This is my first romance story.  Read and Enjoy.

                The Guyver's Angel of the Night
                        Part 1

            Japan, A hotel for the rich and famous

       Xanatos and Fox were unpacking in their hotel in Japan
at 8:00 P.M. They had come to Japan for vacation.  They took Alex with
them so he could learn a little about Japan.  Owen went along as well. 
He took the room across from Xanatos' room.
       "Owen?"  Xanatos said as he knocked on the door.  "Can I see
you for a moment?"
       "Certainly, sir."  Owen said as he opened his door and let
Xanatos in. "I was unpacking, sir."
       "Fox was wondering if you could change into Puck and show
Alex Japan." Xanatos said as he walked into the room.
      "I must remind you, sir.  Puck can only use his powers to teach
or to protect Alex."  Owen said.
      "That's what I told Fox."  Xanatos said.  "But I began to think
about it.  In a way Puck would be protecting Alex."
       "I'm listening."  Owen said.
       "Lets pretend there is some person who would want to kidnap
Alex and hold him for ransom.  We don't want that to happen again. 
They could accomplish this for two reasons."  Xanatos said.  "First,
we don't have this hotel as guarded as we had the castle.  So anybody
could sneak in here and take Alex.  Second, Fox and I are going to
this party and then we're going to look at some museums.  Alex will
be left with a nanny.  I don't believe this nanny knows how to defend
Alex.  So in a way Puck will be protecting Alex."
       Owen thought about this and said,  "You're right.  Its bending
the rules, but it's all right.  When do you want Puck to go?"
       "Right now if it's all right."  Xanatos said.
       Both men walked out the door and to the other door across
the hall. Xanatos opened it and led Owen to where Alex was. 
2-year-old Alex was in his crib playing with a ball.  He looked and
saw his father and the man who turn into Puck coming.  He dropped the
ball and pulled himself into a standing position on the bars of his crib.
      "Daddy."  Alex said as he reached out for Xanatos.  Xanatos smiled and
picked his son up.  Owen put his glasses in his breast pocket and began
to spin.
      "Puck, Puck, Puck."  Alex, who chanted as he clapped his hands,
knew that whenever Owen spun around, Puck appears.  Then the fun begins.
      "Right here, kid!"  Puck said as he as he took Alex into his
arms.  He floated off the ground and crossed his legs.  He set Alex
on his lap.
      "Bring him back at twelve.  Sooner if he gets tired."  Xanatos
said. "Teach him a spell or two, but NO mischief.  Okay?"
      "All right."  Puck said with his fingers crossed behind his
back.  He snapped his fingers, making himself and Alex invisible from
mortal eyes.  They flew out the window and into the night sky.

