One week ago, a major blow was struck against the human resistance as Chronos attacked and defeated the U.S./Canadian forces at their main Canadian base. Now it seems Chronos has almost defeated them, having lost many troops and equipment during the assault. A Chronos attack now would be disastrous but for some reason Chronos hasn’t continued their attack. General Kulser has put the new base under martial law until further notice, secretly searching for the suspected traitor responsible for this disaster.
Come in.
Forrester walks into the office and finds that Doctor Gast has already arrived and has taken a seat.
We lost 67% of our troops, 40% of the Blues and 78% of the Red units.
That bad, huh?
Worse. We lost three of the Robo Guyver battle suits and Chronos is jamming all frequencies, we can’t even call for help.
Dammit! Those bastards! . . We have to do something!
Kulser and Forrester look at Gast with amazement.
That’s the most human thing I’ve heard you say in years.
Well, I, er…
There was a knock at the door.
Come in.
Will walks in, followed by Greg.
Sir, we’ve got the final analysis of Greg’s abilities here.
Good. Let’s hear it.
Apparently the unit has a combination Guyver Control metal and Zoalord zoa-crystal.
The combination seems to allow for a duo bio-boost and bio-enhancement to the host that results in a power level that is at least 50% greater than that of a normal Guyver. Plus the many organic orbs on the armour are much like those of a Zoalord and act as weapons as well.
Interesting. What else?
Just then, Dr Junon walks in and says “Please, allow me to answer that”.
-Dr. Junon
Bio-energy readings during use of the armour indicate Unit has much greater energy reserves than a standard Unit that combined with Units greater operating efficiency, grants host with nearly unlimited stamina for up to several hours at a time but analysis also indicate that once reserves are used up that it would take the host two to three days to fully recover.
For every good thing, there is always something bad.
Well, at least the benefits exceed the bad things.
Hmm, good enough. That’ll be all, you’re all dismissed.
Everyone leaves the Generals office. General Kulser pulls a piece of paper from one of the drawers in his desk. It has a list of names. He scratches off one of them. and puts it back, as he thinks to himself, “Who the hell are you?”.
Meanwhile, at the Chronos base, all things are going according to plan. Rofel is talking with Valcus by satellite link.
Lord Valcus, we are ready to strike immediately upon your command.
Good. You will strike as planned.
Yes sir!
The screen fades and Valcus disappears. Rofel decides that now would be a good time to go to the breeding tanks to check up on something. As he walks in, he notices Destrol standing in front of one of the tubes. Destrol, in turn, notices him right away.
Ah, Rofel. What brings you here?
Uh, I just thought you should know, I’ve reported to Lord Valcus and he has confirmed our orders, we are to proceed as planned.
Really? You came all the way down here, just to tell me that?! You wouldn’t be hiding something from me, would you?
Nnnno, sir.
What if I told you I already knew about your little experiment?
What?. . How did you find out?
Ah, so there is something your hiding.
You mean you didn’t. . .
Quit your jabbering. Just show me.
Y–ye-yes sir.
The two walk over to a sealed container. Rofel opens it and reveals something that looks like a piece of a Guyvers bio armour.
Ah, I see. Trying to utilize a piece of the Guyver as a weapon. Very interesting. I believe I could use this in my little project. You don’t have a problem with that, do you?
Rofel looked at him and noticed that his eyes were glowing. Rofel suddenly found that he could not move.
No sir!
Destrol released him and smiled, but it looked more like an evil grin.
I thought not.
Rofel left as Destrol admired the container.
-Rofel (To himself)
Dammit! What is he planning?
Elsewhere, Dr. Gast is going over some statistics on a new prototype armour, while Dr. Junon performed some additional tests on Greg.
Hmmm, interesting.
What is it?
When the Guyver bonds with a host, it puts two organisms on the hosts back.
Yeah, so?
You don’t have them, or anything abnormal for that matter.
Do you know what it means?
Not a clue.
Dr. Gast gets up and walks over to the armour storage area. It was like a walk in closet. Inside there were a few tubes with different things in them. A couple of them had frozen parts of Zoanoids like Vamore shoulder cannons, Gregore arms and legs, and in one there was a piece of bio armour from Guyver0 and after that was the original armour
prototype, the new one, and the upgrade.
