoid turned to face him.

-Neo-Zektoll :

What the fuck is that?

David's mini-smasher fired almost instantly when they opend. Neo-Zektoll was surrounded by the bio-laser, vaporizing him.

-Gigantic Guyver US :

That was a lot more powerfull then when he showed me the first time. What the hell happend here?

David was waking up, seeing a new path of distruction in front of him. Sean got up, almost fully heald, and walked to him.

-Gigantic Guyver US :

David, are you ok?

David looked back to see a huge monster behind him.

-David :


-Gigantic Guyver US :

Easy David, it's me Sean, see?

Guyver US deactivates the Gigantic armor.

-David :

What the hell was that? That was you?

-Guyver US :

yeah that was me, I'll explain later.

-David :

What happend here? Did you kill those zoanoids?

-Guyver US :

No, you did.

-David :

I did? But how? The last thing I remember is being hit by the laser.

-Guyver US :

When you're killed, the Guyver takes over, he goes into a defense mode, that's why you don't remeber it. Look I'll explain everything on the way to HQ.

-David :

I can't go now!! Chronos knows where the camp is. I gotta stay here and help my friends if they attack us.

At that moment, Jacque came out from his hidding place. He walked over to the place where both Guyvers were standing.

-Jacque :

David! I'm so glad you're still alive. I was so afraid I lost you.

Sean and David deactivate their Guyvers.

-Jacque :

David, you have to go with Sean.

-David :

No way, I'm not leaving you or anyone behind. It's too dangerous, they know where we are.

-Jacque :

We have another camp. Not many people know of it, our friends will be safe there. And as for me, Sean allready said that I could come along.

-Sean :

That's right, David. You really should come with us, there have happend things here that we need to understand. This is also in your best interest, if you know more about your Guyver, you'll be able to defend you're friends without having to worry if you could hurt them or not.

David thinks over what his dad and Sean told him. A few minutes later he answers.

-David :

ok, I'll go.

Sean contacts the plane to pick them up. Evacuation is allready in progress. The whole camp is packing little they have , preparing to go the the second camp site. 20 minutes later, the plane arrives at the area where they were dropped off. David looks back, seeing his people moving away from the camp.

-David :

I'm still worried about there safety.

-Jacque :

They'll be ok. Now lets go.

On the way over, Sean tells David everything that happend. Him transforming into a Gigantic Guyver, the strange feeling he got when David grabbed him and how he defeated the zoanoids. He also tells him everything he knows about the other Guyvers, their origin and powers.

-Sean :

You know, you should have a name when you're bio-boosted.

-David :

What do you mean?

-Sean :

Well, I'm Guyver US, cause I was the first Guyver in the United States. Jason is Warrior Guyver for obvious reason, you know…… a name.

-David :

I never thought of it. I don't know, what do you think?

-Sean :

I suck at this, Sho gave me my name. I don't know, what about Guyver E, E standing for Europe or something.

-David :

To be honnest, I don't like it much (laughing). But it'll do for now.

They make some other jokes, inventing other dum names, laughing the whole flight.

Meanwhile at Chronos Europe. A Chronos soldier walks to a door, which is gaurded by two soldiers.

-Gaurd 1 :

State your business.

-Soldier :

I'm here to see Lord Volor. I have important information for him.

The second gaurd puts his hand on a palmscanner ,while the first gaurd puts his eye against a retinalscanner.

-Gaurd 1 :

You may enter.

The soldier enters the room. A figure is standing in front of 5 monitors, all showing different places accross Europe. The soldier kneels behind him.

-Soldier :

My Lord, I have some information that acquires your attention.

-Volor :


-Soldier :

You sent me along with 2 Neo-hyper Zoanoids to spy on rebelcamp, sir. We were observing the new Guyver like you ordered sir. He was approached by Guyver US. Both Neo's were found out and killed in action sir.

-Volor :

You left your post for that? We can replace those zoanoids. You are wasting my time.

