

            "How does the Warrior Rage operate Dibblis" Ira asks sitting down at the table. The Hunter Creator and Phantom Guyver sit eating a meal in the mess hall.

            "It's complex. When the host increases the adrenaline output in his body the Guyver Unit reacts by lessening the healing ability and tapping into negative Bio-Energy. Which was never done before" Dibblis says looking at the meal. Bacon and eggs aren't his species common food.

            "I can understand the healing. As most of his units power is into that, but what is negative Bio-Energy" she asks. "Oh, it's a egg. It tastes good, try it".

            Dibblis takes a bite. His organism under the small armor wraps around the fork and draws the egg inside. "Negative Bio-energy is twice as potent as normal Bio-Energy. Humans can tap this energy. But a Guyver Unit and Zoalord process stop this oddly. We were able to prevent it in the Warrior series. But the side effects were not dreamed to be this drastic".

            "Well this is incredible. His power is beyond what I could imagine if that is true" Phantom says.

            Suddenly a bright red light flashes. "All Guyvers bio-boost immediately. Chronos has sent the Alpha Units".

            "The what" Dibblis asks.


The Island of Silha


            Pre-Warrior Guyver stands in front of a massive regeneration chamber. Albass presses a couple of buttons on the pad next to it.

            The tube opens showing Alkanphal. He opens his eyes and steps out seeing his daughter.

            "Hi" he says hugging Albass.

            "Daddy" she says. Alkanphal looks at Pre-Warrior and smiles.

            "Any reason for you being here" he asks.

            Pre-Warrior nods. "Have you ever heard the name Dibblis".

            "Yes. He was a creator scientist. But he disappeared after I destroyed the comet along with a couple others". Alkanphal looks him directly in his red eye.

            "Dibblis has arrived on earth, and he helped create the Warrior Unit" he says. Alkanphal stands straight up.

            "A creator is here. Did you kill him" Alkanphal asks. Pre-Warrior shakes his head. "We must kill him. All by his self he could wipe out my entire Zoanoid troop. Only the new Hyper-Zoanoids have been designed to resist them. The rest are helpless. Even Zertax can be affected along with me".

            "Considering he is now an Azathoth I doubt it. He was subjected to a new Hunter process" Pre-Warrior says as his armor forms into his normal attire. Alkanphal is surprised.

            "The Azathoth operation was designed to boost the likely hood of the physical" Alkanphal says holding his hand to his chin. "What does this have to do with anything".

            Albass pulls on her fathers pants. "What is the Physical".


            The Creator race was originally like us. They had physical bodies very similar to human beings. But over time their need for strength, and ultimately physical bodies, was no longer needed due to the advanced technology. The bodies of the race began to change. Almost like a round ball. But it was metallic in color. Much like a Control Medal.

            The creators missed their physical bodies. And then they created the Cexten Battle Armor. This armor enabled them to gain a physical form once again and could walk. They increased the power and made it what it is today.

            Then another Advent made the Unit-G. This unit permanently bonded with the creator. Unfortunately the Unit-G only gave physical form to very few creators. But it actually made every one of them stronger than the Cexten and the old armor was discarded for the new type. So many creators still used the Unit-G to give them shape and definition.

            The Azathoth Operation was made to give more success to bonding the armor into the Physical. Which is what the Creators called the human form.


            "The creators then used that relic I found to make their actual bodies become into the Physical. Then the Unit-G could automatically become a success" Greg says.

            "So only a couple creators have human like bodies" Alkanphal says. "Most are still the Control Medal beings I knew. But I have no idea how much they have evolved over the years. So I have little clue to what they appear like now".

            "Alkanphal. This creator used the Azathoth process to merge him and a Guyver Unit together. He is now about half the power of Cexten. And he has lost his psychic control. So I doubt he has that much of a threat. But having him around is bad enough. I say let it slide for now, maybe we can use him later as bait or something" Greg says.

            Alkanphal is skeptic. His hand touches his daughters’ head. "We will do it your way. But I promise, if he shows any sign of twitching. I'll kill him myself. But I would like a Data File on him ASAP. And I want to have a brain drain done by Hamical. Maybe we can use his knowledge to protect us against the creators".