As Dr. Gast walked by he noticed that the bio armour sample was much smaller than the size of the sample he originally took.
Oh my god!
Greg and Dr. Junon came running.
What is it doctor?
A piece of the bio armour is missing!
Damn, our spy strikes again. I’ll call the Commander.
Good idea.
Dr. Gast just stood there and looked at the now smaller sample. Greg was about to leave when he noticed Dr. Gast just standing there.
Are you coming doctor?
Dr. Gast looked up at him.
Oh yes, of course. . .
Dr. Gast and Greg left the room and locked it up. They then headed to General Kulsers room and soon found that Dr. Junon was already there.
So our traitor strikes again, eh?
Yes sir.
What exactly was it?
It was a sample piece of Guyver0’s bio armour that we had frozen for study.
So Chronos now has that to play with.
I want a list of all personnel who had access to that lab. Dismissed!
On the way out Ken passed the office, Dr. Gast stopped him.
Ken, we are going to stop the tests for a bit, at least until we find the spy.
Okay, no prob doc, I’ll catch you later then.
Wait, I also want you to stop by my office in about ten minutes. I want to do one final examination on you before we shut this down for a while.
Sure. I’ll be there.
Ken walks away a bit confused, but he follows orders so he wouldn’t make
a big fuss about it. Dr. Gast walked down the hall a bit more and found
Greg talking to Dr. Junon.
Sorry to interrupt, but I’d like to take a sample of your armour Greg.
Okay but won’t it get stolen too?
Nonsense!. Only you, I and Dr. Junon here will know about it. Meet me in my office in twenty minutes.
I hope this doesn’t get stolen too.
Don’t worry it won’t. Dr. Junon, I’d like you to shut down the lab for me at 1600. It’s 15:35 now and I should have the new sample ready before then.
Are you sure this is wise?
Of course. This way the spy won’t be able to get in.
And with that Dr. Gast left for his office, while Dr. Junon went to do his rounds.
Back at the Canadian Chronos base, Destrol was observing the progress of his secret project.
It’s working! It’s accepting the armour!
Destrol was in the lab working over a computer by the tank he was admiring earlier. There was a beeping behind him. He turned around and pressed a button. An outline of a man appeared on the screen.
Ah it’s you. What do you have to report?
The lab will be completely shut down in twenty minutes. What do you want me to do?
Hmmm. . . Try and get the new prototype armour along with any data acquired on this
new Guyver.
Yes sir.
The screen faded, and a smile came to Destrols face, but as he went back to work another call came in. He turned around to see Alkanphel.
Hello father.
Ah, Destrol. Hard at work I see.
Yes. This female shall be the start of a new breed of Neo Zoanoids!
Really. I’m intrigued. Tell me more.
She has all the abilities of our Neo Zoanoids, plus I’ve combined her body
with the bio armour of a Guyver.
Very interesting. Keep me informed of your progress.
Yes father.
The screen faded. Destrol looked at the tube with the girl in it. Destrol grinned.
Ah, little Sara. You will be my ticket to becoming a full zoalord so I can fight alongside with my father! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!
16:00 Hours, at the human base:
The lab was relatively dark. Only a few lights on some panels were lit up. Dr. Junon turned on the lights and walked over to the door to the storage locker. He opened it and got the spare key out and he opened his way into the chamber. As he walked, he looked for the new specimen. Which he found at the very end.
Ah, here it is!
He opened the canister and took out a piece of paper with three words on it, “We Got You!”.
He turned around and saw nothing. He took the sample and walked over to the
armour. Just as he was going to open it, the armour sprung to life and grabbed his hand.
Surprised? I know I was when Dr. Gast told me it was you.
Dr. Junon looked over at the entrance. Dr. Gast was standing there with Greg as the Proto Guyver.
Give it up. It’s all over.
Dr. Junon started struggling with Ken, but knowing where the “off” switch was he had a chance. He hit it and the armour shut down, and he jumped back.
Shit! There was an off switch!
Only because you were still connected to the Storage Alcove.
Dr. Junon had fallen in front of what was going to be the new production line of Robo Guyver suits. Which he was attempting to put on. Proto Guyver started to run at him but Junon had got in it too quickly, and he shot a laser at him. It didn’t do much but it did make him stop. While that was going on Ken finally got the armour back up and running.
