Irou_Hida with Irou's arms crossed he makes his way into this tavern. He's not one to drink much alcohol but this was the meetin' point for something that Tenmei says was somewhat important and he didn't want to miss out on his first real meeting.....so decked out in blue jeans and a orange shirt. his hair spiked back slightly with a pain of goggles hanging around the young Irou's head. he makes his way into the tavern looking for said person...

Tenmei_Zougeiro :slowly an echo quakes out over the remnants of a once peaceful place known as ayenee.. time changes all things as it has this once remarkable realm.. god have walked across its very surface and forged new alliances with other worldly realms, living the a shattered temporal fragment, it is lost in chaos, perhaps forever.. a green glowing mist appears within the confines of the pre determined tavern..
Tenmei_Zougeiro .. this was to be there meeting place. the mist lurches outwards, expanding its confines into the crisp winters air.. until the encroachment stops as suddenly as it began.. the eerie glow of the mist takes humanoid shape and reformats its configurations into a subtle youth known simple as Tenmei .

Irou_Hida He knew that there were....others, he could sense them through the warm organ on his back...yet he dares not attempt to communicate with them. Only waiting for the person he has been waiting for for a short amount of time. Noticing the fallen placement of his goggles, he raises his fingers to gently carass the edges pulling them up and forward, then gently releasing them to be placed onto his forehead correctly. He moves
Irou_Hida towards the nearest set and pulls it back, appearing to have no weapons at all...to the naked eye anyhow. His pezoelectric webshooters positioned under the long sleves for easy use..his only known defense at the moment. Much more lies within him though...much much more. His eyes gaze over, taking in the somewhat odd environment, as said, he doesn't drink much so this place gives him an odd feeling

Tenmei_Zougeiro tilts his head to the left, slightly... his hands grovel, being brought up to about the mid height of his chest as his tilted head falls into a mediocre bow... his garments include nothing more then a simple emerald cloak, that finds itself fully draped about him.. its hooded structured placed tightly over his head as to hide his appearance.. only the iridescent glow of his green eyes shines through the hood... he meanders forward through the tavern..
Tenmei_Zougeiro .. his legs crept and seeming as if not to move.. an eerie containment field seeming to grasp the very fiber of reality and move him through its.. a sort of psionicly generated aberration of psychokinetics. stopping within his sojourn he lifts his gaze and places it upon the man once known as the Spider..
Tenmei_Zougeiro .. a simple nod is given in his direction as he speaks in tongues of only their kind could comprehend.. though it may seemed gurgled to the cloned instrumentation of the Spider like unit, it is still comprehendible.. (( I am here my son. ))

Irou_Hida An odd expression covers his face....something that never really happens, something catching him off guard...only his Spider-Sense doesn't seem to alert him of danger, so it must be Tenmei, he must have arrived right on time. With a simple glance, he looks over to the person...anyone who hasn't seen it would laugh at him probably, he looked nothing like what you'd expect from a host of a Guyver, some simple, early
Irou_Hida 17 year old nerd who's in college...to tip the hat he's even a Spider-man! Such things would make anyone laugh, but really, he doesn't care, not like he tells anyone, only a rare few know anyhow, and those he's already proven himself too...somewhat(( Good day...) he replies to the gurgled tone, his Guyver still adapting to the native language

Tenmei_Zougeiro his hands fall swiftly to his sides as his right forearm extends and clutches the higher fibers of the hood.. he tugs back on the emerald surface, grasping to one of the ruffles as he un hoods himself... he nods lightly reveling his face in a trusting manor.. the man looks to be about the age of 19, though he has lived many lives before this.. his hair is of gray stocks, sleeked behind his head and flowing into a pony tail..
Tenmei_Zougeiro .. his eyes glowing eerily green, and a trusting white smile stands proudly as he grin.. (( It is good to see you in better health.. )) He comments as he bundles up once more within the confines of the cloak, drawing it close about him with his arms...his smile deludes as his fingers grasp tightly to the garment..
Tenmei_Zougeiro says, (( I have questions that perhaps you can answer, my son.. Will you stay and speak of the past with me for a while? ))