-Soldier :

I have the whole fight on tape. You should see this, sir.

The soldier hands over the tape to Lord Volor, who puts it in a VCR. On the screen both Gigantic Guyver US and David appear. David grabs hold of the Guyver Gigantic and kills both zoanoids.

-Volor :

You did well to give me this information. A promotion might be in order.

-Soldier :

There is someting else, my lord. The rebels have moved to an unknown area, and the new Guyver has gone to Free America with Guyver US.

-Volor :

That doesn't matter. We still have our spy on the inside of the rebelcamp. That will be all. Now leave me.

-Soldier :

Yes, sir.

The soldier leaves the room, smiling, happy about his upcoming promotion.

Volor walks to his chair and starts a telepathic communication.

-Volor :

Lord Alkanphel, there are some developments you should know of.

Meanwhile, the jet has landed at the HQ. Sean, David and Jacque step out of the plane. They are welcomed by General Carter, Jason, Stephen and Doctor Drake.

-General Carter :

Welcome to America, David. Good to see you again Jacque.

-Sean :

What? No hi Sean, good to see you're ok?

-Jason :

Hi Sean, good to see you're ok. Nice to meet you David.

-David :

You must be the Warrior Guyver,right. Sean told me everything on the way over.

David turns to Stephen.

-David :

And you must be Stephen. Are you the Marine or the Guyver?

-Stephen (laughing) :

I would be the marine. I know, it's kinda confusing.

-Doctor Drake :

And I'm doctor Drake. I'll be the one who'll examine and test your Unit.

-General Carter :

Sean, I would like a report of everything that happend. I'll send a copy to you, doctor.

-Sean :

I'll have it on you desk asap.

-General Carter :

Now go and rest, you must be tired. Jason, show our guests their rooms, please.

-Jason :

Will do sir. If you will follow me.

When David gets to his room, he goes to bed. Tomorow will be a long day of tests.

The next week and a half, David goes to a variety of tests and more tests. When he's not being examend, David learns basic hand-to-hand fighting and the use of all his Guyver weapons.

David is in the testing room, practicing with his gravitional orb. He's making more difficult manouvers in the air, when doctor Drake walkes in.

-Doctor Drake :

I see you have pretty much masterd the flying. Could you come down, please?

-David :


David flys down, landing in front of the doctor.

-Doctor Drake :

I have the final results of our testing. I allready called for the General, Jason and your father, I think they would like to hear this too.

A few minutes later, General Carter, Jacque ,Sean and Jason walked through the giant steel door.

-General Carter :

Let's hear it, Doc.

-Doctor Drake :

Not wasting any time huh? Ok, as far as we can tell, David has the same weapons as a standard Guyver, with exception of those mini-smashers on his head and hips. The absence of the sensors on his head doesn't seem to be a disadvantage. He's still able to detect any movement, through any object, like any known Guyver, but seems to be more accurate, he can even describe the form of the subject. Other then that his sonic disrupters are placed above his eyes instead of around the mouth area, there is nothing else ordinary about the visual aspects.

-General Carter :

So how is he able to do that? Sensing things without the detectors?

-Doctor Drake :

We think that his intire Bio-armor works as a receiver, which would excplain why he's more accurate to where a subject is.

Now the more intersting parts. From what Sean told me, David's control medal seems to know the difference between friend and enemy, catscans show that there isa link between the area of the brain which contains memorys and the control medal. We think the control medal can access this area when it goes into selfdefense mode. That is why he didn't attack you, Sean.

-Sean :

That's one hell of an advantage, knowing that the power level of a Guyver is higher when he is in selfdefense mode. So if they kill you, the Guyer still is able to defeat his opponent but wont hurt any friends.

But tell me doc, what was that feeling I got when he grabbed me.