There’s nowhere to run!
Suddenly the base was rocked by energy bolts. Proto Guyver looked to see if
Dr. Gast was all right, but they were in a high tech vault, and Gast had not one scratch on him.
I beg to differ.
He blasted a hole above himself and jumped up.
We better get topside!
But the prototype isn’t. . .
It’s finished, now take the upgrade and get your ass in gear!
RoboGuyver went over to the upgrade module while the Proto Guyver flew up after Junon. When he got to the surface, he spotted a team of Zoanoids fighting some blue types.
Stand down men! I’ll handle these freaks!
The blue team backed off as the ProtoGuyver dived in and started ripping apart the Zoanoids. It almost looked like he was enjoying himself. Robo Guyver then arrives on the scene to see Junon watching from behind a big rock, cowering like the coward he is.
Junon! You fucken bastard, your mine!
Junon moved out of the area he was in as Robo Guyver fired a barrage of lasers his way. Junon fired his wrist lasers at RoboGuyver, but he brought his shield up and the lasers were no more a threat. Robo Guyver then jumped at him and extended his swords and cut Junons right arm off.
There is no way your weak armour can beat mine!
It doesn’t matter. I have more than this armour up my sleeve.
He tossed the canister up in the air and Rofel appeared and grabbed it.
Ha! Fools, you can’t stop us.
Guyver0 flew from one of the bunker doors, firing a barrage of head laser shots at Rofel. Rofels shield blocked them all. Rofel grinned with delight.
So there you are!
What have you bastards done with Sara?
Destrol appeared behind Rofel with someone in a black cloak.
Funny you should ask that, we were just about to arrange a reunion.
The figure in the robe hovered to the ground. The robe feel revealing a young woman in a black jumpsuit. Guyver0 recognized her immediately.
ProtoGuyver looked over at what was happening. He recognized Destrol.
You son of a bitch!
He starts flying full speed at Destrol who is unaware of his approach. He smashes into Destrol’s back, Knocking him onto the ground some 50 yards away. Destrol barely hits the ground before he is back up in the air and looks the back to see who hit him.
Who dares?
Destrol looks and sees a not so familiar face, but one he remembers nonetheless.
So you want a rematch punk? Fine by me!
Destrol flies up in the air, and Proto Guyver does the same. Energy crackles around them. Robo Guyver watches in amazement, not noticing Junon. Junon starts heading for Robo Guyver.
I’m not done with you yet!
Robo Guyver looked over just in time to see Junon fire an energy beam. He tried to dodge, but the beam hit his shoulder and went straight through. Blood poured out from under the armour as the searing metal touched his skin.
Aaaarrrrgggggghhhhh! You. . . YOUR DEAD!!!
Robo Guyver started powering up his left plasma cannon. Junon started growing a new right arm.
The H.U.D. in RoboGuyvers visors lit up, “Warning, Power overload! Main power offline, switching to auxiliary and emergency power”. Ken cursed under his breath and then waited the second the armour needed to reroute power.
Okay, time to finish this!
And with that he let go with all his suits weapons at once. Three of the beams hit Junon. One blowing off the lower right leg, another destroying the left halve of the mid section, and the final completely blowing off the right arm, shoulder, and half his head. Junons body fell to the ground.
RoboGuyver fell to his knees clutching his shoulder.
Sara, are you okay?
Guyver0 was trying so hard to get an answer from her, but Sara did not answer. She just started shaking, then she burst out of the jump suit in a burst of fire. When the smoke cleared she had transformed into something that looked like a cross between a Guyver and something he couldn’t quite put his finger on, but it didn’t matter, Sara had become one of them, and he knew there was nothing else to do but fight. Yet he still tries to reach out to her.
What did they do to you?
Destrol managed to knock Proto Guyver into a building and collapsed it on top of him, which bought him a second to observe Guyver0.
So you like what we did?
Your going to pay for this you bastard!
Sara jumped at Guyver0, who sensed it and jumped away. She then started swing at him wildly. Destrol no longer could control her as Proto Guyver jumped up at him to
continue the fight.
Damn you humans!