                        Above the city

       "This is Japan, kid."  Puck said as he floated.  "This is a
Japanese city with Japanese people.  Any questions?"
      Alex gurgled in response.
      "Over there is a Japanese neighborhood."  Puck said as he
floated closer to the Sagawa house.  "Everything here is Japanese. 
There is a Japanese house, a Japanese car, Japanese grass, two Japanese
Guyvers, some Japanese trees, and Japanese . . .  GUYVERS?!!!!"
       Puck floated closer to the Sagawa house and saw Guyver1 and Guyver3
standing on top of the house.  They were facing each other and were
talking.  Puck listened in.
       "They'll be here any minute, so be ready."  Guyver3 said.
      "I will."  Guyver1 said.
      "Good.  I'll take the other one.  Make sure they don't get
away." Guyver3 said as he floated away, leaving Guyver1.
      "Wow!!  I haven't seen a Guyver in 10,000 years."  Puck said as
he floated right in front Guyver1.
       "Guyvol."  Alex said, repeating after Puck.
       "That's right, kid.  A Guyver, and your going to learn about
them tonight."  Puck said as he floated above Guyver1.
       Suddenly Guyver1 crouched down.  His blades ejected and his
control metal glowed.
       "Something is going to happen."  Puck informed Alex.
      A blue van pulled up in front of the house.  Five men in blue
uniforms got out and began to surround the house. Guyver1 shot his head
laser and hit a man in the head.  The laser went through his head, and
he fell dead.  His body began to dissolve.
       "This could get yucky."  Puck said as he covers Alex's eyes. 
"They should advise parental discretion."
       "Transmutation now."  One man yelled.
       All the men began to grow and burst out of their clothes. 
There were two gregolyes, a robotith, and one that looked like a lizard.
      "Cool."  Puck commented.
       "I won't let you hurt my friends."  Guyver1 said as he jumped
down. The lizard charged him.  Guyver1 jumped and cut his head off.
      "Ewwww!  Gory!"  Puck said as he watched as the blood went
      The robotith attacked Guyver1 from behind.  Guyver1 turned
and punched the zoanoid in the chest.  His fist went through its chest
and out its back.  Guyver1 charged the next zoanoid.  He cut him in
half at the waist.  Guyver1 used his Gravity Cannon and blew up the
last zoanoid's head.
       "All right, kid, it's over."  Puck said as he took his hand
away from Alex's eyes.
      Guyver3 appeared and was beside Guyver1. "Well done, Guyver1. 
I've already taken out the other one."  Guyver3 said.  "Go home and
get some rest."
       "Yes, I will."  Guyver1 said.
       Guyver3 flew upward and slowly disappeared.  Guyver1 vanished
and in his place was Sho Fukamachi.
      "So Guyver1 is a boy, huh?"  Puck said.  "Hey Alex.  Lets
go have some fun with him."
       Alex giggled and clapped his hands as if he were agreeing
with Puck. Tetsuro came out the house cautiously. "Is it safe?  Are
they gone?"  Tetsuro asked looking around.
       "Yes, they're dead."  Sho answered.
       Tetsuro relaxed and stood beside Sho.  "You don't look so good."
      Sho had bags under his eyes and his eyes were red.  "I'll be okay,
after I get some rest."
       "Why don't you stay here tonight?"  Tetsuro said.  "I'm sure
Mizuki will be glad to have you."  He winked at Sho.
       "I don't know."  Sho said a little nervous.
      "Aww c'mon."  Tetsuro insisted.
       "All right."  Sho said.  "Only because I'm too tired to argue."
      Tetsuro grabbed Sho's arm and pulled him inside.
      "Lets go see who this Mizuki is."  Puck said.
      "Zuki!"  Alex said with glee.  He liked saying new words.
      Puck and Alex went through the door and into the house.  Tetsuro
and Sho took off their shoes and walked into the kitchen.  Puck saw a
girl about Sho's age sitting at the table.
       "That must be Mizuki."  Puck said to Alex.
       "Hello Sho."  She greeted.  "Was Agito with you?"
       "Yeah."  Sho said softly.
       "Where is he?"  Mizuki asked.
      "He had to go."  Sho answered.
       "Oh."  Mizuki said with a little disappointment.  "Well, I
need to change anyway.  I'll be back."  She disappeared out of the
kitchen. Puck watched her go up the stairs. Sho sat in a chair and sighed.
      "Don't worry about it, Sho."  Tetsuro comforted.  "She's bound
to like you soon."
      "Yeah right."  Sho said.  "Like she is ever going to notice me."
      "Why don't you ask her out?"  Tetsuro suggested.
      "I can't."
      "Why not?"
       "I don't know, and lets drop the subject, okay?
       "All right, but I believe you should at least try to fight
for her."
       "So Sho is in love with Mizuki, eh?"  Puck said to himself.
       "O!"  Alex said saying Sho's name.
      "I wonder what he would do if his beloved Mizuki got changed
into a monster."  Puck said.  He began to have a devilish grin as he
formed a mischievous idea.

                  Mizuki's room

       When Mizuki finished buttoning her blue blouse, she began
to think about Sho.  She gets this warm feeling whenever she was around
him.  She never got this feeling whenever she was with Agito.  She
decided not to think about it.
       "Hello toots."
       Mizuki turned to see Puck and Alex appear on her bed. "Who
are you?"  She said, frightened.
       "I'm Puck."  Puck said.  "And this is Alex."  He motioned
to Alex whose was sitting beside him.
      "Hey, hey."  Alex said with a little wave of his small hand.
       "Are you with Chronos?"  Mizuki asked, wondering if she
should yell for help.
       "No, we're not with this Chronos."  Puck said.  "Whatever
it is.  Do you know what a gargoyle is?"
      "A stone statue of a winged monster?"  Mizuki said.
       "Close, but not close enough."  Puck said.  "How about I
show you one?"
      "No thank you."  Mizuki said politely.  "I already have
enough problems with monsters."  She thought.
       "I'm afraid I have to insist."  Puck said as he floated
off the bed. Mizuki jerked back in fear.  Puck turned to Alex and
said, "I hope you're taking notes."
       Puck began to say words in some strange language.  Suddenly,
this green light enveloped Mizuki before she could scream for Sho
and Tetsuro.  She floated a few feet off the floor.  This strange
feeling came to her limbs.
       The next thing she knew, she was on the floor.  She sat up
and touched her head, "What happened?"  She asked.
       "I cast a spell."  Puck said as he floated closer to her. 
"How do you feel?"
       "A bit dizzy, but it's going away."  She said.
       Alex looked at Mizuki said,  "Girgule!"
       "What do you mean you cast a spell?"  Mizuki asked when
the dizzy feeling was gone.
      Puck grined devilishly.  "Go look in the mirror."
      Mizuki slowly stood up in front of her dresser.  She looked
into the mirror and screamed.