Irou_Hida Nods somewhat and grins back, the boy was young, arrognat, but he had a heart of gold and an innocents to back it up. Yes, he has killed, many a time actually, but the boy found that it was needed...he has Parkers blood in him...he has the essence of Spider-Man in him, but he thinks that killing can be justified if it's needed...to protect those who are innocent from the villians who threaten them, at all costs, if deadly force is
Irou_Hida needed, Irou will react..((Thanks, we're finally starting to learn about each other...to understand each other, me and Spider here)) the grin widens as he makes himself comfortable, talking to Tenmei((Sure, it's good to know your allies))

Tenmei_Zougeiro his fingers unhitched from their grasp about the inner linings of the grants as a right hand is allowed to protrude from the inner workings of his cloak.. it points in the direction of a newly found tavern table.. one vacated and an easy resting place for new, or old, friend to talk... he lifts his gaze, placing this emerald orbs in the direction of perhaps a newly acquired student of the arts... (( We can sit over there.. ))
Tenmei_Zougeiro he mentioned with an after tone of perhaps hesitancy, as though a question was asked and yet wasn't.. the psionic registries begins to embrace him more so as that psychokinetic field once more embraces his form, expanding an eerie green glow as though to clutch their master in a caring touch.. he prepares for movement, awaiting answer.

Irou_Hida nods somewhat towards Tenmei, after taking a stance and putting the seat back under his table, he once again adjusts the goggles around his forehead, feeling the eerie yet safe green glow. It felt wierd, but nothing an allie should fear. with himself prepared he gives another now(( Let's)) he responds simply making his way towards the pointed out table

Tenmei_Zougeiro as they come to the portion of the tavern that they are to rest the man known as Tenmei turns his gaze in the direction of this newly acquired mate, bowing his head and giving a simple nod.. his psychokinetic field ever present and holding him maintained but a few inches from the surface of the earth.. the cloak hangs eerily across the surface of the wooden planking, swaying as being conducted by the travesties of the fields embrace..
Tenmei_Zougeiro .. his entire molecular structure being coherence by this psionicly manifested embrace.. he tilts his head forward, protruding it in the direction of the Spider and speaks once more through the tongue of the Guyver.. their mind speech commences, this time growing more familiar and less apt to a staticy cell phone call .. (( Come sit with me, tell me of your deeds, long past done. ))

Irou_Hida eyes sway back and fourth, trying to take in the features of the mysterious being, finding him interesting in particular but rather eerie in a way, this giving a safe feeling, like this is someone you wouldn't want to mess around with.....twas an odd feeling really...((Well...I've been hanging around the local towns..in sub divisions of Tokyo, Kyoto and Odiaba doing what I can for people...I feel as if I owe them, ya know?))

Tenmei_Zougeiro standing silently within the abyss of his own retracted thoughts his minds eye latches onto a nearby instrument as to which he may sit... his thought quickly rearrange around the structure of this object, this "chair" and allow him an ample amount of control as to it coherence and placement within the normal abstracts of time space.. his thoughts lift it slowly, rearranging the very fabric of structure that the chair is made of,
Tenmei_Zougeiro placing it but a few feet from its current location.. as if possessed the chair slides back, making a reluctant screeching sound as it slides across the floor.. the mans psychokinetic field detaches itself and is drawn inward as Tenmei places his hands to the chair and carefully sits, but feet away from one of the most powerful Guyver alive..
Tenmei_Zougeiro .. a smile once more over whelms his face as he leans against the surface of the table with both forearms, the fabric of his cloak keeping him from actual contact with its wooden surface.. (( And what of supposed sin..? )) he turns his head looking in direction of other patron saints of this establishment.. carefully he continues on.. (( What of those mistakes you have made in the past.. Tell me of your ghost Irou.. ))

Irou_Hida scratches the back of his head....sins? Was it really a sin to kill an evil man to protect an innocent persons life? He didn't really know...he was confused by the idea...it was bad to kill, but it was good to protect...he scratches his chin somewhat and looks towards the man, feeling the langauge becoming more fluent((I've...killed before, but only to protect innocent people....last resort...))

