Disclaimer: The BioGuyverX Fan-Fiction is based on the Anime "Bio-Boosted Armor Guyver" by Yoshiki Takaya. I have to apologize my editor has quit so if you find any Grammar or Spelling errors please forgive me. Remember; feel free to e-mail me. I am always looking for tips, pointers or ideas.


Story 6: A Battle Won, A War Still to Fight.

Airforce Base Tarmac.

It was late at night and Chris was outside enjoying the fresh crisp air. When Jenny came up behind him. And asked "Chris what's wrong"

"Nothing, I just couldn't sleep I have a lot of things on my mind. Mainly the fact that the world has gone to hell in a hand basket and that there are only 6 people in the world that can do anything about it. It is a large burden. One I am ashamed to say, I wouldn't have chosen if given the choice. I am thinking of leaving." Chris said in a soft tone.

"Well Chris, choice or not you have been put in a position of power to do something about what is happening. You can't just run away form this. You even said so yourself, one of 6 people. And it is not just the 6 of you. There is John, Cori, Misuki, Tetsuro, Commander Atkins, me, and all of the US Military. So the 6 of you are not alone. We will all help any way we can. You know that. So what is the problem." She explained.

"Jenny all I want is to live a normal life. I wanted that even before I got the Guyver. I have never felt like I belonged anywhere. And I still don't. The only time I felt like I belonged somewhere is when I was in the other dimension with Warlord and Fighter." Chris said

"How long have you felt like this?" Jenny asked. Chris just shrugged. She continued with, "It has been sense your parents died wasn't it."

"No" Chris paused for a moment then continued. "Yes it was. But I had put it all away because I had to take care of Bob. When all I wanted to do was go to collage, and become a History teacher. And you know what else, I am tired of being alone. Not having any one. I look at you and Bob, Cori and Sean, and Sho and Misuki, and I wish for that myself. And it is even harder for me to watch you and Bob, Because I."

"Because you what? Jenny Asked.

Chris began again "Because I…"

A flash of light appeared behind Jennifer and there stood ED in full Guyver Zorlord form. Ed grabbed Jenny and twisted head off. Then said "Oh I'm sorry you told me not to kill in front of you, oh I was confused I thought you wanted me to kill someone in front of you."

Chris screamed "No you asshole. You fucker your dead now" Chris ran toward ED. Chris never called the Guyver but it came on it's own. Chris extended all of his vblades He reached Ed but when he slashed he connected with his shield and was flung backwards. Chris managed to somehow land on his feet, and started to fire PC Orbs in a full constant stream. But they just dissipated when they hit the shield.

Ed just started to laugh "I told you can't touch me so give it up."

"Never I will not rest till I see you dead. You monster" Chris said in a frustrated tone. Chris took a step backs, and opened both breastplates to reveal a fully charged Mega-Smasher. Which he unleashed in a full ten second blast. The white energy surrounded Ed and blocked him form Chris's view. When the beam subsided, Ed was just standing there with not even a scorch mark on him. At that moment Chris was so filled with rage and the lust to just kill Ed that Chris's Control medal lit up, and Chris's body began to glow. The orb on his chest began to glow. As Chris raised is hands the orbs on his wrist began to glow an eye perching red. A small black orb started to form in his hand when it got to the size of a PC orb Chris let it go. The orb flew forward at an incredible rate and slammed into the shield punching a hole through it. The orb actually connected with Ed, but it caused nothing more than a red make on his mid section.

Ed became angry and teleported behind Chris, and grabbed him in a headlock. Chris writhed and thrashed trying to get free, but was unable to. Then Ed said, "I told you the next time I saw you I would kill you" Ed placed his fist in the small of Chris's back and extended his forward vblade which protruded out through his chest. Chris screamed in pain and blood started to pour through his wound and vent holes. Then Ed made the fatal move and grabbed Chris's Control Medal, and crushed it in his hand.

Chris awoke in his bed in the infirmary screaming, and he was sweating. He was breathing hard. He sprang form his bed, backed up to the wall, he was ready for anything. A guard ran in and pointed his rifle at him. Chris just reacted by grabbing the business end of the gun and spinning he slammed his other hand into the trigger hand of the guard. The gun went off, hitting only the wall where Chris once stood. The guard let go of the gun, Chris continued the spin around again and hit the guard in the head with the butt end of the gun like he was swinging a baseball bat. The guard sprawled out across the floor. And an alarm went off. And voice came over the load speaker "Code 22 med. bay, code 22 med. Bay". Three more guards rushed in and leveled their guns at Chris. Chris raised his gun and pointed it at the middle guard. And the four of them just stood there waiting to see who would give out first. Chris thought about calling the Guyver, but he really didn't what to hurt these people. He started to dart his eyes from one guard to the other. I an attempt to watch all of the guards. The guard on the right started to get antsy and started to pull back on the trigger. "Hold your fire, don't fire. Men put your guns down." The men did as they were told. And Atkins came walking through the door. "Chris it me William." Chris trained his gun on Atkins. "Whoa, Chris man its me Atkins." Chris got a confused look on his face.