       Sho and Tetsuro heard Mizuki scream.
       "MIZUKI!!"  They yelled together.  They ran upstairs.

                  Back in Mizuki's room

       Mizuki could only stare at herself in the mirror.  Her skin
was tan, like an Indian's, but much darker.  She had no eyebrows
or eyelashes. She had wings on her back (wings are like Demona's). 
Her forehead was V shaped.  Her hands were talons.  She had a tail
and another pair of talons for feet, and her ears were pointed.  She
ran her tongue over her teeth and realized she had fangs.
      "What have you done to me?"  She asked softly, and stunned. 
She turned to see Puck, but he and Alex were gone.
      "Please don't leave me like this."  She pleaded before she
burst into tears.
      "MIZUKI!!!" She heard Sho yelling from behind her door. 
      "Yes."  She said, making her voice sound calm.  "I can't let
him see me like this."
      "Then why did you scream?"  Tetsuro asked.
      "I thought I saw a mouse."  Mizuki lied.  She was backing
away from the door.  She backed into the mirror on her dresser. 
Her wings knocked it over and it smashed into pieces.
       "WHAT WAS THAT?!!!"  Tetsuro yelled.
       "I accidently knocked over the mirror."  Mizuki said as
she stepped over the broken glass.
       Sho sensed there was something wrong.  "Open this door."
       "NO!!"  Mizuki yelled in panic.
       "Mizuki, open this door or I'll break it down."  Sho said.
       "Sho, please don't."  Mizuki said as she backed up to the
window.  She didn't notice the window open by itself.
      "Mizuki, I'm coming in!!"  Sho yelled as he threw himself
against the door.  The door burst opens.  Sho stumbled into the room
with Tetsuro right behind him.
      "Oh, my God."  Tetsuro said when he saw Mizuki who was in tears.
      "DON'T LOOK AT ME!!!!"  She screamed as she tried to block
their view with a wing.
       "Mizuki, what the h*** happened to you?"  Sho asked, still
       "A little man with white hair named Puck and a baby changed
me into this."  Mizuki said through tears.
      "Everything will be all right."  Sho said as he took a few
steps toward Mizuki.
       "HOW CAN IT BE ALL RIGHT??!!!!!"  She screamed.  "LOOK AT
      Mizuki felt this force pull her toward the open window. 
She tried to resist, but it was too strong.
       "HELP ME!!!"  She screamed as the force pulled her out
the window. When she was out the window, the force let go and
Mizuki fell.  Mizuki spread her wings in reflex.  She fell/glided
to the ground.
       When she landed/crashed, she jumped up and ran down the
street.  She headed toward the woods, away from her brother and home.
      "MIZUKI, COME BACK!!!"  Sho yelled.  Mizuki didn't look back.

                  Not far from the Sagawa house

       The Hyper Zoanoid Team 5 were watching the Sagawa house
in their human form.  Thancrus were watching the house through
binoculars when he spotted Mizuki in her new look.
      "Hey, Zek-Toll, I think you should look at this."  Thancrus
said as he thrust a pair of binoculars into Zek-Toll's hands.
      Zek-Toll held the binoculars up to his eyes.  He looked directly
at the Sagawa house.  He didn't see anything at first, but then he
saw Mizuki.
      "What the h***?"  He said.  "That looks like Mizuki Sagawa,
but she has wings and a tail.  What the h*** happened to her?"
      "Bring her to Chronos at once."  A male's voice said inside
his head.
      "But, sir, we were sent out to destroy Guyver."  Zek-Toll
      "Things have changed."  Gyou said.  "Now do as I say."
      "Yes sir."  Zek-Toll said.
      "Don't worry about it."  Gastor said.  "We can still have some
fun with Mizuki Sagawa."

