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-Unit adds 99% of a Guyvers strength, which is approximate to the strength of one hundred human base subjects. -Stamina is only limited to that of user as units hyper space power link provides it with limitless energy reserves. -Physical speed is usually limited to that of user with only slight increase in mobility due to the unit’s strength enhancements but provides standard flight speed of 300 MPH, which approximates that of a standard human enchanced Guyver. -Durability is roughly equal to that of a standard Guyver but is augmented by a full body protective energy field that dampens the effectiveness of most attacks, which offsets the units inability to regenerate user from fatale levels of damage, though unit can regenerate host from anything short of an instantly fatale injury and can regenerate itself with as little as 5 percent of its normal mass remaining intact. -Instead of the usual Guyver Control Medal and head beam laser, Aceaer unit possesses a bio-laser orb which exceeds the energy output of a standard Guyvers head beam laser by about twenty five percent in burst mode but is weaker when used continuously by ten percent. -Since the unit does not bond to host and possesses no Control Medal, a neuro interface device is automatically placed on wearer. Allowing user to control armor at will and remains on host after armor is deactivated into hyper space, allowing unit to be called upon just like a Guyver or Control Unit, but will auto deactivate and return to its dormant state if the nero interface device is removed. -The Pressure Cannon is roughly the same as a standard Guyver’s -The unit possesses a pair of retractable arm mounted plasma swords that approximates the Guyvers vibrational swords by using a highly efficient kinetic energy transfer plasma field instead of vibrational material. The unit also utilizes the same kinetic plasma technology for its sonic weapon emitters, which allow it to be used even in the vacuum of space though power levels still only approximate those of a standard Guyvers. -The unit possesses a E.M. pulse device that fires small metallic projectiles at near the speed of light, on each forearm and can inflict considerable damage to any unshielded target. -In place of the Guyver Mega-Smashers, the Aceaer possesses shoulder mounted fusion cannons of nearly equal destructive power but shorter range due to rapidly expanding nature of blast. Both fusion cannons can also be fired together at one target or individually at multiple targets. Also being the Aceaers most powerful weapon causes it to draw severely on the units energy reserves, temporarily weakening units overall power levels, and requires nearly twice the charging time of a standard Guyvers Mega-Smashers. -Unit possesses hyper sensors similar to a standard Guyver but since unit does not directly access the users mind that unit processes the information from sensors and uses it to produce a H.U.D. like display as well as augment the users natural senses to compensate for lack of a direct sensory link to users mind. -Unit can be passed on to any available user or put into dormant state resembling that of an unactivated Guyver or Control unit. -Presently the unit has only been used by Gen, Pre-Kavzar class warriors, unenhanced human subjects and Guyvers with similar enhancements to all, but it is unknown how unit will react when activated by an enhanced human such as a Guyver or Zoanoid. Though when used by the Warrior Guyver, unit showed a partial merging and slightly improved enhancements. -Aside from the standard black unit, there are also other Aceaer units with primary colors that distinguish them for a Gen that they represent, below are two examples.
–Note : Once the Pre-Kavzar Warrior has proved its worth, its Aceaer Unit is infused with the Kavzar Control crystal. This causes the Aceaer unit to permanently bond with its host, transforming them into a Kavzar. | ||||||
No other conclusions can be confirmed until further data is gathered. |