Tenmei_Zougeiro slowly and silently he turns his head back in the direction or irou.. the glow mustered in his eyes seeming more contagious now as it reaches out into the confines of the cold nights air.. the grin diminishes as his left hand meanders its way across the table as to reach out and give compassion to the man before him.. his eyes wince,
Tenmei_Zougeiro drawing the energy tightly in for a moment, within the brief space of a blink the fluidic plasmatic discharge is quickly allowed to embellish in the delights of its embryonic night... his head sways his tongue once more fluently active he starts within tone of guyver and commends his efforts to finish in it, rather then reach out and taper with Irou’s mind.. (( And what of your excursions with the Guyver known as Kousotsu? ))

Irou_Hida thinks abit to himself, seeing how the man most likely understands his problem....but still, the thought has railed his mind, was he going to hell for sins he committed while saving innocents? It was odd, he'd never really thought about
Irou_Hida killing to protect people..if it was his last resort than he would do it without a thought...his innocents still burnt inside him, of a young boy who simply wanted to do good and not harm anyone....not intentionally, but there was always...that voice...with great power must come great responsibility.. was he taking responsibility?
Irou_Hida says, ((Well...last thing I heard was that we where suppose to storm some big ark type thing which I've never heard about...I don't know if it has already happened or not, and I haven't heard word about it...))

Tenmei_Zougeiro inquisitively, tenmei leans forward.. his brows furrow as his eyes wince.. the light distracts.. its eerie glow complexion over the nights grasp and far to extend itself, slowly hushed by the dwindling fuel of Tenmei’s hearts flame... he pauses... retracting the arms once extended in grace... he nods silently and unto himself as he thinks it time to continue.. his ark, had kousotsu, after all these years, deciding it was time to confront those which guarded it,
Tenmei_Zougeiro which not even he could defeat.. his fallen predicate would not go unvanquished.. yes perhaps now was the time to reclaim what was once rightfully his.. Tenmei leans back within the confines of his chair, reaching out with his mind this time rather then the Guyver, speaking through his thoughts and hiding them within the tongue of the out control Guyver.. yes this could prove worthy.. he admirably must act this way in order to cull the coming time of end..
Tenmei_Zougeiro .. the time when Guyvers would dwell no more, and only the Revyug would live strong.. (( Tell me child, tell me what you know of this Ark.. What has happened regarding Kousotu’s efforts? )) the probe is deep, and more of a resonance that tugs deep on the soul, telling things that not even the mind was aware of.. hypocritical and against good manners, but effective non the less.

Irou_Hida he quickly pushes aside the thoughts...what he was doing was justified, what he was doing was right...(Well....the efforts.. the details are sketchy...but from what I've heard he has planes and he's gathering his forces to storm the place. What is up there to need such power, I have no idea...must be strong)) he nods slightly..the thought getting to him..he might just die in the mission...

Tenmei_Zougeiro pauses within graces of the mental probe, finding the irritations of one so young’s mind quite complexing.. retreat would be the wiser choice, for as he does he embellishes on the time of his youth, the time when he was nothing more the simplistic energy matrix within a mass conciseness of being known as the advents... he was a God to humanity and had created these travesties of genetic manipulation on earth..
Tenmei_Zougeiro .. his tampering spread to other alternate universes within the construct of fantasia and once made its way to this alternate, known as ayenee.. evils grew from this, evils that he would eventually quail, but at what cost.. he had crossed the lines many times in the past to accomplish his goal.. no matter what the warning the Strike Forces God has given him, he seems to be repeating his past errors
Tenmei_Zougeiro , and becoming more and more like his name sake with each passing day... he ponders over these incursions as he speaks within a human tone now, one demanding and full of strife.. "And what is to be your part in this "dear" spider.." the tone echoes off finding solace in mockery.