            "He hasen't been in touch since the Creation of my unit" Greg says. "I doubt he knows much about the actions of the Creators recently".

            Alkanphal asks Albass to take a nap, which she does. And the two speak once again. Greg tells him about the recent happenings and other things.

            "It's about time that girl found out how to respect people. The first time she met Imakarum she kicked him" Alkanphal says.

            Greg's eyes glow black. "As much as I shouldn't say this for her, That's not a bad thing".

            Alkanphal looks toward the ground. "Imakarum is my friend as well. But I hate what he did. When you two battle I will look the other way. The outcome will not bother our relationship. Even though we promised not to be friendly anymore".

            Greg nods. "Thanks. And times have changed. Altough I will continue to dispise Chronos and this ideal of destroying the creator empire, we have bigger problems than the personal battles between our sides. They Jy-Taki are our problem now".

            "Balcus is waking me one month before the arrival. I trust you will be here to greet me and on my side" Alkanphal says.

            "Until then I will be preventing the destruction of our bases. Josh and I have been working hard on getting the materials to make our new Neo-Guyver armors. But we are low on parts. Any chance in bending the rules" Greg asks.

            "As long as you promise not to use them against us in the offensive" Greg nods. "Alright. We have a War Relic in Alaska. It's on the outskirts of the capital. Omega Vamores and Gregores mainly secure it. But a couple of Proto-Zoalords are there as well. You can get the Relic if you wish, but use the materials wisely. We have limited amounts. And please refrain from destroying so many of our troops. We will need them against the Jy-taki".

            Greg smiles. "Alright, I'll try. Let's keep these little meetings of ours to ourselves. If the World Government learned we both could be into some trouble. And as much as I hate the Guyvers, we may need them".

            "Agreed. They can figure were enemies for now" he says. Greg calls for Albass and she says bye to her dad. The two walk away.

            "Greg. Maybe after you see the horror the creators are with your own eyes and not without false memories your bio-brain gives you, you can join Chronos" Alkanphal calls.

            Greg smiles. "Make a deal. If my experience causes that much hatred I will share Chronos. And I will attempt to increase our power to stop them. Until then I will fight Chronos with all my might".

            Alkanphal nods. "Nice working with you again".


World Government


            Alpha Blue fires a rocket a Female Guyver2. She dodges but is shot with a rail gun. Guyver1 runs to help her, but is caught in the face with an Enzyme Grenade that eats through his brain and forces his Guyver in Self Defense. Guyver 1 fire his Mega-Smasher toward a large group of Zoanoids, and it catches the side of Dark Unit. Luckily the smash was weak enough to be blocked by his shields.

            Assassin Guyver fires forward at incredible speed and tears Guyver1's Control Medal out and hides it. She then fire two, triple Pressure Cannon shots at the incoming Neo Zx-tole Omega. Each blasts a hole thorough him.

            She is hit in the back by a Rocket Launcher and her shields block, but is hit foward into a Vibrational spike by Alpha Orange. The Zoanoid under the armor smiles at her and tosses her aside. He then grabs her Control Medal and begins to tear it out of her head.

            Black Guyver slams her fist into Alpha Oranges back breaking the armor. She the fires her head lasers into it. The Zoanoid inside dies and the armor explodes.

            Alpha Blue fires three Enzyme Grenades and Gigantic Gold's left arm and pod are gone. Gigantic Gold crushes the Alpha Blue in one hit.

            The remaining 5 Alpha members run away as a figure looms closer. It's XT Guyver.

            He throws a shield around the surviving members and is immediately bombed with Gravity Bullets and hand lasers.

            Assassin heals and looks up. Three Zoalord loom over them. One is Vulcan in his Gyro looking form. The others are Proto-Zoalords. But she senses another there.


            Pre-Warrior explodes in the sighting and uses his Mega-Smasher to blow the Proto-Zoalords away. Vulcan dodges smiling at the attempt. "Pathetic" he says. Another Zoalord appears around him. It's Greware, The experimental model. XT screams.