-Doctor Drake :

We're not sure, but I have a theory. From what I read in your report, Sean, David was at the same powerlevel as a standard Guyver. Now, after a couple of tests, we find that his powerlevel is the same as a Guyver Gigantic. To make it short we suspect that this Guyver can tap into a stronger Guyvers powers and upgrade himself.

-David :

You mean that when I encounter a more powerfull opponent I can match his strength?

-Doctor Drake :

Yes, but we don't know if it works on zoanoids too.

I would like to do one more test. I want David to tapp into Jason's powers and upgrade himself to a Warrior Class, only with your approval, Jason, of course. We could learn more about this feature that way.

-Jason :

I don't see why not. It's always handy to have a powerfull alli.

Jason takes a few steps forward and summons the Warrior Guyver.

-David :

But I don't know how to do it. I was uncunsious when it happend.

-Doctor Drake :

Just conentrate on getting the same powerlevel as Jasons.

-David :

I'll try.

David grabs Jason by the shoulders. Under his armor he closes his eyes and starts to concentrate.

-David :

Nothing is happening. I can't do this.

-Sean :

Don't give up now. Just focus on tapping into his power.

All of a sudden David's control medal starts to glow.

-Jason :

It's working. I can feel my powers being tapped into.

A few moments later, the control medal stops and David lets go of Jason.

-Jason :

Look at his hands!

Two small, red orbs can be seen in David's handpalms. The orbs start to disappear between the organic wires.

-Doctor Drake :

Those orbs must channel the power to the control medal which distributes it trhough the armor. Truly magnificent.

-David :

Uuumm, guys. Something's wrong!

David's contol medal starts glowing very brightly.

-Sean :

This didn't happen before! EVERYBODY, GET BACK!!

A blast field surrounds David, destroying the floor and the wall he was standing next to.

When the blast fiels disappeart, everyone was looking surprised at David.

-David :


-Sean :


-David :


-General Carter :

David, look at yourself.

David looked down and saw to his surprisment that his shoulder's looked exactly the same as those of the Warrior Guyver, only they were grey. On his hands were 2 smaller Vibrational swords, one on each hand.

-General Carter :

Doctor, what the hell happend here?

-Doctor Drake :

I don't know. The powertransfer much have been so big that the control medal decided to make some changes to contain the power level. Amazing. This has got to be one of the most powerfull Units ever made. Think about it, you encounter a more powerfull enemy….you grab him, match his powers and beat the shit out of him, pardon my language. This and The Warrior Guyver are THE most powerfull beings on this Earth, I'm certain of it.

-Sean :

I wouldn't count Zoalords out, doc. Or Alkenphel for that mather.

-Doctor Drake :

Whatever. I'm sorry,David, but we're gonna have to run some more tests.

-David :

oh comon, at least give me some time to rest here. I'm tired.

-General Carter :

You're right son. Doc, you'll have to wait with those test 'till tomorow. Jason, I would like you to train further with him.

-Jason :

It'll be my pleasure.

A few days pass, David learned everything there is to know about his powers. The tests showed that David's and Jason's powerlevel are identical. The mini-smashers have the power of half a single Megasmasher of the Warrior Guyver, so if he uses all four of his mini-smashers and his mega-smasher at the same time, it has the same effect as 4 of Warrior Guyver's Megasmashers.

-Doctor Drake :

David, if I were you, I wouldn't use all your mini-smashers and the Megasmasher to much. The power of distruction that is released then, is unbelievable. Let's just say it would be a little too much overkill, ok?

-David :

Sure, whatever you say. You're the doc.

-Speaker :

David, come to my office, please.

-David :

Gotta go,doc. I'll see you later.

David walks to the General's office, but stops at the Messhall first to grab something to eat. By the time he gets to the door of the office, he finished his snack . He knock on the door and a voice tells him to enter. Inside he sees his father and Sean sitting a chair in front of General Carters desk.

-David :

How can I help you?

-General Carter :

I just had a talk with you father. He thinks he can find that cave again where he found your Unit.

