Previous estimates of this Guyver abilities have been compiled and summarized below. -Physical strength: Subject possessed the strength of 150 men combined with over twice the stamina of a normal Guyver Unit but required greater recovery time than normal. -Hyper Sensors where superior to a Standard Units, with a range of 318 meters (~700 Feet) -Durability was the same as a standard Guyvers but was enhanced by a bio-energy field that helped dampen impacts and excellerated regeneration to twice the normal rate. Subject was also able to project a Zoalord like shield that allows subject to withstand anything under a single normal Guyver Mega Smash and nearly twice as much when combined with Units pressure cannon shield. -Speed: Subjects had a reflex speed that ranges from 8 to 50 times normal, a top ground speed of up to 300 MPH, and a top air speed of 600 MPH. -Subject Head Beam functioned as a modified Zoalord crystal bio blast and approximated the power of twice that of a normal Guyvers head beam. -Subject had a standard pair of Guyver Vibrational Swords. -Subjects Mega Smashers functioned within normal parameters of a standard Guyver but have a 50% greater power output due to Units higher than normal power level. -Sonic Emitters where the same as a Standard Guyvers. -Gravitational powers where similar to a Standard Guyvers but with the versatility of a Zoalord. Subject was even be able to create a black hole attack. -The Subject has also shown that it possesses a limited form of telepathic control over zoanoids. Whether subject had possessed any other zoalord based powers is unknown.  |  | Subjects New Armored Form | Subjects Hybrid Battle Form |