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-Physical Strength: Subject is ten times stronger than a normal Guyver, granting him the approximate strength of 1,000 men. The unit also possesses unlimited stamina due to an HSL (Hyper Space Link) power system that gives subject unlimited energy reserves. The merging with the Matrix even allows the subject to tap some of his power in human form, giving him the strength of 5 to 25 men at will, though subject can also increase strength to temporarily match that of a normal Guyver. -Speed: Armored Form: Running = 0-3,000 MPH, with a max. of ~3,750 MPH / Flying = 0-7,500 MPH, with a max. of ~15,000 MPH. Human Form: Running = 0-90 MPH, with a max. of ~250 MPH / Flying Speed (Due mostly to subject’s ability to both call upon his blast field at any time and focus its power for thrust) = 0-1,000 MPH. Subject Reflex speed is 40 to 1,000 times normal in armored form and 10 to 40 times normal in human form. -Durability: Subject can withstand anything up to a 1 kiloton explosion with nothing more than its basic body shielding, approximately the power of a Gigantic Guyvers full double Hyper Mega Smash. Regeneration rate is 100 to 400 times normal for a Guyver. Activating blast field and a Gigantic like omni-directional shield allows the subject to withstand up to a 5 kiloton explosion. The subject can also focus all his shield energy and gravitational power into a directed shield, via subject’s Power Wave Attack, that can withstand anything up to a 10 kiloton explosion. Subject can also withstand anything up to a single normal Guyver Mega Smash in human form thanks to his ability to call upon his Unit’s blast field at will. -Gravity Shield Weapon: Subject possesses the ability to use his blast field to channel and store gravitational energy from both himself and any external source. A weapon of incredible destructive potential, it is what ultimately allowed the Warrior Guyver to defeat the Guyver Zoalord and is still considered the subject’s Ultimate Weapon. Subject can call upon this powerful weapon at will for either defense or offense. Allowing him to either withstand or administer a nuclear scale attack. The Subject can also use this shield to absorb power from gravitational attack(s) made upon him. -Quantum Beam Orbs: In subject’s Matrix enhanced form the infrared beam orb has become a quantum energy beam emitter weapon with 100 times the power of a normal Guyvers head beam, giving it the destructive power of a standard Guyver’s pressure cannon. The merging with the Matrix has also provided the subject with two additional quantum beam orbs, one located on each forearm, equally as powerful as the head beam orb. -Gravity Control Orb: Subject has 20 times the gravitational power of a normal Guyver. This combined with subject’s increased power level and improved shielding allows subject to fire a triple Mega Pressure Cannon attack from both hands simultaneously. Allowing the subject to direct Mega Smash level attacks on at least six targets at a time. When Subject combines power into a single triple blast combo, the destructive energy delivered easily equals the power of a Gigantic Guyver’s full double Hyper Smash per blast. The subject can also fire Zoalord type black hole and gravity bullet attacks. -Quantum Mega Smashers: Matrix enhancement has augmented Mega Smashers with a quantum energy field that transforms the Smashers particle beam into a multi-dimensional/spacial flux energy stream with 5 times the power of a Gigantic Guyvers Hyper Smashers and can be maintained for 10 seconds at a time. The radius of the beam is the same as a normal Guyvers, giving it a much greater range and penetrating power than its power alone would normally provide. -Power Wave: Subject can channel the total power of his gravitational, shield, body shield, and blast field power into a directed blast that can be either fired two handedly, at two different targets, to deliver the destructive power of a Gigantic Guyvers full double Hyper Smash to each target, or into a single beam 5 times more powerful than a Gigantic Hyper Smash blast. This attack can also be used to temporarily super boost the subject’s quantum mega smashers to 10 times the power of a Gigantic Guyvers full double Hyper Smash, or simply channeled into enhancing one of subject’s other abilities. The only downside to this ability is that it draws its power from the subject’s defensive systems and so makes subject more vulnerable to attacks when used. -Ultra Power Wave: Similar to normal power wave attack but power from the Quantum Mega Smashers are also added to temporarily double the power of the power wave attack. Though rarely used, this ability allows subject to compensate if he, for any reason, can’t use his Quantum Mega Smashers and/or needs extra power for a quick attack, though the use of the Quantum Mega Smashers is better, this boosted attack still allows subject to fire an instantaneous blast of up to 8 times the power of a Gigantic Guyver’s Hyper Smashers. -Power Wave Punch: Subject can use his Power Wave to emulate a standard Gigantic Guyvers’ Power Punch attack. Giving himself a massive burst of speed, equal to 100 G’s of acceleration, and delivers a blow equal to the destructive power of a 1 kiloton explosion of TNT. Use of the Ultra Power Wave can easily triple the speed and power of this attack. The only downside to this ability is that it draws its power from the subject’s defensive systems and so makes subject more vulnerable to attacks when used. -Swords: Subject has two pairs of elbow and forearm vibrational swords, composed of polymorphic material that allow it to morph into a variety of shapes and sizes at the users will, which have superior strength and tolerance levels than that of any other known vibrational weapon. Additionally, these weapons benefit from subject’s rapid adaptability and energy channeling ability. Swords can thus be used to counter attacks that would normally destroy a vibrational sword. -Sonic Busters: Matrix enhancement grants subject’s sound weapon emitters a 5 to 160 degree radius of attack, covering the full spectrum of sound, and can produce a white sound blast 20 times more powerful than a normal Guyver’s. Allowing Subject to easily kill anything up to a hyper class zoanoid. The emitters can also be used for a variety of effects, ranging from affecting the biological functions of a target, such as disrupting the inner ear to destroy a target’s sense of balance, to levitating objects. The emitters can also fire kinetic energy pulses for added punch and/or use in the vacuum of space. Subject’s Matrix can also augment this weapon to produce other effects, including disruption of dimensional harmonic frequencies, or simply converting its kinetic energy into an alternate form of energy. -Hyper Sensors: The Matrix enhancement of subject’s senses has granted subject an enormous range of perception. Unit’s hyper sensors alone