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NeneThe year is 2040. The place is Megalocity, formerly Tokyo. Everywhere you look you find Voomers, machines with artificial intelligence designed to do any manner of work once done by humans.

Sound familiar? Well, don't get too comfy thinking this series is just like the old one. While there's alot of stuff here that bears a passing resemblance to the MegaTokyo we once knew, most of the characters have been given major makeovers. Possibly the most dramatic of which is Sylia's.

The once calm and brilliant creator of the knight sabers is now balanced percariously on the line between sanity and madness and seems to break something in anger at least once an episode. She's no longer the brains behind the suits either, that job's been handed over to Nigel, a new character that's a sort of replacement for Doc Raven and Sylia's intellect; which is decidedly less impressive than before.

In addition to Sylia's new instability Priss has apparently lost what few social skills she had. The singer maintains her tough girl appearance to a fault. She rarely speaks, smiles or shows more than a passing interest in anything, including the 'voomers' which it seems she would rather watch beat up the ADP than attack.

Of course some of the character changes aren't so hard to swallow. Linna has gained a personality somewhere and for the first few episodes she gets most of the screen time. Certainly a switch from being the least developed character in 2033. Her day job's also changed, she's now working for Genom. While she's no longer an aerobics instructor she does apparently have some kind of atheletic past, although what happened to cause her to break away from this isn't said.

And then their's Nene; who actually hasn't changed all that much. She's less annoying and more cute and she's lost the pink hair in favor of short blond. In addition she's suddenly helpful in battle; no longer acting as the team's cheerleader and little else. Outside of that she's about the same; still the team's computer expert and still working for the ADP.

Megalocity's taken it's changes as well; Genom tower is no more, instead there's a tall thin structure that serves as anchor between the city and the space station taking the tower's place. Many of the voomers look more human than those from 2033, and they go rogue differently as well. Mad boomers now shift into hydeous monstrocities, absording the machines around them and expanding in size and strength until their core, which looks distrubingly like a human heart, is destroyed.

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