Just then Bob ran in, and slid to a halt. "Chris don't shoot. Give me the gun." Chris glanced over at Bob and realized what was happening so he let go of the trigger, and let the gun swing down from his other hand. Atkins stepped in and took the gun away and handed it to one of the guards.

"I am sorry guys." Chris said in an apologetic tone. Chris walked back over to the bed. The guards picked up their fallen friend and place him on one of the other bed.

Atkins walked over and asked, "What the hell brought all this on. What is the matter with you, why did you attack my men?"

"Well you wouldn't believe me if I told you, so lets just say I freaked out when I didn't know where I was. How long was I out?" Chris asked.

"You have been out for about 4 days. You're the last one to wake up. Are you ok so you want me to have a doctor check you out?" Atkins asked.

"No that will not be needed, I'm fine. I am just a little tired and hungry. Oh and I want us all to assemble, there are some new problems that need to be solved. But first I need a shower and some grub." Chris added

Bob spoke up, "Commander I will take it form here" Bob walked over to the table next to Chris bed and retrieved a binder and ID card. "Come on Chris I will show you to your room."
Two Hours later
In a briefing room, much like a stepped collage classroom. Commander Atkins and General Hammond where standing in the center of the room when the other got there. Commander Atkins spoke up "Um sorry guys, John and the Guyvers only. Every one else must leave the room." Cori, Jenny, Misuki, and Tetsuro looked at Chris. He just nodded his head and the others turned around and walked out of the room.

Bob spoke up "Will that was really rude."

Atkins looked Bob in the eyes. And ordered every one to take a seat. The 7 of them walked over and sate down in the first row of seats.

General Hammond took a step forward. "Sorry about the rudeness folks but he have to maintain some sort of order. And we are going to do every thing by the military book. We are restarting the need to know rule. They didn't need to know."

John spoke up "Well then why am I still here?"

Well John I had hoped you were going to wait till the end to ask that question but. Sense you asked. For the last few days, we have had our researchers do some digging on your pasts. To see what type of people you are. And John when we got you we where pleasantly surprised. You worked in the R&D division of the armed forces. And now because the military is fragmented and we don't have an R&D division. You're going to start one Lieutenant. That's right you are being reactivated. You are going to head the R&D unit here at the base. When the meeting is over you are to stay in your seat. We will tell you about what you will be doing then. And as for you guyvers, the six of you have been drafted; there is nothing you can do about it. The 6 of you are now known as UnitG, ironic isn't it. You will not have to go thought boot camp. Because you don't need it and we don't have one yet? Chris sense you are the unofficial leader of the Guyvers you are being put in command of UnitG. Your rank is Second Lieutenant and you will report to Atkins. As for the rest of you, you are all Airman First Class. UnitG will be a special unit you will be on call at all times, and fallow orders. In return your unit will be a lax one. You will have a place to live here on the base, you will get three meal a day. And you will be paid according to your rank. You are also free to leave the base as long as you take the beepers you will be issued with you. If you are beeped with 888 you are to return to this room and that is a Standing Order. Is there any questions?"

"Yes there is. None of us want to join the military, and I don't think you can do anything about it. I mean we are guyvers you couldn't make us." Said Sean

Cmdr. Atkins fielded the question "Well Sean Let me put it this way, our side or theirs. In other words you are one of us or you will be attacked as if you were one of them. It is your choice."

Sean started to say, "You can't do that. That is stupid you would be tur…."

"Commanders, General can you give the 6 of us a moment alone, please? Thank you." Chris said Atkins and Hammond looked at each other for a moment and then left the room. Once the door closed behind them Chris got up an addressed the others. "Ok guys I first want to say I had know idea about this. And I to am not happy about it. But it seems like the best idea. I mean do you want to fight Chronos and the US military think about it. Our fight is hard enough. Plus I have new info that will make it even tougher. We are going to need their help." Turning to Sho and Agito, "You two I am sorry we will help Japan as much as Guyverly possible. I am going to go with this and I as that you do to. Look around they need us, and we need them. So if you are with me please raise your hand." Bob, Candice, and Sho raised their hands right away. Sean and Agito looked at each other and raised their hands slowly showing their reluctance. "Guys I am pleased, and I will not forget this. And I will lead fairly I swear. Is there any questions?" Chris said in a mocking tone.