-Jacque :

General Carters thinks there might be other Units like yours there. If there are, we can't let them fall in the hands of Chronos.

-David :

Couldn't agree more, but isn't it dangerous for you to come dad? Can't you just draw a map or someting?

-Jacque :

I wish I could, son, but the terrain has changed so much since then that I'm gonna have to see it.

-David :


-Jacque :

No but, I'm coming along, wether you like it or not. This is much to important.

-David :

ok ok, when do we leave?

-General Carter :

The day after tomorow. Sean and 8 blue type marines will join you.

Two days later, they arrive in Europe. The marines get into their armors.

-Jacque :

We'll first go to the camp to get some food and water for the journy. I don't know how long it might take before I find the cave again.

-At Chronos Europe.

-Soldier :

They have arrived, My Lord.

-Volor :

As I thought. Don't attack them, just observe and report back when anything happens.

-Soldier :

Yes, sir!

When they arrive at the camp, everything is destroyed. Buildings are on fire, people are lying dead everywhere.

-Jacque :

NO!! What happend here?

-Sean :

Marines, secure the camp!

-Marines :

Yes sir!

-Sean :

They must have discovered this camp too.

-David :

I shouldn't have left.

-Sean :

This isn't your fault! We couldn't have known this would happen.

-Jacque :

But how? No one knew about this camp. Only a select group of people knew about it.

-Sean :

I'm sorry to say this, but I think you might have had a spy in the camp.

-Jacque :

NO! None of us would turn to the other side. NONE!

-Sean :

How else would you explain this? And think back to when the Neo Zoanoids attacked us. That Neo-Zektoll said he wouldn't have come alone since he KNEW I was there. How could he have known?

-Jacque :

I can't believe it. A colaberator? But who? I can't think of anyone.

-Marine :

We searched the entire camp sir. There are no survivors.

-Sean :

We should go, they might be back. Marine, gather some food and water for the way, it's gonna be a long trip.

-Marine :

Yes sir.

The search for the cave took several days. Jacque didn't see much that looked familiar to him, they had to retrace there steps more then once. On the 4th day, they finally got lucky.

-Jacque :

There!! Those rocks! That's where the entrence to the cave is. I recongnize it!

The group climbed to the entrence. The opening wasn't big, but the marines could go trough it without much trouble. Sean, Jacque and David used there flashlights while the marines activeted the lights on their armors.

-David :

Geez, dad, how did you find anything in here?

-Jacque :

To be honnest, a ran into it, head first if you know what I mean. I had fallen down and was crawling on my knees when I knocked my head against a stone, the Unit was on top of it.

-Sean :

It probably wasn't a stone you hit, but a pedestal. In fact I think that you weren't even in a cave.

They shine there flashlights over the walls of the cave.

-David :

So what was it then?

-Sean :

Probably an alien ship, we call them relics. That's where we found all Guyver Units this far. Well almost all of them.

-David :

An alien Ship?? Cool!.

-Jacque :

Hey, this wall wasn't there!

Everyone aimed there lights to the wall.

-Sean :

That isn't a wall. Just watch.

Sean walked to the wall and touched it. A Vibration went trough it before opening up. A new passage was revealed.

-Jacque :

How…..how did you do that?

-Sean :

It felt that I am a Guyver.

Marines, put up some lights in here, so at least we can see what we are getting ourselfs into here.

David, you and I are going inside, Jacque you stay here with the marines.

I'll take a radio receiver along should anything happen.

A few minutes later, Sean and David entered a room with a pedestal in the centre of it.

-Sean :

This is where your dad found your Unit-G. I don't see any other Units. Do you see anything David?……..David?

David had wondered off into the next room. A big round control medal could be seen with a platform in front of it.

-David :

Sean, I'm over here!

Sean walked in the room, seeing the control medal brought back memories of him standing on the platform, the ship telling him everything about the history of the Guyvers and humankind. Then he thought of Cori. She died during the first attack of a Grakken. He could almost cry.