                  Back in the Sagawa house

       "I have to find her."  Sho said as he ran to the door.
       "Sho, wait."  Tetsuro said as he blocked Sho's way. "Just
wait a while, okay?"
       "WHY?!"  Sho said.
      "You have to rest.  Look at yourself."  Tetsuro said.  "You
look like you're about to faint from exhaustion.  She'll come back
on her own when she is ready.  If she doesn't come in an hour than
you can look for her."
       "We have to find her before Chronos does."  Sho said as
he tried to go around Tetsuro.
       "I wouldn't worry about Chronos."  Tetsuro said as he steered
Sho back into the house.  "They probably don't even know about what
happened to Mizuki.  I know Mizuki will avoid their building.  If
they do find out, it'll be hard for them to catch her.  She has wings,
I bet she knows how to fly right now."

                        In the woods

      "I wish I knew how to fly with these things."  Mizuki
thought as she walked through the woods. "Why did I wear these shorts?"
       Mizuki had her arms wrapped tightly around herself.  It
was cold and windy and she was freezing.  Her teeth chattered and
she was trembling from cold.  She was about to turn around and go
home when she heard a male's voice.
       "Need someone to keep you warm, sweetheart?"
       Mizuki turned her head to see the Hyper Zoanoid Team 5 (In
their zoanoid forms)  behind her.  It was Elegen who spoke.
       "Want me to come over there and warm things up, baby?"  He
asked with a look of hunger in his yellow eyes.
       "St . . . St . . . stay away from me!"  Mizuki said.  She
was now trembling with from fear.
       The Hyper Zoanoids laughed.  They begin to move toward
her.  Mizuki wanted to run away, but she was afraid to do so.
      "I don't think she likes you."  Darzerb said to Elegen.  Elegen
      They moved toward her, until they were standing close to her. 
Mizuki looked for an escape route, but there was no way to get through
their tight little circle.
       "Cute wings."  Gastor said as he reached out and touched a
wing. Mizuki pulled her wing away from Gastor's claws.
      "We heard of you and saw pictures, but you didn't have wings
nor a tail."  Zek-Toll said as he touched her hair.  Mizuki looked
away from him.
       "Makes you wonder what else she has underneath her blouse." 
Thancrus said looking at Mizuki's bosom.
      "Lets find out."  Elegen said as he grabbed the collar of
her blouse. Mizuki heard a small ripping sound.
      "NO, STOP!!!"  She screamed as she dug her claws into his
right arm. Her claws sunk into his purple skin and raked down to
his wrist.  Elegen jerked his hands back in surprise and pain. 
Blood was pouring from his deep scratches.
      The rest of the Hyper Zoanoids were laughing again.
      "I told you she didn't like you."  Darzerb said to Elegen. 
Elegen responded with a dirty look.
       "Don't be shy.  We just want to play."  Thancrus said taking
a step forward.  "We can be really playful, especially with beautiful
females like yourself."
       "Give us a chance and we can make you forget all about Guyver1."
Gastor said.
       "I thought I told you to bring her to Chonos, not use her as
some sex object."  A voice said inside their heads (Mizuki couldn't
hear him).
      "Sorry sir."  Zek-Toll said.  "We'll bring her to Chronos
right away."
      "Good.  A van is waiting for her."
      "Lets go."  Zek-Toll said as he stepped toward Mizuki. He
raised his claw and hit a spot on Mizuki's neck with the side on
his hand. Everything went black for Mizuki.

                        The Hotel

      Xanatos were pacing around his room looking at his watch. Puck
should have been back with Alex an hour ago, but they haven't return.
Fox was sitting on the bed with a worried expression on her face.  Puck
appeared before them with a sleeping Alex in his arms.
       "Where have you been?"  Xanatos asked.
       "Alex and I have gotten into a bit of trouble."  Puck said
as he handed Alex to Fox.  Fox left to put Alex to bed.
       Xanatos sighed and said, "What did you do this time?"
      "Let me tell you what a Guyver is."  Puck said as he floated
closer to Xanatos.  "A Guyver is a bio weapon.  It becomes apart of
a human being.  Whenever the human calls it, the Guyver surrounds its
host in a powerful armor, making the human unstoppable and very powerful."
      "What does Alex and your problem relate to this Guyver?"  Xanatos
      "We found this teen name Sho Fukamonji who had a Guyver unit.
He was in love with a girl name Mizuki Sagawa."  Puck said.  "I thought
that turning she into a Gargoyle would be fun and see what he would do."
       "Where is she now?"  Xanatos sighed.
       "Some monsters kidnaped her." Puck said.
       Xanatos looked a bit surprised, but he didn't show it much. 
"Were they magical?"
      "Nope, nothing magical about them.  Just science."
       "Then they might be from Dr. Servarious."
       "Nope, not the Doc's style.  These monsters can change from
humans to monsters when they want.  They're called zoanoids."
       "How dangerous are they?"
      "Quite dangerous.  The ones that kidnaped Mizuki are very strong.
They're called Hyper Zoanoids."
      "I want you to keep an eye on her until I can get the Steel
Clan here."
      "Whatever you say."  Puck said as he disappeared to do what
he was told.