"Yes General, why are you so fat." Asked Sean.

"Because I Love to eat pizza and lost of it." Replied Chris. They all let out some laughter. Chris then turned, "Now John do me a favor always do the right thing. And work on weapons that can help us please." John just nodded. Chris walked to the door and told the Commander and the General they could come in again.

"So you have all reached a decision then?" Hammond asked.

Chris said, "Yes we have. We will join on three conditions. One, we help Japan as much as we can. Two, I lead the team my way. Three, we as UnitG chose whom new Guyver Units got to. Those are our Conditions. Do you accept?"

"Yes on 1, and 2, no on 3. I am sorry that is too much power. However Atkins and Chris will decide who gets new unit. If there is a conflict in choices you are to come see me, and I will flip a coin. Is that under stood." Said Hammond. Atkins and Chris Both Nodded. "That concludes what I what I wanted to say. Chris the floor is yours."

"Thank you general. You and the commander might want to sit down for this. Um I don't know how to soften this so I am just going to come out and say it. You all remember the third Rapier Unit. Well in the battle it showed itself. And um I regret to inform you it is stronger than I am. The third Rapier Unit went to Ed the Zorlord."

Agito Stood ups and was about to say something, but he stopped and sat back down. Than put his head down on his desk. The feeling in the room when form grim, to down right chilled. Atkins looked up at Chris and asked, "Is they're anything that we can do to stop him."

Chris answered "I don't know, I through everything I had at him and it didn't phase him at all. He ripped me in half with his hands, without even trying. I don't think so. And Agito I know what you where going to say. We have to remove it from him. I know about your unit remover. But it will not work on Rapier. Only a Super remover will work. And we don't have one of those. So I am open to ideas."

The room was quit know one spoke they all seemed to be contemplating something. The general was the first to break the ice. "Ok in light of this new information if he shows up to a battle you are fighting. You all leave, scrub the mission and then return to base. That is a standing order. I don't know if we should give you the first two missions or not now. Well we will give you the first one. Atkins?"

"OK me you first mission recover the Rapier Tablet." Atkins was about to continue when Bob interrupted.

"Cmdr. Atkins. That mission is already completed. Jenny had it in her bag the hole time." Bob said.

"Oh ok have Jenny give it to John. Then that brings us to the second mission. Oh Ed, damn it. Your mission is to locate the New York Chronos Base, Break in and steal or copy there database and destroy the base itself. That should free New York from Chronos. That is your mission, Chris you plan it out. You will have back up and an air strike if you require it. All missions Information are classified. Chris, and John remain here, the rest of you are dismissed.

After the others left General Hammond Addressed John. "John come with me my boy I will show you to your lab." Hammond and John left. That left Chris and Atkins in the room.

"Chris you have to understand why we are doing what we are doing, The world is in a state of hell. The world needs order to it right now." Explained Atkins

"Will you don't have to explain, I do understand. The problem is that we want to be free to fight the way we see fit. Not have to fallow rules. That is why I made that condition." Chris said as he stood up and started towards the door.

"Hold it I am not done, I wan you and Agito to comprise a report about this Unit Remover that Agito has. You are also to get it from Agito and give it to John. So it can be studied. Along with the tablet." Order Atkins.

"Atkins I am not … OK I will write two reports One about the remover, and one about the tablet. Those are the only two reports I will ever write. If you want someone to write reports ask Tetsuro he loves that kind of stuff, and looking for information. And I am sure he would love something to do around here, as would all of them. Oh and one more thing I want full access to the R&D division and there items. It I need the tablet or the remover I am going to take it along with anything else they are working on. No discussions it is final." Demanded Chris

"I will set up what you ask on one condition I get the next guyver unit found." Said Atkins.

Chris stood there thinking, then he nodded his head and walked out the room, and down the hall towards the living quarters to find Agito. He thought to himself, "Why do I have the feeling I just made a deal with the devil."
Chronos World HQ - Texas
"What do you mean you lost ten thousand troop to 6 Guyver and the USAF." Alkanphal crossed the room in no time and grabbed Ed by the neck and slammed him into the wall. "Chronos NY will fall to the enemy. Are you fucking stupid or something. Come on use your brain. "

"That it I am not taking any more of your shit Alkanphal. I quit." Said Ed Caerleon.

"You quit the only way anyone quits is in death. You can't leave." Said Alkanphal.