Rofel had opened the container, finding nothing but a rock. He flew up into the air looking for a target. He noticed Robo Guyver was just staying still. A perfect target. He flies over to him and just hovered there with a huge smile on his face as he decides to taunt Ken before killing him.
You humans are so pathetic. You think you can create something that can help you, but ultimately it fails because we are superior. Just look over at your former friend. He is already regenerating and you tried your best to kill him. Ha ha ha ha ha, you weak fools. . . Now you must die!
Rofel starts to power up an energy ball in his hand. Robo Guyver looked up at him just as his HUD displayed the message that main power had been rerouted and was back online, along with all primary weapon systems. All the weapons on the armour then started glowing. Sensing the sudden power surge from Robo Guyver, Rofel stopped dead in his tracks and let the energy ball disappear.
Wrong loud mouth, time for you to die!!!
RoboGuyver pointed all his weapons at Rofel, and after a small hum he opened his chest plates and opened firewith all primary and secondary weapons. There was a thunderous, blinding flash of light as all the weapons fired.
Oh shi…
Rofel was vaporized. Robo Guyver got up, still holding his shoulder. His H.U.D. system lit up again as someone approached. Junon had fully regenerated, however he now looked like a Zoanoid and his hand grew back as a long bio blade. Robo Guyver tried to charge his weapons again, but they wouldn’t respond. The last attack had melted most of them, and the few that were left could explode if used.
Ah the power coupler. almost infinite energy. Rofel did underestimate that you humans could have something like that.
That’s not all.
They looked over to see what was left of the blue armours. Dr. Gast and Commander Forrester were in the lead two. Forrester walked behind the Robo Guyver.
It’s over, Junon. Give it up.
Its never over! I can always come back!
Not this time.
Gast fired at Junon. Junon let the bullet hit him.
Ha ha ha ha! What did you expect to do?
You’ll see. Ken get out of there!
Forrester and the RoboGuyver stepped back.
What the…?
RoboGuyver jumped back as the bullet exploded inside of Junon, blowing him in half.
This will never work! You fools!
Two Blue types loaded grenade like canisters to the front of their guns, and they all pointed them at what was left of Junon.
In mid air the shells blew open and acid flew from them. It started dissolving Junon.
Noooo…. ARRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…….
It’s over.
Gast walked away in the armour. Elsewhere the battle between ProtoGuyver and Destrol was raging on. Destrol charged two energy balls and fired them at ProtoGuyver, who dodged them and started to charge a gravity ball.
You fight well, but I believe it’s time for a strategic retreat.
ProtoGuyver threw the gravity ball down towards the forest below as Destrol teleported away. Proto Guyver flew as fast as he could towards where Destrol had been.
Damn you! This isn’t over!
100 yards away, Guyver0 wasn’t having such a good time. Since he didn’t want to hurt Sara he didn’t attack. However Sara, as she is, doesn’t care and has been battering Guyver0 around. She tossed him into a bunch of trees just as Forrester, RoboGuyver, and the troops approached. Sara never even turned around to see them. She was focused on Guyver0.
Remember we want her alive people!
The troops shot around Sara’s feet. Dr. Gast hovered down beside Forrester. In his hand was a small metal container. Gast opened it.
Here, use this.
He handed Forrester another shell with a needle on the end. Forrester understood what he meant and loaded it into his cannon and started aiming it.
Good night. . .
Forrester fired the shell. The needle penetrated the armour and the liquid inside started to drain into Sara. Sara screamed out in pain as she shrunk back to her human form. Dr. Gast handed a blanket over to RoboGuyver and he walked over and covered her. Guyver0 got up. His armour torn up from Sara’s blades.
Wha. . . What happened? Where’s Sara?
She’s right here.
Guyver0 looked over at her laying on the ground.
Thank god…
He collapsed but the armour did not retract. Proto Guyver flew above them. He landed beside RoboGuyver and picked up Guyver0, he turned to Forrester.
Destrol got away.
Don’t worry. I finally got a call from the U.S.. They’re sending in a big gun. Someone called Cyber Guyver.
Come on. Lets go take them in and have a look at the injured.
The group walk away, unknown to them that ProtoGuyvers gravity ball had uncovered something.
End of part 3.