-Sean :

Bio-boost en step on the platform. The ship will take care of the rest.

-David :

But won't the ship be damaged when I call the Guyver?

-Sean :

Don't worry about that, just do it. I'm getting a bad feeling.

David steps up on the transport when…

-Marine :

Sir, We are under attack, I repeat, we are under attack!

-David :


-Sean :

Don't worry about him, I'll go. You stay here and do what you gotta do.

Sean runs out of the room towards the relics exit. David can here him yell Guyver and the battle outside.

-David :

Let's get this over with.


Hey the ship is undamaged. How the hell is that possible?

David looks at the control medal in front of him. All of a sudden he starts floating in the air and his control medal starts sliding forward, sticking out of his head. A small laserbeam is emitted from the control medal in the wall to his , hitting it dead centre.

-Voice :

Hello my son. I was hoping this day would come, so I entered this program in the controle medal, which will only activate when you stand on the platform.

My name is Malos and I'm the creator of your Unit-G. I will tell you how you were created and how to use your Unit to it's fullest if you haven't found that out for yourself yet. It all started when a group of scientists were ordered to make a Guyver Unit that would increase the powers of a human, not knowing that a normal Unit would do this all the same. The group got split up in different separate teams, all working on different projects.

Every group got his sign. The team working on the warrior class type was called Group Alpha, the one working on the Nova Unit Gamma etc. I won't elaborate any further on this, since our time is limited. My team was called Group Omega and we were determined to make the best and strongest Unit. Where group Alpha merged several units to one, we started from scratch. We made an all new unit from the molecules a Unit-G is created from, this allowed us to manipulate the Unit to our vision, there were no boundaries. That is why your Unit lools different when it is dormant. We wer never able to test this Unit thanks to the attack of Zoalord Guyver. I didn't want to see my work destroyed so I instructed the ship to bury itself to protect the Unit. I am pleased to see that someone found it and activated the it.

Like I said before, I wanted your Unit to be the best ever made. That is why we gave you the ability to tap into the powerlevels of any other Guyver you encounter and match his powerlevel. Attention, this does not work on zoanoids!! We added four bio-lasers, smaller then the one under the chestplates but most effective all the same. Your Unit has a vast improvement of sensory detection, using the whole body as a receiver. This even allows you to detect things that are cloaked or behind obstacles. Now the part that I'm most proud of, you have full control over you bio-armor! You can add or remove any type of weapon you want anywhere on the bio-armor. Calculations reveal that these weapons will only last for up to 10 minutes, but this should be more then long enough to overcome your opponent.

There is nothing more I can tell or teach you now. Make me proud ,my child.

End Transmission.

David floated down and his control medal started to slide back in his forehead.

-David :

What a rush. I won't fail you, Malos. I swear.

David starts walking to the ships exit, when he hears a scream pain.

-David :

The battle!! I forgot about it!

David runs as fast as he can. Outside the ship, dead bodies and bodyparts of the marines are everywhere. Sean lies against a cavewall in his Gigantic Armor, heavely wounded, but still alive. At the cave entrance two shadows are waiting for him.

-Gigantic Guyver US :

Get the hell out of here! They are to strong! Save yourself!

-David :

I won't leave you and my father behind.

David looks around, searching for his dad. He's nowhere to be seen. Panic overwhelms him.

-David :

Where is my dad?

Both shadows step into the lights that the marines had put up. A Bio-Titan and a man can be seen.

-Man :

You want your dad? Here he is.

The man pulls Jacque from behind him. Jacque is bleeding from a headwound.

-Jacque :

Do what you have to do, son!! Don't mind me, kill them.

-Bio-Titan :

HA, he couldn't kill a fly if his life was depending on it.

-Jacque :

David, this is Volor!! Kill him and Europe will be free.

-David :

The Zoalord Volor??

As an answer, the man starts to change. Instead of the man, stood a full powered Zoalord in battleform behind Jacque, still holding him tight.