Ed Demanded "Get you hands off of me now! Or I will be forced to hurt you."

The other 10 Zorlord broke in laughter. Imakarum Mirabilis spoke up and asked "Oh and what are you going to do even if you manage to kill Alkanphal you will have to get the 10 of us too."

Ed still in Alkanphal hands started to laugh himself "You want to know what I will do." Ed body started to shift from human for to Zorlord form. "You will not have to prepare for the return of the Creators because you will all be dead, because I have a GUYVER!" With that said a blast field erupted around Ed sending Alkanphal flying across the room. And created a hole in the wall behind Ed.

They're, standing in front of the 11 Zorlords was the most powerful creature the earth had ever seen. With 150X the power of a Guyver there was nothing that could stand in his way and survive. The other Zorlord all stood and backed up to the wall. Imakarum bent over to help up Alkanphal. And asked, "what do we do now. He could kill us with out trying. And you had to piss him off."

Alkanphal looked up at Imakarum "Shut up" The 11 Zorlords all looked to Alkanphal for advice.

And when Alkanphal was about to speak Ed spoke first saying "I will give you a choice you can Give Chronos to me or I will take it from you dead hands. You have one minute to decide."

Alkanphal stood up readjusted his shirt and knelt down on one knee and said, "Chronos is yours."

Then he thought to himself "For now." The other Zorlords also dropped to one knee.

Ed started to laugh and raised his hand into the air as if in praise to the lord and said, "The world is mine." Then Ed disappeared in a flash of light.

Imakarum quickly asked the question that was on everyone's mind as he stood, "What the hell are we going to do now?" Then there was some mumbling and nodding by the others.

Alkanphal Stood walked over to the hole in the wall, and inspected the damage without saying a word. The wall was perfectly cut as if done by a laser. Then Alkanphal looked at the sun setting in the distance shaking his head and said, "How could I have let this happen. How could I have been so blind. That is why he has been so cocky the last few weeks. He was planning this all along. Well two can play this game." Alkanphal whipped around and started to issue orders "Imakarum Mirabilis, Go wave the white flag to the Guyvers, do what ever it takes. Fried'rich van Parg'stall, you go find us a new base of operations, raise the Ark if you have to. Hemilcar Barcas go to your lab and get to work. The rest of act as it nothing happened if you can. Alkanphal turned back around to finish watching the sun set. "Then said now leave me." Alkanphal turned his head slightly to watch the dance of colors on the wall form the multiple teleports. Then looked back at the sunset. The sun slowly fell below the horizon and with it went the safety of the world, because he knew his end was near.
Moments later - Colden NY
Imakarum emerged form a flash of light. In his hand he had a white flag of peace. He looked around at the destruction around him. The cabin was standing but by the looks of things just barley. He stepped in side and looked around for something the he could offer as a peace offering to the Guyvers. He noticed a picture of Chris and Bob with there parents all sitting around a fire. He walked over and picked it up and then went back outside. He turned around and raised his hand and a blot of lightning leapt from his hand and struck the corner of the cabin causing a small fire. Within minute the fire was spreading along the old dried lumber that was used to construct the cabin.

Then teleported to the location that Ed had given for the battle. He looked around and saw the devastation that was caused by the fight. The ground was bare no grass for as far as he could see. There were downed trees and bushes everywhere. There was the residue that is left when a Zoanoid dies everywhere. Then he thought to himself, "We are going to ally are selves with those that would kill us. The world is truly going to hell. Ed said the guyver where headed in that direction and the choppers came form the same direction the guyvers were going. They must have been heading to the Air Base." Imakarum took to the air and flew in the direction the choppers had come from holding the flag in front of him and the picture at his side.

It took him ten minutes to reach the perimeter fence. The minute he crossed it, a klaxon went off in the distance. The a voice came over the load speaker "UnitG to the Tarmac, UnitG to the Tarmac we have incoming."

A few moments went by and Imakarum landed, just as a hole in the ground formed and out flew 6 Guyver. They were about to attack when Imakarum started to wave the White flag in front of him so they all could see. Chris made a few hand movements and the guyvers landed in a circle surrounding the Zorlord.

Chris spoke first, "What the hell do you want, and what is with the peace flag, there will never be peace between Chronos and us. Guyvers attack." Chris fired a Pressure Cannon Orb, and in slammed into unshielded chest. Blowing a nice hole in it and Imakarum into the arms of Sho whom was standing behind him. The others looked at Imakarum then at Chris. Sho laid Imakarum down on the ground and bent down to check on him.

Bob walked up and blocked the path between Chris and Imakarum. To keep Chris from firing again, and asked, "Why didn't he shield himself. He just let the orb hit him."