                  Chronos' labs; near sun rise

       Mizuki awoke to find herself inside a cage.  The cage metal
walls, a metal ceiling and a floor.  One wall had a big window. Mizuki
could see Commander Gyou and a man in a white lab coat looking at her
through the glass.
      "Let me out of here!"  Mizuki said as she stood up and banged
on the glass.
       "I don't think so."  Gyou said.  "I may consider letting
you go if you tell me how you became this way."
       Mizuki began to wonder whether she should tell him or not.
Chronos couldn't be behind her transformation, since Gyou doesn't
know what had happen to her.  So Puck was telling the truth, he wasn't
with Chronos. If she told Gyou what Puck did, what would they do?  Look
for him?  Try to find out how he did this to her?  What did she have
to lose?
      "All right, I'll tell you."  Mizuki said.  "It was this
little man name Puck."
       "Puck?"  Gyou asked remembering a play by Shakespear that
had a character name Puck.  "How did he do this to you?"
       "I think he used magic."  Mizuki said.
      "Uh huh.  What did he look like?"  Gyou questioned raising
an eyebrow.
       "He had long white hair and big pointed ears."
      "Either your transformation had affected your brain or
your lying to me."  Gyou said.
       "I am not a liar!"  Mizuki said trying to keep her voice
calm.  "What I told you is the truth.  Now let me out."
       "I'm afraid your going to stay in there until  . . .
WHAT THE H***??!!"  Mizuki had turn to stone before his eyes.  She
was a statue staring angrily  at him.
       "What the h*** happened to her, Dr. Kemi?!"  Gyou said as
he grab the man by the collar.
      "I. . .  I . . .  Don't know, sir."  Dr. Kemi stammered. 
"I never saw anything like this before."
      "Find out what happened to her and change her back." Gyou
said as he released Dr. Kemi.  "I'll be in my office."

                        Sagawa house

       "I'm going to find Mizuki now."  Sho said as he headed toward
the door.  The phone rang and Tetsuro picked it up.
       "OH NO!!!"  He screamed after he listened for a few seconds.
      "WHAT IS IT?!!  IS IT MIZUKI??!!!"  Sho yelled as he ran
to Tetsuro.
      "If they hurt her, I'll kill them.  I swear I'll kill them
if they lay one finger on her."  Tetsuro  said in a low voice.
      Sho knew what Tetsuro meant.  "Give me the phone."  Tetsuro
handed the phone to Sho and went to the other room cussing.
      "Makashima?"  Sho asked.
      "Yes, it's I."  Said Agito.
      "They have Mizuki?"
       "I'm afraid so."
      "Oh s***."
      "What happened to her?"
      "She said a little man name Puck and a baby changed her
into what she is now.  That was before she jumped out the window."
      "She told Commander Gyou the same thing, but he didn't
believe her."
       "Isn't Puck a character from that Shakespear play "A
Midsummer Night's Dream?""
      "Yes."  There was a long pause before he said,  "I found
her story a little hard to believe.  You don't think her . . . "
      "NO!  She would NEVER lie to Tetsuro or me."
      "Sorry."  Agito said.  "There is something else you should know."
       "What?  Did they hurt her?  What happened to her?"
       "You're going to find this hard to believe."  Agito paused
for second. "She turned to stone."
       When Commander Gyou was questioning her, she turned to
stone in front of him.  The scientists have never seen anything like
it before."
      "She turned to stone?"  Sho said, still not believing it.
      "She is now a statue as we speak."
      "I don't know.  The scientists are trying to find out."
      "When will she become flesh again?"
      "We don't know.  We don't know anything about it.  It's
kinda hard to study rock without breaking it apart."
      "Will you let me know when she isn't a statue?"
      "Yes.  I have to go now.  I'll call you later tonight." 
Agito said before he hung up.

                  Chronos' labs; sunset.