Irou_Hida hears the somewhat...mocking tone. Wondering if it was just him...or was it a bad choice to tell this....God. Maybe it wasn't, but he seemed to get this -feeling- that he wanted to trust this Guyver, for Guyvers are a rarity from what
Irou_Hida he's seen, and he wanted to know more, to believe that all Guyvers had the same cause..."My role you ask? To storm that fllying fortress and do my best for human....Guyver...for all kinds, that is my job, that is the oath I swore by my life"in his own human tone.. now standing up to show emotion.

Tenmei_Zougeiro lifts his glance this time, peering forward and the now standing imagery of the spider.. his own sins have lead him to this point.. he has to stop the Kousotsu from continuing out his cause.. he has to stop the end of the Guyver.,. perhaps there was a time when he wished that the world were not so course, that the Guyver had never been created in the first place..
Tenmei_Zougeiro .. he finds no apathy within their past conflicts, only translucent memories that influence the ways of the present ever more so... he pauses, kneeling his glance and head into a bow as he once more meditates and uses the tongue of the Guyver as a tool of speech.. (( You would follow this impudent Kousotsu-Guyver to your grave, yes? ))

Irou_Hida (( if it even saved -one- life, yes, if it would help the world, the galaxy, the universe, existence itself, then yes, simple and easy...that's what Spider-Men are for, to make this existence all the better for innocents...)) Once again going back to the Guyver tongue. His eyes seeming full of emotion, to show that he meant what he said...that his heart was pure...even if his acts were impure at times..

Tenmei_Zougeiro raises his head allowing the pustules of psychokinetic energy to feed fully and readily throughout the orbic structures of his eyes.. he smiles dashingly as he stands to his feet, once more embracing the garments and uxorious field of psionics.. it expands openly outward and allows for him to be completely filled with its energy... Tenmei smirks lightly faltering his stance as he speaks once more in the tongue of the Guyver, this time with more wrath behind his tone..
Tenmei_Zougeiro (( Then you can not be allowed to continue your journey along his side.. Yes it is time I ended you, here and now.. ))

Irou_Hida raises a brow slightly as he starts to stand up slightly....his arms seem lowered...as if not to show off the...weapons at his wrists...under his shirtsleeve"...Oh really? So..it's a bad thing to want to help people...you know, wise man one said....With Great Power comes Great Responsibility....the greater the power, the greater the responsibility...those words haunt me" Irou_Hida says, Do you use your power responsibly...?

Tenmei_Zougeiro chuckles bowing his head in this roarous display of laughter tat a god shouldn't be able to comprehend.. Perhaps he should amend the Kousotsu for instilling in him such viscous after tones... for allowing him to feel as a mortal feels, for giving him the gift of emotion.. for with this gift he shall eradicate all those things which the god felt close to... the man known as Tenmei lifts a single right digit and displays the course barrier which surrounds him..
Tenmei_Zougeiro .. its eerie green glow seeming to pulse more visible outwards, as it shards of emerald grow ever closer to the incalculable depth of true death... (( You seem wise to hide your weaponry, flaunting it though would have been a greater choice, for now you find yourself ill prepared to deal with an attack of force.. )) the field quickly accelerated outward in a projection of kinetic energy, seeking to make contact with the spider at mid chest within his standing stance..
Tenmei_Zougeiro .. thus propelling him offset and backwards into the wall, it continues its possible contact until the target has been faltered and set to rest through the structure of choice.. Tenmei continues his maniacal laughter even into the course of the deed..