Phantom walked up and said, "He had these in his hand." She handed Chris the white flag witch now had a hole in it, and blood on it from the orb, and a picture.

Chris looked at the picture, it was the picture that was taken the summer before Chris and Bob parents died in the car accident. It was the last time they were all at the cabin together. Chris said, "Oh man a piece offering. Damn it" Chris looked up, and walked over to the body lying on the ground. "How is he doing, did he survive."

Sho looked up "He is alive, and the hole is healing. It is slow going though he is not a Guyver so it will take a wile. Chris why did you do that? He has a white flag."

Sean steeped up, "I know why he did it. Because he thought the same thing I was 'Wolf in sheep's Clothing.' Right Chris."

Chris just nodded, "Yea, but it doesn't make what I did right. I should have listened. We leave him were he is till we can question to him. I will bet you, Ed showed his new form to Alkanphal and his gang. What do you guys think?" The rest of them just nodded.

Island of Sheila. AKA The land that time forgot.

Fried'rich van Parg'stall stood on the mountain overlooking a vast lake. He loved it here on the island because he like to watch the dinosaurs go about there business. But today he was here to do something other than watch he was going to change things. He closed his eyes and a small slit formed on his for head, then widened to allow the Zoacrystal to show itself. The crystal started to glow a bright green. Down below the surface of the water lays the largest ship ever constructed. It was on of the ship left over form the time of the Creator and Alkanphal himself. In the command center of the grand vessel came alive with lights and sounds. On the surface the calm waters of the lake started to churn then get choppy then the center of the lake started to rise. As it rose the water receded and showed the top of a large vessel know only as the ARK. The ship rose higher and high until it was level with the Fried'rich at the top of the mountain. Fried'rich opened his eyes and saw the vessel there before him. The vessel looked like a giant blue flat worm with fins. But Fried'rich didn't let that fool him, he knew better this was an experimental warship that was left behind. Fried'rich flew to the left side of the ARK and touched the hull, the ARK created a hole where he had touched to allow him to enter. Once inside he headed for the command center, where he could fly the ship properly. Fried'rich was in a state of awe he had never seen the ship before, but Alkanphal had taught the first 3 Zorlords that he maid to awaken it if it was ever needed. Fried'rich reached the Command center and took the helm. He pushed some buttons on the control console and again the ship started to rise. This time it didn't stop until it was in orbit.

Fried'rich then reached out with his mind to inform Alkanphal that the Ark was awake and it orbit. A few seconds later Alkanphal appeared in a flash. "Good work Fried'rich, Good work you remembered how to do it. Now contact the others and let them know the ARK is awake and that I want them here in 24 hours."

Fried'rich nodded and said, "It shall be done my lord."

Alkanphal looked around and thought, "Oh how I am pleased top be home."
Chronos Japan Barcas's Lab
Hemilcar Barcas stood in his lab looking around "What is it that Alkanphal thinks I can create to fight a Guyver Zorlord. Well I could try one thing." Barcas Walked to the control panel on the wall near the door. Pushed the intercom button to his aid and said "Prep the next person on the list for processing, I am going to be doing something new." Then he walked over to his computer and started to call up all the Zoanoid models to date. "I have always wanted to see what would happen if I combined all the Zoanoid together. I just hope it doesn't turn out like another Aptom. I should also have one proto-zoacrystal left." Barcas went to work trying to figure out a way to splice all the Zoanoids together. This would be a long and daunting task.
USAF Base, 2 hrs. later
Imakarum was still lying on his back and the wound for Chris's Pressure Cannon was almost completely healed. The guyvers where still surrounding the Zorlords body. Chris, Bob and Agito were discussing the upcoming mission when Sho interrupted them. "Hay um guys he's coming around. What should I do."

"Stand back and be ready for anything I am assuming he is not going to be pleased. Everyone circular formation. Quickly." Everyone rushed to the positions. Chris took a step closer.

Imakarum opened his eye and moved his hand to his chest and started to rub it. "Ouch that hurt a lot, but I understand why you did it. If the roles were reversed I probably have done it to you. So all is forgiven."

"Why are you here." Chris demanded.

"I am here because we now have a common problem, which you may or may not be aware of. You know the enemy of my enemy is my friend. That sort of thing." Answered Imakarum.

"Let me guess you saw the darker side of Ed didn't you." Imakarum just nodded his head. "So you where sent to make friends." Again Imakarum just nodded. "Well I don't know, how are we suppose to trust you after you all did what you did?" Asked Chris.