-Volor :

The one and only.

-David :

Good, now I won't have to go all the way to Spain to kill you. But before we start, one question. How did you find us and both camps?

-Volor :

You acctualy thought that we wouldn't know? GREG, come here!

A man walkes in the cave and stops next to the Zoalord. It is the gaurd who welcomed them the first time Sean and Jacque came to the camp.

-David :

Greg? But why?

-Greg :

Simple, Lord Volor got me a better deal. He promised me freedom. I'll get all the money I want and his garentee that i won't be turned into a zoanoid.

-David :

What about our dreams of a world free of Chronos? I remember you were a strong believer.

-Greg :

I was at the beginning. But I realized we never stood a chance against these people. David, join us. I'm sure Lord Volor will give you the same deal he gave me.

-David :

Never. I'll die first.

-Volor :

That can be arranged. But first, Greg, here's your reward as promissed.

Volor raised his hand at Greg, preparing to fire a gravity bullet.

-Greg :

No, we…..we had a deal. You can't do this. You promissed me freedom.

The zoalord fired, killing the colaborater instantly.

-Volor :

That is all the freedom you'll ever get. I don't like people who turn against there own. Now Guyver, join us or your father dies.

-Jacque :

Don't do it, David. I'm prepared to die, just don't give them what they want.

-David :

I won't join you.

-Volor :

Then your father dies.

Volor trows Jacque to the near by wall. Jacque smashes into it. you could hear his skull break into pieces. The old mans body fell lifeless on the ground.

-David :


David fell to his knees, crying. He was thinking that it all wasn't worth it. He didn't want to live anymore.

-Bio-Titan :

Now, David, join us or the Guyver here gets it.

The Bio-Titan had extended his vibro-swords and held one an inch from Sean's face.

-David :

NO, not David. From now on you will call me……Guyver Omega!

His Control medal started to glow brightly. The Bio-Titan, not excpecting that David would resist, hesitated. Guyver Omega saw this and jumped up. With incredible speed he ran to the Zoanoid and punched him with such force that he was send through the cave's wall.

-Guyver Omega :

Now it is your turn, Volor.

-Volor :


Guyver Omega flew at the Zoalord, using the same speed he used to get to the Bio-Titan. Hitting Volor in his middle with his shoulder, he carried him out of the cave, into the woods. Volor was smashed into the ground, making a crater big enough to put a ship in it.

-Volor :

That's the best you can do?

-Guyver Omega :

I'm just getting warmed up.

Guyver Omega fired multiple pressure cannons but Volor dodged them with ease. Volor fired his Gravity bullets at David, who shielded them with his blast shield. Guyver Omega fired more pressure cannons at the Zoalord who dodged them again.

-Guyver Omega :

Right where I wanted you.

Guyver Omega flys at near light speed to the Zoalord, who's ready to take a punch. Guyver Omega stops right in front of Volor, who's surprised. Omega hits the Zoalord sendig him flying through several trees. Before he even hits the ground, Guyver Omega is flying next to him, kicking him in the back, right in the air. Guyver Omega teleports in Volor's path and punches him double-handed back to earth. Volor hits the ground at great velocity, creating a second crater. Volor stood up, bleeding badly.

-Volor :

You broke my arm? YOU BROKE MY ARM, YOU INSECT!!!!

-Volor (thinking) :

He's more powerfull then he looks. I have to be carefull not to be wounded more.

Volor looks up to see that Guyver Omega opend all four of his mini-smashers.

For the first time in his life, Volor knows fear. But then he smiles. The Bio-Titan grabs Guyver Omega from behind and stabs him with one of his vibrational swords trough the Guyvers stomach. David screams in pain. The Bio-Titan then grabs him with both arms.

-Bio-Titan :

You didn't think you would get rid of me that easily,did ya?

-Guyver Omega :

And you didn't think I would let you come this close without me knowing, did you?