Irou_Hida Thus...it happened, the tingle, the tingle that he knew was coming...he quickly prepared himself, throwing off the shirt which covered his web shooters, only showing the insigna of a Spider on his chest, he was already prepared in his costume for such an occasion, with a flip of his wrist the piezoelectric web shooters roared in a steady buzz, beginning to activate...he feels the projectile field throw itself towards him, projecting and with
Irou_Hida :such close range, he couldn't prepare to dodge...so he rolls with the kinetic field which threw him back into the wall...although he manages to flip himself to the side while doing so. This causing his hands and feet to easily cling to the surface as if it was nothing...people would stare at him as he stuck to the wall, Irou gone in the blink of an eye as the placement...the mask of the Spider covered his face...his pants as well as
Irou_Hida :shoes laying at the table..he was in his costume now...his identity masked by anyone. Everyone else would most likely think that Irou ran out...afraid, but no, he wasn't read((Ohh...so you want to fight? You should have said so earlier. instead of dragging me on an on, but I should thank you, you made me think...and relieved me of my sins. Yes, I am thanking you....but no more thanks coming from me..you just made yourself an enemy)) he cling... to the wall, his head turned back over his shoulder to see the enemy

Tenmei_Zougeiro steps forward, shoving the table before him out of the way with a telekinetic glance.. it flies through the air soaring into a nearby rafter, wherein which it shatters and falls to the ground as fragments.. perhaps destruction and foul play are all which are to come out of the bearers of the name TheGuyversWill... he hushes within internal silence for a moment quick to react yet lame to place assumption he continues trying to distract through hastily prepared wordings..
Tenmei_Zougeiro (( So you stick to walls too Spider.. I’m impressed, perhaps the force barrier should have been comprised of more tangible and insidious elements.. )) he pauses within speech, taking a step forward.. his right arm held out and hanging out his side as the construct of energy in the form of psychokinetic flares ever so brightly into the night, creating an orb within his clutch, expanded outwards and surrounding his hand,
Tenmei_Zougeiro trailing off from the spherical structure in a tail like attachment that flutters even behind the weary mask of a homo-sapien like Guyver... the rest of his form stands waiting held behind a physical veil of cloth... his head reaches up, tilting towards the heavens as if to make eyes contact with the insidious foul creature.. not a moment has passed since his last wording, but a foot fall after the last telepathic message was sent another follow..
Tenmei_Zougeiro (( Perhaps this would be more suited to your admirable feats.. )) he raises his right hand sending out another incursion of psychokinetic energy, this time toned more with a fiery haze, one which burns the soul as well as the body.. the same manifestation of kinetic force being brought behind it.. it flies so fast that not even the famed spider sense can warn him to jump before the blast reaches him..