Imakarum stood up form the sitting position he was in. "That is not something we expect you to do. But if you know why we did it you might understand. But I am not the one that will explain that to you. That is something only Alkanphal will have to tell you. He wants to meat with all of you. He wants us to work together to kill Ed."

<Agito who or what is Alkanphal? > Chris asked through the organisms on their backs.

Agito Answered. <He is the leader of Chronos the most powerful being. It is a Zorlord that was created by the creators themselves, millions of years ago. Before they left earth, unexpectedly. They say that at full power he is 30x as powerful as a guyver. But he has not been at that level for a wile for some reason.>

"Well I don't know, this feels like a trick. We are going to need more than a walk down memory lane." Chris said, as he waved the picture in front of him.

"What more would it take for you to believe us." Asked Imakarum.

"The US freed." Said Chris

"That is not something that I can't give you. That is something Alkanphal must do himself. Well if Ed doesn't kill him first. You see Ed has forced Alkanphal to step down and let him lead Chronos. Alkanphal is putting our lives on the line by forming a resistance. Kind of like you did with us. Oh don't get us wrong we understand why you are fighting us, but that was inconsequential to our purposes. So do you agree to meat with Alkanphal?"

"I do not know I myself have someone to answer to now. We will need some time to think on it." Said Chris.

"Well think quickly for we don't know what Ed has planned. I will return in 24 hours." Then Imakarum vanished in a flash white light.

Chris retracted his armor and said "Sho go in form Atkins of what just took place because I know he was watching and wondering what was being said. The rest of you leave me I have some thinking to do." The others took off and flew down the hole that they came out of. And the hole sealed itself after the last one went through.

1 Hour later.

Chris was still outside trying to decide what to do. When Jenny came up behind him. And said,

"Atkins wants to see you." She paused for a moment then asked, "Chris what's wrong"

"Nothing, I just have a lot of things on my mind. Mainly the fact that the world has gone to hell in a hand basket, and that there are only 6 people in the world that can do anything about it. And to make things worst I now have a decision to make about joining our enemy. It is a large burden. One I am ashamed to say, I wouldn't have chosen if given the choice. I don't know what I am going to do. Part of me just wants the leave, and go hide till this all blows over," Chris said in a soft tone.

"Well Chris, choice or not you have been put in a position of power to do something about what is happening. You can't just run away form this, and this is not going to blow over and you know that. You even said so yourself, one of 6 people. And it is not just the 6 of you. There is John, Cori, Misuki, Tetsuro, and Commander Atkins, the Military and I, so you are not alone. We will all help any way we can. You know that. So what is the problem." She explained.

This all seemed somehow familiar to Chris But he continued anyway. "Jenny all I want is to live a normal life. I wanted that even before I got the Guyver. I have never felt like I belonged anywhere. And I still don't. The only time I felt like I belonged somewhere is when I was in the other dimension with Warlord and Fighter." Chris said

"How long have you felt like this?" Jenny asked. Chris just shrugged. She continued with, "It has been sense your parents died wasn't it."

"No" Chris thought about it for a moment then continued. "Yes it was. But I had put it all away because I had to take care of Bob. When all I wanted to do was go to collage, and become a History teacher. And you know what else, I am tired of being alone. Not having any one. I look at you and Bob, Cori and Sean, and Sho and Misuki, and I wish for that myself. And it is even harder for me to watch you and Bob, Because I."

"Because you what? Jenny Asked.

At that moment Chris realized that this was all playing out like the dream he had had. Chris called out to the other guyvers Through the Organisms. < All Guyvers topside now. This is an emergency. Let's go. > Then Chris called out for his guyver. Within a half a second he was surrounded by the all to familiar felling of the Guyver. He turned on his heal and made a mad dash toward Jenny. Chris jumped at the last minute and grabbed Jenny they flew through a green flash that started to form. Chris had flipped him self over Jenny so that he would land on the bottom. Jenny Jump up and Chris did a flip up form lying flat on his back, and turned around. Trying to remember how he did that black orb. "Desperation, that was it." Chris raised his hands and his control metal started to flash. Then his gravity orb and his temporal orb started to glow. Then the glow then moved to the red orbs on his wrist. And the black orb started to form.

Just as the orb finished forming the Green flash disappeared and left the Rapier Guyver Zorlord Ed Caerleon standing in it wake. Chris let the orb fly and it struck the unshielded back of the beast. It made a nice whole sense it didn't have any shielding to go through. The impact sent ED sprawling forward.

The same moment that Ed his the ground, the other guyvers appeared seemingly out of know where. Chris bellowed an order "Sho call the Gigantic Armor, and get Jenny out of here. Then return ASAP. The rest of you attack him and don't stop."