      Dr. Kemi watched Mizuki as the sun slowly set. He watched in
horror when the stone began to crack.  Mizuki's eyes opened and
were blood red.  She burst out of her stone skin with a roar like
a lion.  She stretched her wings and arms.
      "Amazing."  Dr. Kemi whispered to himself.
      "What happened?"  She said as her eyes turn back to gray. She
saw Dr. Kemi and said,  "I remember a seeing man, then I couldn't
move. Everything went black."
      "You turned to stone."  Dr. Kemi said.
      "But that's impossible.  Living things don't turn to stone."
      "You just prove that it isn't impossible."  Dr. Kemi said
as he walked out of the Lab.

                        Sagawa house

      The phone and Sho picked it up.  "Hello?"
      "Sho, Mizuki has turned back into flesh."  Agito said.
      "Good, now I can go and save her."
      "No, not yet."
      "If we wait and let Chronos study her, they may find a way
to change her back."
      "Fukamachi, be reasonable.  They have technology that can
find a cure for her, technology that we don't have.  You don't want
Mizuki to spend the rest of her life as a monster, do you?"
      "No."  Sho growled.
      "Then we have to wait and let them analyze her.  Don't worry,
if they do something that could be fatal for her, then you can bust
her out of there."
       "All right."  Sho grumbled as he hung up.

                        Chronos' lab

       Mizuki sat and leaned against the cold metal wall.  She had
been in the cage for two hours and Sho hasn't come to save her.  She
heard doors open and turned her head to the direction of the sound.
She saw three men in lab coats and two men in blue uniforms enter
the lab.
      One man in the blue uniforms was holding a gun.  Mizuki
jumped up and kept her eyes on the man.  The man began to load
tranquilizer darts into the gun.  The man and the other man in a
blue uniform headed to her cage.
      She backed away from the door as it opened.  She bumped into
the wall and lean against it.
      "Stay away!"  She yelled at the men.
      "This will only take a minute."  The man with the gun
said.  He raised the gun to his eye and aimed.  "Just hold still."
      Before Mizuki knew it, a tranquilizer dart was sticking out
of her arm.  She screeches like a cat in pain, then she felt tired. 
She collapsed on the floor asleep.
      The men came forward and picked her up.  A scientist stepped
into the cage and began to gather the pieces of stone onto a tray. They
took her outside the cage and laid her on a stretcher.  Then they rolled
her to another part of the laboratory with the scientist following them.

            Commmander Gyou's office; an hour after sunrise.

       Commander Gyou stared at Dr. Kemi, who was standing in front
of his desk.  Dr. Kemi looked a little nervous standing before
Gyou.  Agito and the Hyper Zoanoid Team 5 were standing behind Gyou.
      "What is your report?"  Gyou said.
      "We study Miss Sagawa body and here are our results."  Dr. Kemi
said as opened a folder he was holding.  "The subject's body has no
hair, except on her head.  No eyebrows, no eyelashes, and no hair
around the vagina. We looked at her wings.  Her wingspan is 10 ft. 
But she cannot fly with them.  They don't have muscles like a bird's
wings.  Which means she can only glide. We, also, looked at her
reproductive system.  If Miss Sagawa were to breed, she would lay eggs."
      "Eggs?"  Gyou said.
      "Yes, her reproductive system is much like a bird's."  Dr. Kemi
      "Go on."  Gyou said a little impatient.
       "Her talons are extremely sharp, but not as sharp as a guyver's
blade."  Dr. Kemi continued.  "That is all we know for now."
       "What about her changing into stone?"  Gyou asked.
      "She turned to stone this morning."  Dr. Kemi informed.  "I
have this theory that she turns to stone at day and changes back at
      "What makes you say that?"  Gyou asked.
      "When you were talking to her, she turned to stone about
sunrise. When she awoke, it was sunset.  This morning, she turned
to stone the exact time the sun rose."  Dr.  Kemi explained.  "We
can't say my theory is a fact, until tonight.  We'll keep an eye
on her to see if she'll turn to flesh at sunset."
      "Did you analysis the stone chips?"  Gyou asked.
      "Yes sir.  Tests show that they are just normal pieces of
      "You are dismissed."  Gyou said.  Dr. Kemi bowed and walked
out of the office.

            The hotel for the rich and famous

      "Is my Steel Clan here yet, Owen?"  Xanatos asked when
he saw Owen.
      "Yes, sir.  They have arrived an hour ago."  Owen replied.
      "Excellent.  Tell Fox to have Alex and herself ready to
leave tonight. We'll be going back to New York tonight."  Said
Xanatos.  "Also tell the people at the airport that we will be taking
a large gargoyle statue back with us to New York."