Spider_Vengeance Yes....keep talking he thought, just keep talking and buy me enough time...he said, within the blink of his eye after withdrawing something from the utility belt, it had placed itself on the edge of his Piezoelectric Web shooters...although at the next moment, he blinked enough and felt the sense going off...like a headache...that didn't really ache. His thoughts where to move to the left as soon as possible, it was a good idea
Spider_Vengeance he didn't jump.. he simply kicked off the wall with both feet towards the left side of the room, flying over people who were watching in amazement as the Amazing Spider-Man (TM Marvel comics, all rights reserved O_o) used his strong legs to give enough force to where he could feel the kinetic energy rush past him in a fiery blaze of heat which left...burns on his skins, nothing big, but it just kinda pissed him off abit.
Spider_Vengeance He was facing an enemy he couldn't even fathom...someone who could may yet bring the end to Irou..he was tired of this..he quickly pulled himself to a roll, standing up now"...I got something for you.." he brings his hand down to the utility belt and withdraws an odd looking silver card. Holding it straight into the air. holding his other hand, the one with the odd attachment forward he finds a place to simply....slip the card in,
Spider_Vengeance :the SPAM activation card for Lightning EXE. Dots seem to form on his arms, below the shooters,..new marks burning across his skin in a painful grunt of agony he let's out a howling scream"....Get Ready..." absent materials wavering behind him at such force. Now from the spots had emerged.. what appeared to be static shocks of lightning type enrgy. Yes, he had activated the long awaited Lightning EXE. program within
Spider_Vengeance the SPAM unit..something he was hoping to test and it did bring about major pain of the new...sockets forming in his face to provide better use..the blood was evaperated as welts would begin to grow and heal from the overwhelming shocking heat. The..."dots" had been placed, one on his backside, one on his chest, one on each arm below the webshooters..and two on each end of his legs. With that, in simple, blue, sparks
Spider_Vengeance of lightning stopped, the static like effect gone. The room was flooded with light within a blink of the eye being replaced by the form of Spider-Vengeance being surrounding in what appears to be lightning, flowing in-between the dots placed on his body"Get ready to die...you risked many innocents lives here..even if you are some kind of God...just call me an athiest if they're all like you" Whiping his hand to the side to grab a
Spider_Vengeance particle of the electricity he grips it easily, as if it didn't even hurt him, manipulating it...there was a few things that the GSF didn't know about him, such as his implantation of the SPAM unit within his body...which allowed him to manipulate particules and matter at such at a limited rate. He was a genius after all...and with that he propelled his arm, the lightning lancing into a spear set straight at Tenmei's heart...he
Spider_Vengeance didn't care, he was angry, and the lightning seeked and felt his fury heading for the enemy at a blink of an eye

Tenmei_Zougeiro takes a step back, his arm swaying with the movement as it too is possessed and forced further in the direction of his rear,... he regains his balance of thought noting to the fact that he never loosed physical balance.. his psychokinetic force barrier seeming to expand further and over take the full of his form.. the tiny glowing emerald green of his eyes now lashing out in marvelous displays of photonic light,
Tenmei_Zougeiro the plasmatic discharges adding to the aggravated texture of the course nights air.. the electrical masses deployed into the air, someone congregated into the complexities of psychokinetic field.. Tenmei own thoughts seeming to manipulate the sub atomic particles of the electrons at the whim of thought.. his right digits splay openly within the as to implicate a manifestation of power such as this..
Tenmei_Zougeiro .. the robust yet youthful complex of his enemy seeming to perhaps be alerted to his actions through this guise.. slowly Tenmei shrugs his shoulders, tilting his head oddly to the right as he lifts his arm at about m mid chest height, adjusting the hidden left behind the cloak as his left shoulder is elevated and his right hand grasp tightly into the formation of a fist... his eyes wince as he watches this feeble charge,
Tenmei_Zougeiro the excursions already under manipulative control by a nearly omnipresent force of psychokinetic array.. (( Foolish mortal.. Is this the best you have.. You waste your time on gadgets when a Guyver resides inside of you.. )) his words are like nails ceiling a coffin, he finds this youth a disgrace to that which he had forged so many years ago.. GoRuden perhaps has misplaced his trust in Aureus,
Tenmei_Zougeiro perhaps he should have made one more rightfully fitted to the task of the team.. he continues (( You waste valuable time.. Time you could have used to save yourself.. perhaps... This will be your undoing. )) the source of which energy has been [pressed forward by the all to eager Guyver has allowed the psionicly manipulated field to transgress back to the origination point of this complexities of sub atomic regurgitation, back to the SAM, as to co-opted its graces as well..