Phantom and Sean lead off with triple pressure cannon blasts. The first connected with the body of Ed causing a scorch mark, the others connect with Ed's shielding doing no damage what so ever.

Ed stood up and looked at the five Guyvers standing before him. His eyes where lit with fire and his body shook with anger. "How did you know I was going to come here." He said through gritted teeth.

"Lucky Guess." Chris said as he extended all of his Vblades, and plasma blades. The others followed suit by extending all there blades. And reading themselves for one of the most difficult battles ever.

"You do realize that you have no chance of defeating me." Ed said, in a matter-o-fact tone.

"Your right alone I have no chance. You proved that, but together the 6 of us might." Chris said

"Six of you there are only five here." Ed said.

Just then Guyver Gigantic Gold returned and Chris said, "Like I said the 6 of us."

Chris and Agito Darted forwards and attacked with there blades Agito hit the shield and went flying, but Chris's plasma blade passed through the shield, but when his arm hit the shield he to was flung aside. Sean and Phantom and this time Bob again started launching a constant stream of Cannon Orb. But they again just dissipated on the shielding. Gigantic Gold opened his chest plates and started to charge his Mega-Smasher. The other guyver notice this and fled form the direction he was aiming. The all got behind him. Ed just stood there. Gigantic Gold was done charging he let the blast fly. The blast of white energy enveloped Ed completely blocking him form view. Ten seconds later the blast subsided had Ed was just standing there with not a mark on him.

<Chris we can't do anything if we can't get through the shielding. > Pointed out Sean.

<Get through the shielding Sean you a brilliant man. > Chris said

<Huh. > He replied.

<Phantom climb on my back. And hold on tight. > Chris ordered.

<I know where you are going with this. > Phantom said as she did it. Once she was on his back, She did what gave her her name Phantom Guyver she activated her Phasing ability. The two of them became slightly blurred. Then Chris activated his Gravity orb and vanished form view entirely.

Ed's head sensor went crazy trying to locate the two joined Guyvers. But he was unable to. He started to look about, as if worried about something. The next thing he knew he was his sensor's picked up something behind him, but at the same second he was kicked in the back and again sent flying forward to the ground. The other guyvers cheered. The two guyvers allowed Ed to stand back up and then attacked again. Chris swiped with his left and right plasma blades across Ed chest then followed up with a left upper cut to Ed's jaw. That sent him flying backwards onto his back. Ed just lied there for a moment and said, "Come now Chris this is getting tiresome. You my be able to hit me but my power level is so great I heal the second your done."

The other guyvers where standing there watching from a distance. "Hay guy, don't say anything. I want you all to charge your Mega-Smashers, and fire them at Ed when I say." Chris explained.

"Chris you loser give me your best shot. Come on show me just how week a human guyver can be." Taunted Ed

"As you wish, NOW!" was all that Chris said when he grabbed Ed's Gravity controller and ripped it out, in that instant Ed's shield fell. And the combined blast from the 4 other guyvers Mega-Smashers hit Ed. And through the Organism the 6 guyvers of UnitG heard a scream that sent a chill though them. Ten seconds later the blast ended and Ed was still standing but he had lost an arm and was burned so badly that biobooster material was dripping off his body. He basically looked like a chard skeleton standing there. But some how the Control Medal was intact, chard blacks but intact. Then Ed's remains disappeared into a flash of light.

A moment passed and Chris and Phantom appeared lying on the ground unconscious, and with out their guyvers. Chris still had Ed Gravity orb in his hand and it was starting to grow. Gigantic Gold Grabbed the Orb and teleported away. Sean took off toward the medical ward. Bob and Agito just stayed and watch over their fallen friends till help arrived.

USAF Base Liquid storage facility.

Gigantic Gold appeared in front of one of the guards on duty. And asked, "Witch one is Nitrogen?" The Guard pointed to one of the big containers. And again Gigantic Gold was gone in a flash. A second later the guards heard something like a thud come form the container that was pointed to. And then there was nothing.

The other guard ran to the wall panel and activated the intercom, "General Hammond and Commander Atkins to the Liquid storage facility. I repeat. General Hammond and Commander Atkins to the Liquid storage facility."

5 minute General Hammond and Commander Atkins came running in with a squad of armed guards close behind.

"What is it." Hammond asked.

It was the strangest thing we were standing here the Gigantic Gold was here he asked which container had Liquid Nitrogen in it and then he disappeared again. Then there was a sound that came form the container we showed him." The Guard explained.