have an estimated range of 10 kilometers (~6 1/4 miles). This combined with an advance multi-sensory HUD type system, the Control Medal’s A.I. capacity, and overall enhancements of all of the subject’s natural senses, with Creator like telepathy added, allows subject to have a nearly god like awareness of his environment. -Control Medal: The Subject’s Control Medal is a pyramid shaped Warrior type that is composed of 4 partial C-Units that have been combined to produce a more powerful parallel processing Unit. Allowing unit to function at higher power levels than any other Unit type can match without resorting to some external enhancement. This Control Medal design also allows it to handle a significant level of damage, reverting subject to a power downed, equivalent in power to a standard Guyver, form when it needed repair, such as was demonstrated by the subject after his return from his battle with the original Guyver Zoalord. Now, merged with a Matrix, it is thought unlikely that the subject will ever again have to take on that form. The Matrix, itself, has merged with the top center piece of the Control Medal and has become an integral part of the whole unit. Granting the subject greatly enhanced power and some of the powers associated with the Matrix itself. Such as the ability to remove or heal other Guyver Units of all types. The subject also has gained the ability to Quantum Compute during combat, allowing subject to calculate the results of all possible actions instantly and then choose the course of action that best suites his need at any particular moment. The subject can even use this ability to sense possible outcomes and react before an event happens. Combined with the subject’s already incredible speed, this ability makes him almost impossibly fast as well as incredibly deadly in combat. -Stealth Systems: Unit can turn invisible or appear to be just about anything, like a chameleon, with an advance cloaking system integrated with Unit’s Body Shield system. Unit can also project immaterial and/or solid holograms and can even make one powerful enough to handle anything up to a Hyper Zoanoid. The Unit’s ability to enter Hyper space without deactivating and taking host along with it for either teleportation or to regenerate from a battle, even if Unit had appeared to have been vaporized, is also integrated into the Unit stealth system to prevent its detection until host is ready for combat once again -Psionics: Subject possesses Creator like telepathic abilities as well as other psionic abilities described above. This has allowed the subject to communicate with beings he would otherwise not understand and has demonstrated a limited command over the Creators standard Kavzars. This combined with the power of the Matrix, allows the subject to travel to other dimensions and times at will. In his armored form, the subject has even demonstrated the ability to prevent other beings from teleporting while within an approximate 5 to 10 mile radius from him. -Quantum Speed: Ability the subject has developed that allows him to instantly move from one location to another at will and without traveling through an intermediate medium such as hyper space. Since no measurable amount of time passes when this ability is used, subject can appear to be in two or more places at once. -Quantum Time: A state the subject can go into when using his Quantum Speed ability, allowing him to exist within a single instant of time. Though unable to effect anything in this state, as he passes through normal matter like a ghost and is unable to affect anything with his powers, he can use this ability to analyze a situation and combine this ability with his quantum computing power to allow him to be absolutely certain of his choice of action upon re-entering normal time. He can also use this ability to simply meditate and think of things without worry of the passage of time. -Teleportion: Subject has the standard ability to perform hyper space jumps that both the Warrior and Gigantic class Guyvers possess, but, since merging with the Matrix, the subject can now utilize all known forms of teleportation. Including quantum, trans dimensional, matter/energy, worm hole, and psionic methods. -Quantum Inverse Teleportation: Ability the subject first demonstrated on a Grakken mother ship when he used this ability to trans locate the ship with an equally massive Creator ship. Essentially allowing subject to teleport objects more massive than he can normally teleport, by switching them with an object of approximately equal mass. The subject can also use this ability tactically, to switch places with either an opponent or ally at will. -Molecular Manipulation: A mostly psionic based ability that allows subject to manipulate matter at will. This allows subject to both move an object and/or alter it, such as turning lead into gold or changing the shape of an object. The full range of this power has yet to be demonstrated. -Other abilities: Subject can use his quantum powers to manipulate all forms of energy, allowing subject to guide his blasts to his target(s) and/or transform energy from one state and into another, such as transforming an incoming energy blast into gravitational energy that he can absorb with his gravity shield. Subject can also use this ability to transform energy into matter and vise versa. The only limit to this ability is that it can only be applied to energy/matter within the subject’s power range. The subject can also use this ability to create an energy based soliton wave (A special wave that can travel indefinitely without losing power) blast that he can use to repel an opponent and/or propel an object away from him at a rate equivalent to the power contained within the soliton force wave. Since the wave doesn’t lose power over time, the target will be propelled by the wave until the target can either get away from the wave and/or the wave itself is countered or disrupted. Subject can even manipulate forces of nature and create powerful psionic and gravitational based attacks, such as Imakarums’ cyclone attack. -Special Note: Prior to his merging with a Matrix, the subject had acquired an Aceaer Unit. Though the Aceaer Unit is a none bonding type Creator armor and normally only adds its power to user’s, the Aceaer appears to have partly bonded itself to the Warrior Unit and taken a more streamlined design. This analysis is further strengthened by the fact that the Warrior Guyver’s powers where increased by 40% instead of the estimated 25% that using the Aceaer should have caused, but now it is thought unlikely the subject will ever use the Aceaer again, now that the subject can transform into Dreadnought, except maybe to pass on to an ally in battle.
-Below is an image showing the size difference between subjects normal and Dreadnought form.
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No other conclusions can be confirmed until further data is gathered. |