Spider_Vengeance The SPAM would only try to strengthen the electrons swirling around his vague appearance. The blue and red suit glitters as the crackles of lightning swarm around his body, causing a blue light to shed onto his features. an eerie glow which showed he meant business. He didn't notice the energy being controlled though, he kind of had a slight guess that the guy he was fighting had some kind of mind power or powers.
Spider_Vengeance He seemed more than matching him, and surpassing him. Doesn't mean he was going to give up though, for the sake of the tavern, the people, for the GSF and over hte world that it protected he would try his best, even if his best is not enough. Hoping that the electrons around him would help counter the field. He was hoping to try and break through the field...to actually entangle and force his way through via the lightning
Spider_Vengeance to open up a small hole at least. He knew normally he couldn't break the field, even with he 3 tons of force he could put behind a single punch. He needed something on another level of power. So he brought his curled fist around, the discharges forming around the fist from the obelisk like mounds on his arms, encircling and accelerated in a wild spin which burns anything near it. With his arm back of his left hand. he
Spider_Vengeance swings the fist forward now, towards the shield in an attempt to break through it, putting his force into it while kicking off the wall behind him. His body is flung across the room rather quickly and unsuspectingly. Yes, he was bullheaded, but he didn't care, if he could only save one persons life, he would gladly give it up...to make one persons day. The fist was held back with his arm. but with a buzz. it flew forward, right
Spider_Vengeance towards the shield, within a mere inch of it....the discharging electricity curling and causing the room to illuminate with azure fury

Tenmei_Zougeiro pauses within the abscesses of thought trying to figure out why exactly he should be here in the first place.. he complexes coming to terms with his mortality and his vien attempt to disertain the exact location and frequencies of a field... by allowing himself mergence with this field he has since sealed the fate of it..
Tenmei_Zougeiro .. matching the own electromagnetic frequencies placed outward by this SPAM, Tenmie uses the induced psychokinetic field to further manipulate these exchanging forces, thus holding back any attempts to press it from its lengths.. the constantly changing structure of the meta physical field meanders within the very depths of the spider himself..
Tenmei_Zougeiro .. the thoughts of this simple invention, though even binary, seems vast and complex as they try to avail; yet their last dying resources of energy.. as the Spider flings himself forward from the wall he finds that perhaps this wasn't the best move.. Tenmie steps to the side about three portions of a hair, tilting his right arms down.. the ball of firey blaze, matching a peculair hue of green,
Tenmei_Zougeiro flares further outward as the enclosed field, which is portrayed as psychokinetic, flails outwards from its primary conduit within the embodiment of Tenmei.. it acts as a force, pressing the Spider dramatically away from him to the right..(( Come now, you still attack within this all to of mortal forms? )) and since the Spider happens to be flying through the air, he would be unable to change directions within mid air at such force...
Tenmei_Zougeiro ... as the initial contact with Spider and field occurs the Tenmei uses the power of thought, and a physical out burst to manifest his next counter/attack... a smile forms over the brash and ever on looking Tenmie as his right arm, the same one holding that fiery blaze of psionic energy, is flung forward, within the extended psychokinetic field, and used to increase the very frequencies at which the attack has been made,
Tenmei_Zougeiro adding force through mental visualization and nothing more.. the flare flings itself forward at about the speed of light and with about 50 tons of force behind it.. imagine the hulk hitting you when he’s really mad.. at least there is another wall nearby..

Spider_Vengeance Well..that didn't work to well, the flaring electrons pushing against the shield might have done some good if they hit...but instead he is flung across the room by the large force of the shield, to the right side. Shreds of the costume seem to fling across the room from the acting forces of the electric energy given off. He seems to notice that the electrons aren't working as wel as he thought they would....maybe it would be a better idea
Spider_Vengeance to shut the thing off....with a simple thought the electrons begin to disappear from him, at the same exact moment as he feels like he's been hit by an angry elephant pressing against his chest. This being nowhere near the most pressure he's ever had to feel before...20 tons before, and this doubled it and kicked in an extra half. It didn't feel pretty as he could feel the wind literally be knocked out of him, followed by a cough of red
Spider_Vengeance liquids, commonly known as blood against the vial under cover of the mask. With the instant he does not resist it, but tries to go with the force, being flung headfirst into a wally only to knock it down and skid across the ground. Within that moment it seems as if the SPAM had shut down and went back into hid dormant sleep as the Spider attempted to stand himself up(( I only use the Guyver when I drastically need
Spider_Vengeance it...and I refuse to use it when there are innocent people nearby, innocent people who could get hurt.. I have to be responsible with my power..))finally stancing himself and trying to drastically shake off the headache he had...

