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-PHYSICAL STRENGTH: Subject’s physical strength has been estimated to be ten times greater than a normal standard Guyver’s, granting the subject the approximate strength of 1,000 men. -POWER/STAMINA: The unit’s natural Bio-Boost process is effectively replaced with an advanced HSL (Hyper Space Link) power system and an improved regulating efficiency that gives subject unlimited energy reserves by continuously siphoning energy from Hyper Space to maintain the process at peak efficiency, granting subject unlimited energy reserves and stamina. This system is so efficient that the subject does not need to rest or eat. -SPEED: Running speed is 1,875 MPH, with a sustainable max. of ~2,250 MPH under ideal conditions, and a max. acceleration factor of ~45 G’s. Flight is attained through gravitational control, just like a standard Guyver, but the subject’s superior power and armor technology lets the subject attain a flight speed of 4,500 MPH, with a sustainable max of 6,000 MPH, and a max. acceleration of ~65 G’s. Reflex speed is 50 to 400 times human normal peak. -TELEPORTATION: The subject’s ability to access hyper space to physical send himself to and from hyper space and thus use hyper space to teleport himself virtually anywhere he wishes at will. This ability can also be extended to whoever or whatever the subject is in close physical proximity to by creating a spatial warp that tunnels through hyper space and protects whatever is being transported from the intense energy filled hyper space, but unlike the subject’s normal teleportation this ability is limited to planetary distances. The tunneling effect of the spatial warp breaks down over longer distances and could thus expose whatever is being transported to the energy filled hyper space. The subject can also generate wormholes in space for faster than light travel.
DEFENSE SYSTEMS: -DURABILITY: Subject’s bio-armor is far more advanced than even our Kavzars, containing control medal like elements that make it not only more dense but far more stable and adaptable. The armor can actually learn from damage to make the unit resistant, if not immune, to attack. Any damage sustained is also regenerated at a rate twenty times faster than a standard Guyver’s norm. Defense is further augmented by a continuously generated body shaped shield aura, an extra secondary shield that protects subject’s Control Crystal, that allows subject to survive anything up to twice the power of a full double mega smash level attack with minimal damage and can reinforce subject’s physical integrity when necessary. This defensive field is also an integral part of the unit’s ability to adapt and thus can also be optimized to help make the subject resistant to attack. -SHIELDS: The subject can produce a blast shield similar to the blast field that all Guyvers produce when they activate their armor that allows him withstand an attack of up to ten times more powerful than a standard Guyver’s double mega smasher. The Cyclone Power Matrix when focused, the subject can generate a powerful directional shield that when combined with the pressure cannon withstand up to a hundred times the power of afull double mega smasher attack from a Guyver with little damage. The downside to this shield is that because it is a directional shield, it leaves other areas open to attack. -HYPER SENSORS: The advanced link to the subject’s brain helps process the sensory information that provides the him with a kind of HUD (Head’s Up Display) or augmented perception. Providing the host with tactical information and keeping track of both friend and foe activity with ease. This combined with the 3D sensory orb system, grants the subject with a near omnipotent awareness of his environment. Since the hyper sensors can also sense through obstacles, within its active sensory range, it is nearly impossible to surprise the subject in battle. The range of the Hyper Sensors have been estimated to be approximately 1000 meters (~3280 Feet) for active perception and up to a fifty times that for passive perception.
WEAPON SYSTEMS: -INFRARED CYSTAL LASER: The subject’s Control Crystal’s ability to fire an highly efficient infrared and bio-laser beam has been enhanced to be twenty times greater than a standard Guyver’s infrared beam. The subject can channel additional bio-energy through the beam for an effect ten times greater than normal but reduces the range of the weapon. -HYPER SONIC BUSTERS: The subject’s sonic weapon emitters are more advanced than a standard Guyver’s, showing greater versatility and power. Radius of attack can range from 5 to 160 degrees and intensity ranges from a low hum to twenty times that of a normal Guyver’s. The subject possesses a kinetic energy transfer field that can augment the sonic busters to be used in the vacuum of space. -VIBRATIONAL SWORDS: Subject’s unit is equipped with a special virtually unbreakable shape shifting vibrational alloy that the subject can manipulate at will. The standard configuration of these weapons is a standard pair of elbow swords and two pairs of forward spike swords. Whether these swords are superior to the Warrior Guyvers, because of units greater power level, is unknown. -RAIL GUNS: The subject possesses a E.M. pulse device that fires small metallic projectiles at near the speed of light, on each forearm and can inflict considerable damage to any unshielded target. -GRAVITATIONAL POWERS: -PRESSURE CANNON: The subject can generate and manipulate sixty times the gravitational energy of a standard unit, the pressure cannon is far more powerful than a standard Guyver’s. Allowing the subject to fire either a single massive Pressure Cannon, with up to sixty times the power of a standard Pressure Cannon or a triple pressure cannon with twenty times the power of a standard Guyver’s each. Since this weapon essentially focuses enough gravitational energy to fold space in on itself it can also be used defensively, if held and not fired, to refract even light around and away from subject. -ZOALORD POWERS: The subject possesses all of the gravitational powers of a zoalord such as the ability to produce a hail small gravitational energy balls approximately 20 per second each equal to the power of a Guyver’s pressure cannon. He can also fire zoalord hand beams from each of his palms with each beam five times as powerful as a Guyver’s pressure cannon as well as create Black Holes. The subject can create a powerful combination hand beam/gravitational/rail gun attack from his hands that is easily as powerful as three times the power of a Guyver’s mega smasher level attack. -CYCLONE POWER ATTACK: Subject can nearly instantly fire an intense attack composed of pure energy from his forearms nearly at will. The attack can last for a few seconds and can be used repeatedly and as fast as a pressure cannon attack. The power of this attack well over mega smash range. In addition, the attack can be combined with the subject’s combination hand beam/gravitational and rail gun attack to fire a powerful beam twice as powerful as a standard Guyver’s mega smasher. -HYPER SMASHERS: Similar to the Warrior Guyver’s, the subject can fire a beam twenty times more powerful than a standard Guyver’s and can maintain them for up to 10 seconds before needing to recharge the smasher cells.
OTHER: -CONTROL CRYSTAL: The control crystal is a larger and pyramid shaped version of our Kavzar control crystal. The control crystal is similar to a zoacrystal in that stores energy and regulates zoalord abilities of the subject but has been greatly enhanced to possess a control medal like interface that controls and regulates all of the subject’s Guyver-like abilities. Combined with secondary control medal like elements throughout the subject’s body allows nearly absolute control of the armor without it going rogue. The control crystal has amazing damage control capabilities that allows even if completely shattered for each remaining piece to come back together and repair the damage. So great is this damage control capability is that at least 75% of the control crystal has to be destroyed for the subject to be killed. The unit also shares the Warrior Guyvers near indestructibility with the ability to protect its Control Medal/Zoa-Crystal with a separate shield and ability to recall itself into hyper space to avoid destruction and regenerate its host. –STEALTH SYSTEM: The Unit’s body shield system also grants the subject with the ability to turn invisible or appear to be just about anything, like a chameleon. This later ability is further enhanced with the ability to project holograms. | ||||
No other conclusions can be confirmed until further data is gathered. |