            Pre-Warrior teleports inside of the shield.

            "Let me recharge for a second" Pre-Warrior says.

            "We should be able to take them out as soon as I let it out" XT says about to let the shield down.

            "Dumb idea Alien" a voice says. Imakarum Mirabilis shows up looking down. "I have a Nuclear weapon here. As soon as you let that shield down, it blows. You and Warrior may survive, but the others are toast".

            "Mirabilis" Pre-Warrior says. His eyes glow black and his body is surrounded by a dark glow. His hands are surrounded in a blood red color and he teleports out to them. Greware fire a Lightning bolt and Breathes fire at the Pre-Warrior Guyver. He goes right through and slams his Plasma blade into Greware's Zoa-crystal killing him instantly.

            Vulcan fires all of his firepower at Pre-Warrior. They bounce harmlessly off of his shields. Pre-Warrior opens both chest plates and the cells begin to glow and they seem to grab the energy surrounding his body. The blast erupts with the power of his previous half Mega-Smasher. Vulcan lays a scorched skeleton.

            Pre-Warrior turns to Mirabilis. His eyes blood red in anger.

            "Not a good idea" Imakarum says. Pre-Warrior looks closer to see Jarrod in Mirabilis arms. He is biting Mirabilis attempting escape.

            "You bastard. not only would you rob me of my family and my love. But you would kill the last remaining part of my life" Pre-Warrior says.

            Imakarum laughs. "Power down or he dies" he says putting his hand on top of Jarrods head.

            Pre-Warrior's soul blazes. But he forces it down. "Are you happy".

            "No" Mirabilis says smiling. He twists his hand and drops the young boy to the ground.

            Pre-Warrior dashes at unreachable speeds and grabs him. but it was worthless.


            "Jarrod, Jarrod speak buddy. Speak up you damn whore" Pre-Warrior says tapping his brothers lifeless face.

            But Jarrod never moves. Pre-Warrior drops his head and tears fall out of the breathing holes and on Jarrods face.

            "Never again" Pre-Warrior says. "I love you brother. This will never happen again to anyone" he screams. The Pre-Warrior stands and summons all the power he can. Black energy swerves around him and the organism under his armor crawls. He looks to the air and screams. His very voice has the power of the Sonic Emitters.

            The sky darkens and Mirabilis attempts escape. But he can't move, his own cells are depleted of power from where Pre-Warrior is draining them.

            The organism under the armor fires from the cracks. it grows to incredible size and the armor shatters and is absorbed back into his body. The Control Medal extends from his head and the organism wraps around it giving it extra layers and size. The giant blue being begins to evolve.


            "It's happening again" Ira says. "Greg is evolving into Warrior Guyver!".


            The slimy flesh splits and a blue armored head emerges. Eventually the whole body does the same. And the fabled Warrior Guyver is once again born. But he is now Out of Control.

            He fires up at Mirabilis and slams his fist into his chest breaking through it. And in a second kicks the Zoalord to the ground. But more Evolution occurs. Spikes fire from Warriors skull and his armor grows duller. The Hypersensory spike grows and spikes fire from that. His armor glows and black highlights form around him giving him even more of a sinister look.

            Warrior Guyver lands next to Imakarum creating a large hole. The dust flies up and a crater is born.

            "You would destroy the entire Lucas family for a smile" Warrior Guyver says. A large spike fires from his chin. He looks directly into Mirabilis face. The Gravity orb glows a bright color and Mirabilis heart is crushed.

            "That is the center of three emotions. Love, Hate and Fear. I hate you beyond all comparison. You now fear me. And I love my family" he says. A black mist fires from his breathing holes. The sky becomes dark and the Gravity orb absorbs more power. Imakarums Leg's are crushed. "You will never escape me".

            He skull collapses. "Think of me in hell".

            "I'm sorry" Imakarum says. "If you have any human emotion left spare me".

            Warrior Guyver moves his face at Mirabilis' eyes. "Who said I'm human" he says laughing a maniacal laugh. The Sonic Emitters fire crushing the Zoa-Crystal.

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