Tenmei_Zougeiro groans within his liberating act of dismay.. he meanders forward still through this scape of the slightly crowded tavern.. his head falls down within the formation of a nod as his cloak wallows behind him, tempted by the travesties of his psychokinetic field.. the smile still wears proudly on his face.. his entire guise seeming luminescent and psychotic... he raises that right fist one more time, placing it directly before his chest in some jest of ultimate power..
Tenmei_Zougeiro .. the fiery blaze waffering up within the air, placing fragments of its own psionic consciousness into the vast scape around them.. now at the exit place of the Spider, he leans down as to accompany the fallen Spider... his brows tighten, furrowing within formation as he once again wishes to speak, within the tongue of the Guyver, and he does so (( Your life is at risk Spider.. without that you wont be able to help any other innocents.. ))
Tenmei_Zougeiro with but a bold leap Tenmei jumps from his standings within the tavern and unto the forest scape now presented before him.. his psychokinetic field acting within telekinetic force to hold him at such a stance that it as though he lowers himself to the ground rather the falls.. the cloak follows closely behind him, drifting up from his chest and extravagantly dancing within the heavens before once again settling around his stationary form..
Tenmei_Zougeiro .. the smirk falls within the stance of grimace as he raises his left hand from under the viel of his cloak.. the same green aura encases it within an inferno of psionic energy.. (( I'd think your best move would be to boost. )) perhaps it would be a good time for Guyver..

Spider_Vengeance Bringing his hand up to his face, his hands curl across the mask as he tosses it across the ground, it flopping in the ground after wavering in the wind. It hits the ground, throwing up abit of dust. He was somewhat pissed, but he brought a finger up to his nose, running it across the bottom to stop the trickle of blood, along with his busted lip, throwing it to the side as his hands clasped together. The red substance staining
Spider_Vengeance the grounds innocence, and much more is about to happen....He grins as the breeze wisps across his face, his purple hair flowing with every movement of the wind, as if dancing. Bringing his arms down to his side his eyes closed for a brief second...moving forward towards the battlefield to meet his enemy in the middle, which wasn't too far away "Bio..."his eyes seem to flicker with a red light, a light that makes the azure
Spider_Vengeance lightning before look like a light bulb about to die out. his hands clasp as his body jerks forward, being lifted in the air by static sparks, a small crater forming under the ground..."Boost..."the Bio boost has began, all he has to do is murmur one word and the BBF field would be unleashed...followed by the transformation into the Guyver..if he had enough time left. The people where no longer in danger, he could use his full potential and power and maybe stand a chance...

Tenmei_Zougeiro now within the depths of conscious thought he reels over the choices he has just made.. perhaps it was the best idea to allow this Guyver to have the opportunity to over take him with his vast superiority.. but then again this was TheGuyverWill he was once an advent, the creators of this remarkable aspects of rage and furry.. this was an attribute of one of his children.. it did not seem a worthy foe but then do most...
Tenmei_Zougeiro ... the man known as Tenmei takes a slight step back, hesitating within his approach as his eyes widen as his arms flail behind him.. palms open and fingers dangling.. the hood of his cloak being blown off his head, as streaks of grey hair flutter in the wind... his eyes clasp, the grey pouris orbs ceasing to exist within the moment as he perplexes over deeds past.. he had to stop the Kousotsu at all cost.. he had to take his revenge for hat it had done..
Tenmei_Zougeiro .. this pawn, this feeble little instrument of death could be of some help to him.. if only he could take full advantage of it... lightning strikes the ground below as hyper kinetic gates begin to opening, beckoning an instrument of destruction into existences.. his own mind reeling over the Unit within him... he does not need it as of yet...