All of a sudden, six Vibrational swords are sticking out of the Bio-Titans back.

The zoanoid let go of David, who turned to face him.

-Bio-Titan :

How….how is this possible?

-Guyver Omega :

My Unit was created to be the best. I have full control over my Bio-armor.

The Bio-Titan fell lifeless to the ground. David turned to finish the Zoalord. But he was gone. Concentrating on his Sensors, he tried to locate him……….nothing.

-Guyver Omega :

Show yourself, coward!!

-Volor :

I'm right here.

Guyver Omega turned around. Volor, almost fully heald except for his broken arm, was ready to shoot his gravity bullets. Guyver Omega could just barely raise his blast shield. The bullets were blocked, but the shield wasn't at full power, the impact trew David to the ground. He could hear a snap when his arm broke.

-Volor :

Now we're even. Prepare to die, Guyver!!

Guyver Omega was trying to get up, when he saw that Volor was preparing a black hole attack. The Zoalord fired. Guyver Omega was able to teleport to safety just in time, but not without paying a price. David saw that his left arm that was broken, was gone. Severly wounded, David fell to his knees. Volor landed in front of him, grabbing him by the head. The shield around his control medal activated, but that's not what Volor was after. He wanted to finish him off as painfull as possible. Small Vibrational sword pierced trough Volor's hand, dropping Guyver Omega. David lashed out with his front Vibrational Sword, making a big wound in Volor's stomach.

They both fell to the ground in pain. Volor got up first. Ready to give the final blow, Volor was struck by a laser beam in the back which went right trough him.

He turned around. David looked up to see who his savior was. Behind Volor stood Gigantic Guyver US, fully heald.

-Gigantic Guyver US :

Want some more?

-Volor (thinking) :

I can't handle the both of them. A tacktical retreat seems in order.

Volor teleported away to his base in Spain.

Sean ran to David, deactivating his Gigantic Armor.

-Guyver US :

David, are you okay.

-Guyver Omega :

What do you think? I'm missing an arm and I'm beaten up pretty bad.

-Guyver US :

Don't worry, Your Guyver will repair all of it. You're arm….where did it go?

-Guyver Omega :

It was vaporized by that black hole attack. We don't have to worry about a Clone.

A while later, David was back to full power. They went back to the cave where they deactivate their Guyvers. Entering the cave they see David's father and the marines lying in the dirt.

-Sean :

I'm sorry about your father. I wish I could have done something.

-David :

Yeah, I'm sorry too. He was a good man, he didn't deserve this.

-Sean :

It maybe doesn't mean much, but I think your father gave his life for what he believed in. He was a free man 'till the end.

-David :

Yeah, you're right. Rest in peace ,dad.

Sean and David bury Jacque and the marines in the woods below the cave.

-David :

There is one more thing I have to do.

David takes a safe distance, not wanting to destroye the graves, and transforms. He looks at the cave. His control medal starts glowing, the earth starts shaking. The Relic begins to take of in the air when a wormhole is openen directly above it. The ship flys trough it and the wormhole closes behind it.

-David :

It's safe from the Chronos, I can call it back when I need it.

-Sean :

Are you gonna come back with me or are you gonna stay here?

-David :

I'm coming with you, there's nothing left for me here. I'm gonna come back and restart an offencive against Europe.But I swear Volor will pay for what he did.

-Sean :

Your time will come, you'll see.

Well, that was it. Hope you enjoyed my fanfic. Let me know what you think of it. I might write some other stories about Guyver Omega if the feedback is good. See ya!

Michael Lurquin

Guyver B.


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Disclaimer: The Guyver Fan Archive is a collection of Archived Guyver Websites, Fan-Art and Fan-Fiction done by various people based on the Anime "Bio-Boosted Armour Guyver" by Yoshiki Takaya.

The fictions and images contained within this site belong to those that wrote and drew them and should not be used by other individuals unless you have their permission.