                  The Sagawa House

      Tetsuro nervously stared at the phone.  He had been waiting
for a call from Agito for six hours.  Agito had told them the scientists
think that Mizuki turns to stone at sunrise and becomes flesh at sunset.
      He got totally ticked when Agito told him that Mizuki can
lay eggs if she ever gets pregnant in her state.  Which means, that
they have been touching her in her private area.  Sho wasn't too happy
about it, either.  It makes him mad whenever he thought about his
little sister being touched by monsters.  He was glad that she was
unconscious when they touched her, that way she would never know.
      Sho was sitting in the chair opposite of him.  He could tell
Sho was a nervous wreck and knew he was thinking about Mizuki
      Suddenly, Sho jumped up and yelled, "THAT'S IT!!!  I'VE
      "Sho, clam down."  Tetsuro said as he put a hand on Sho's arm.
      "I can't clam down knowing Mizuki is in Chronos."  Sho said.
      "We have to be patient.  I don't like it any more than you
do, but Agito is right.  Only Chronos can find a way to change her back."
      Sho sat back down and held his head in his hands.  "I can't
take this. Mizuki is probably scared to death, surrounded by all
those monsters."
      Tetsuro put a hand on Sho's shoulder.  "She'll be all right. 
Mizuki can be really tough when she has to be."

                  Chronos' labs

      Mizuki burst out of her stone skin.  She stretched her wings and
limbs.  Her eyes glowed bright red.  Then she relaxed.  She looked out
the window and saw Dr. Kemi writing something onto a clipboard.  He
handed the clipboard to another scientist nearby.
      "Don't tell me it happened again."  Mizuki said as she
shook small pieces of stone from her hair.
      "You turn to stone at day and change back at night." Dr. Kemi
informed Mizuki.
      "Let me out of here!"  Mizuki said, ignoring Dr. Kemi.
      "I don't think so."  Dr. Kemi said with a small.
      "Sho will come for me."  Mizuki said.  "When he does, you'll
be the first to die."
      "Don't make me laugh."  Dr. Kemi said with a cruel smile. 
"It has been two days and he hasn't come a within a yard."
      Mizuki stayed quiet and began to fight back tears.
      "He either is afraid or doesn't care about you anymore." 
Dr. Kemi said as he exits the lab.
      Mizuki waited until he was gone before she fell to her
knees and cried.  "Where are you Sho?  Way haven't you come for
me yet?"

            Outside the Chronos building

      Twenty four Steel Clan robots and Xanatos in his exoskeleton
flew toward the Chronos building.  Xanatos led them close to the
building before he fired a missel from his gun at his wrist. The
missel exploded when it hit the building and created a huge hole.
Xanatos and the Steel Clan flew into the hole.

                  Commander Gyou's office

      Gyou was in his office when Xanatos fired the missel. The
building shook from the explosion.
      Gyou picked up the phone and yelled, "WHAT THE H*** IS
      "A group of flying robots has entered the building, sir." 
Came a reply.
      "THEN GET RID OF THEM!!!!"  Gyou screamed as he slamed
the receiver down on the phone.  "Where did these robots come from?"

                  Chronos; the Steel Clan

      Xanatos lead the Steel Clan down the corridors until they
ran into some zoanoids.  The zoanoids charged the Steel Clan. The
Clan fired lazers at them.  The lazers sliced through the zoanoids,
killing them.
      They continued down the corridor until they came to an elevator.
Xanatos turned to the Steel Clan and said,  "Divide and go throughout
the building.  Terminate any zoanoids that you detect."
      The Steel Clan did as he said and went different ways. Xanatos
entered the elevator and pressed the button labeled "labs."