Atkins looked at the container and said, "Good boy Sho, good boy." And then grinned. He turned around and pointed to one of the guards on duty "You get me a 55 gallon drum with no top now." Then pointed to one of the other guards "You man the valves when the drum gets here fill it with Liquid Nitrogen. Then empty the big container three quarters of the way into another container. Get move on it." He then walked over the intercom himself "Will one of the guyver please come to the Liquid storage facility with a medical gurney. I repeat. Will one of the guyver please come to the Liquid storage facility with a medical gurney?"

Ten minutes later Sean came walking in pushing a medical gurney. Atkins ran up and pointed "Sean we need you to carefully open that container at the top and retrieve Sho's arm, with Ed's gravity controller in it.. And place it in the drum over there."

"OK, stand back." Atkins backed up. "GUYVER" Sean said to call his unit. Then he floated up the to the top of the container and using his head laser started to cut and three sided rectangle in the side of it. Then he reached for the top cut and folded in down, Then went inside. Moments later he reemerged holding Sho's blue arm with the orb still in it, and floated down to the drum he carefully place the arm in the drum of Liquid Nitrogen. Then flew back into the container. This time he came out with the frozen form of Gigantic Gold. Then he placed him on the gurney, and ran through the doors pushing the gurney.

General you go to the infirmary, I am going to take the drum to the R&D division. Then I will be along.
USAF Base Infirmary
Sean came running through the door, yelling for someone to bring all the heating pads, and blankets he or she could find. By the time Sean was able to get Gigantic Gold onto a bed and backed away. The nurses were covering him with plugged in heating blankest and turning them on full. On nurses stayed at his side. The other two went back to Chris and Candice. The nurses turn to stair at Sean. He said "What? What is it."

One of the nurses replied "You don't need that in here."

"Huh, Oh the Guyver right, Sorry." He said and he retracted the guyver, looked and Chris, then at Candice. Thought to him self "UnitG down by half, what more could go wrong?" Then walked out of the room.
Lost Myan temple Middle of the Brazilian rain forest
The burnt remains of Ed were healing. He had been there for about a half and hour now and he was half healed. He felt that there was something wrong, He now had a slight he had twitch. He was thankful he was able to raise his hand and cover his Control Medal, but in doing so he lost his arm to the blast. But he didn't care he knew it would grow back. He thought to himself "I don't get it, something has to be wrong even with out the shield I should have been able to withstand the 3 Mega-Smashers and the Hyper-Smasher from the Gigantic. That will be that last them I underestimate the guyvers." Then he said out loud to himself "Chris you got lucky but next time one of you will not survive the battle. This I promise you."
Creator Moon Base
E-dor was lying on his bed trying to think about how he could help R1 and his friends. But he could no longer send down units to him because Sutats had taken his access to the Unit-G storage chambers away when he was caught looking at the Phoenix units.

You see Sutats had caught E-dor sending the 3 rapier units to earth. Sutats hated the earth because it reminded him of his failed experiment the merging of a Zorlord and a Unit-G Yes that was a planned thing. The human and Unit-G had been a success, yes they lost mind control over the Human but after some trial and error they found that if properly compensated the Guyver would do as it was told. Then he orchestrated the next step. A Zoanoid and a Unit-G, and again if properly compensated it would do as it was told. But when they tried to merge a Zorlord and a Unit-G it refused to do as told and started to attack the creators. They sent 10,000 Zorlords to try to stop it, and in the end it took one to kill the Guyver Zorlord. It took 9999 to tire the Guyver Zorlord out, and one to finally kill it. And that one was Alkanphal. Thought the battle lasted weeks Alkanphal had managed to kill the Guyver Zorlord, and be the only Zorlord to survive. And the creator reworded him buy leaving him behind all alone. They were afraid that it would happen again. Once the creator had confirmed that the Guyver Zorlord was dead they left. Leaving only an observation platform on the moon.

Then it came to E-dor, He know what to do he would send a copy of the map showing all the location of the relics even the war relic. In theory, that should give the humans a chance to survive the RGZ. And if anything went wrong, like he might be caught he had made the decision to go to earth himself with the maps. E-dor closed his eyes and drifted to sleep. For tomorrow was going to be a big day.

Coming Soon: Story 7.
Also Coming Soon: Story 0 The Dawn of Time.

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Disclaimer: The Guyver Fan Archive is a collection of Archived Guyver Websites, Fan-Art and Fan-Fiction done by various people based on the Anime "Bio-Boosted Armour Guyver" by Yoshiki Takaya.

The fictions and images contained within this site belong to those that wrote and drew them and should not be used by other individuals unless you have their permission.