                  Chronos' labs

      Mizuki found her self in a dark room.  It was cold and there
was no one around.  Suddenly, Mizuki heard somebody calling her
name.  She didn't recognize it at first until it got louder.
      "Agito?"  She said.  Then she recognized Sho's voice. She
could tell from their voices that they are Guyver1 and Guyver3. 
      "Mizuki?"  She heard Guyver1 say.
      "Yes, it's me.  I'm over here."  She said happily.
      Guyver1 and Guyver3 appeared out of the shadows and saw
her.  Their blades ejected and they got into a fighting pose.
      "What is it?"  Mizuki asked, not liking what she was seeing.
      "Zoanoid."  Guyver1 said.  "A filthy zoanoid."
      "No, I'm not a zoanoid.  I'm Mizuki.  Mizuki Sagawa. Tetsuro's
sister.  Don't you recognize me?"  She said as she slowly backed away
from them.
      "Stop lying zoanoid or your death will be more painful." 
Guyver3 said as he advanced.
      "Please, you have to believe me.  I'm not a zoanoid.
AAAAHHHH!!!!" She said before Guyver1 slashed at her with a blade. 
Mizuki moved in time, but he cut her arm.  Blood was seeping from
the cut.  "SHO, STOP!!!!  PLEASE!!!"
      Mizuki crouched on the floor looking up at her attackers.
Guyver1 stepped forward and kicked her in her side.  The kick made
Mizuki slide five feet across the floor.  She laid on her back and
clutched her side with a talon.
      She looked up in time to see Guyver3 towering over her. He
planted a foot firmly on her chest and his twin blades ejected.
      "Agito, please stop.  It's me.  Mizuki."  Mizuki pleaded
in tears.
      "DIE YOU ZOANOID B****!!!!"  Guyver3 yelled as he brought
his blades down to cut her head off.
      Mizuki woke up in a sweat.  She began to pant.  She looked
around to see that she is still in the cage and in the lab.  She
didn't see Guyver1 or Guyver3 around.  She took in a deep breath.
      Then she heard sounds of fighting close by.  She slowly stood and
listened carefully.  The sounds of fighting stopped, then she heard
heavy footsteps coming her way.
      "Sho?"  She said.  Maybe he finally has come to save her.
      But it was Xanatos, not Sho, that walk through the sliding doors.
Mizuki gasped when she saw him.
      "Don't be afraid, Miss Sagawa.  I'm here to free you." 
Xanatos said. He raised his laser gun.  "Get against the wall. I'm
going to break the glass."
      Mizuki leaned against the wall, opposite of the glass. Xanatos
shot a blast from his gun.  The blast shattered the glass and sent some
flying.  Mizuki instinctively shielded herself with a wing.  She felt
pieces of glass bounce harmlessly off her wing.
      "You can get out now, Miss Sagawa."  Xanatos said.
      Mizuki carefully stepped over the broken glass and stepped
down from the cage.  She looked at Xanatos and asked,  "What are you
and who are you?"
      "I'm human and this is just fighting armor, and my name
is Xanatos.
      "You're that billionaire from America."
      "I am, but we must go now before zoanoids come.  Follow me."
      Mizuki followed him out of the lab and into the Processing
Room.  She stared at all the zoanoids in the tanks.  Then she
noticed the dissolving zoanoids on the floor.  She stayed close to
      They walked out of the Processing Room and into a corridor.
Xanatos led Mizuki down the hall.
      "How did you know my name?"  Mizuki asked.
      "Puck told me."  Xanatos answered.
      "Puck?  You know Puck?"  Mizuki stopped and asked.
      "Yes, he's my son's teacher."
      "The little baby Puck had when he changed me into this
      "Yes, that was my son, Alex."  Xanatos answered. He
paused for a second and said,  "Don't you know what you are?"
      "I'm afraid not."  Mizuki said feeling a little stupid.
      "Puck changed you into a gargoyle."
      "A gargoyle?"
      "Yes, protectors of the night."
      "Are there anymore gargoyles beside me?"
      "Yes, seven gargoyles are living in my building."
      Mizuki fell silent.  She have heard of gargoyles before, but
she never thought that they existed.  But of course, she never thought
that monsters existed before that zoanoid kidnaped her.  (AUTHOR'S
NOTE: The zoanoid that kidnaped Mizuki is from The Guyver: Data 3)
      "Here we are."  Xanatos said when they were at an elevator. 
Xanatos pressed a button and the doors slid open.  He turned to
Mizuki,  "You're going to have to cape your wings.  There isn't enough
room for my battle suit and your wings."
      "I don't know how."  Mizuki said feeling helpless.
      "Here let me show you."  Xanatos said as he reached out. He
grabbed her three clawed wing tips and pulled her wings around her. 
"Now make your claws grab each other's wrists."
      When that was done, Xanatos gently pulled Mizuki into the
elevator.  He pressed the button for the roof.

            Commander Gyou's office

      Gyou was sitting in his seat, drumming his fingers impatiently
on the desk.  Then the phone rang.  He picked it up and said, 
"What is it?"
      "One of the robots is taking Sagawa, sir."  Came a reply.
      "Where are they?"
      "In the elevator heading for the roof, sir."
      "Then stop them.  Whatever happens, don't let Sagawa leave this
      "Yes sir."



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