

Warlord Guyver


Three Part Fiction, read after ‘Alive’ and ‘Dead



Another Dimension


            Fighter Guyver and Zeo Guyver stand before a destroyed home, the home of his brother Warlord Guyver. He remembers the past, what it truly was.

            Fighter walks up and opens the door, it falls on the ground. He walks into the front, the couch ripped apart and tossed everywhere, the walls blown in by weapon fire. This was where his brother had his last battle with Zertax Dominia and Garga. Garga was a Zoagod just like Zertax, his clone actually. But Garga was considerably stronger. Both of them joined together and tore his brother apart here.

            But what people don’t know is that he let Garga and Zertax into Forbidden Island. A gigantic field of energy that not even both of them could blow down surrounds the island. So they needed a way in. They were able to convince him that if he cooperated his brother would not be killed, only detained and his unit eventually stripped. Jarrod agreed and let the field down.

            They Lied

            The Zertax of his world was different, bloodthirsty for power. He was threatened by the power of his brother, so he wanted him dead. Garga followed Zertax’s orders.

            He killed his brother, making him very mad. He ran to grab what was left of his brothers Control Medal, but the medal was damaged and mistook him for his brother. The Medal absorbed him and retook the shape his brother had, but he was in control and the armor was his favorite color, green.

            He killed Zertax and Garga by tricking Garga into using a weapon that killed him, this also damaged Zertax and Fighter Guyver killed him. Then he killed Alkanphal and left to find his brother in hyperspace, in case a part of the medal survived and was there healing. But he came to the dimension he calls home on accident, a TRANS beam of some sort inside of hyperspace forced his unit to come out in the wrong place.


            “This is you home dimension” Zeo Guyver asks.

            “Yes” Fighter says. He looks around and walks into his room, seeing his old clothes and stereo. He goes to his brother, paintings of Cassandra, and one of him. He betrayed his own brother to Chronos.


            “I didn’t know you did that” Zeo Guyver says.

            “It’s true, since then I hated Chronos. But Greg told me to get vengeance on the individual, not the world. The priority for anything is survival, then revenge and anything else. He thought like the Guyver Unit, self preservation above all” Fighter says.

            “The W’Kar was designed to make a creator extremely powerful, they took out a lot of things to help make it possible, could the Self Defense mode be one” Zeo asks.

            “Not that I see. His unit has one, but it is damaged. Something I never said was we have records here about his units origins and design schematics. His Control Medal is made with a incredibly rare metal that is naturally organic and alive. Not even the creators have knowledge about it, only those involved with the W’Kar Unit’s creation do. The Medal was given the Bio Control System to help sustain the metal for Control Medal use. The Bio Control System was also designed to keep the hosts mind operational even if the brain is destroyed”.

            “You sure know a lot you haven’t said about” Zeo says.

            “Yeah, I didn’t want to confuse issues” Fighter says. “The truth about it is, his units Evolution was not an original design schematic. It was made to upgrade itself to sustain the host on any ground but not to fully change shape and power”.

            “Than how does he do it” Zeo asks.

            “The W’Kar can make a creator over fifty times stronger than a normal human guyver, do you know how strong it would make a human?” Fighter asks.

            “Much more than he is now” Zeo says.

            “His unit is damaged, the truth is it isn’t evolving, it’s healing itself. The Unit is trying to get back to its original state. For example, his Control Medal is not made of normal biomaterial, yet it is now. I have no idea what is going on with him, but I know his true power is yet to be shown” Fighter says as he opens a book. Inside are incredible detailed sketches and other stuff about the W’Kar armor.

            “And why aren’t you evolving like he does, it’s the same unit” Zeo Guyver says removing her helmet.

            “My unit thinks I am Greg, but cannot completely match the genetic code so it can’t evolve. That’s also why I have no use of Warrior Rage or other emotional increases. So the unit cannot access more power to heal it. Not to mention the Mark II in me. I am finally able to cloak myself” he says before converting his armor into a red shirt and leather jacket.

            “Odd, but I’ve seen weirder. Once I wanted to try and go to the time that the creators made W’Kar and destroy them, but then our time lines would never exist” she says.

            “How can you time travel, your units schematics never allowed it. Although now I understand how you can cause the sword of yours has a TRANS in it” Jarrod says.

            “Yeah it does, but this TRANS had only one charge. I would have to allow it three days of no use to recharge it. So either way we are stuck here for three days. I have no idea how I did the first time, I though anything with a Hyper space orb could” Shendal says.

            “No, A W’Kar can only teleport through space, not time” he says.

            “Well I have no idea. I tried it and it worked” she says.

            “Someone or something brought you here that first time” Jarrod says.



Three hours later



            “Well I think I should go and see the World Government” Jarrod says changing his clothes back into his armor.

            “I’ll go with you. My sword charged up a few uses with the Hyperspace Orb so I can follow” she says.

            “Wouldn’t that slow the TRANS charge” Fighter asks.

            “Na, two different systems” Shendal says. Her helmet reactivates and straps on from her back.

            “Let’s go. Same place as originally” Fighter says activating his Blast Field.

            Shendal grabs her sword and places it in front of her, blade sticking up. The orb in the center glows and a field explodes around her as she teleports.



Alaska, World Government Base



            Fighter and Zeo Guyver emerge in front of three men. One is Sean Andrews, the other is Philip and Sho.

            “You guys are alive here huh” Fighter says.

            “What” Sho asks?

            “Never mind” Fighter says.

            “You’ve been gone awhile, where have you been” Sean asks.

            “I’ve been in another dimension fighting with my brother” Fighter says. “That’s why I look a little different”.


            “That’s one hell of a story” Ira says. In this dimension only one to have died was Greg, after his death Fighter Guyver found a way to destroy Chronos as he didn’t like Alkanphal and could easily kill him.

            “Well it’s certainly different than here. We’ve been without Chronos for almost six years now. We don’t even activate our units unless were physically working” Sho says. “Except Agito, he’s always working on ways to improve the unit”.

            “Well I’d give him Mark II, but I don’t have a modifier” Jarrod says.

            “And the fact we don’t want him stronger, the strongest here is Philip and he can take him down” Ira says,

            “Well I could, but I don’t wanna” Jessica says.

            “And with the Jy-taki coming I don’t want to kill anyone. We don’t know how strong they are” Philip says.

            “WHAT” Jarrod screams? “The Jy-taki are coming here, how many”.

            “Oh about 6” Megan says.

            “How strong are they” Sho asks.

            “Well let’s see. It took Greg, Zertax, Alkanphal, XT, all of you and Chronos plus Me to kill all fifteen and win. I won’t make any comments, but a lot of you died in that fight” Jarrod says.

            “That’s bad, how strong exactly” Sean says.

            “6 times a normal guyver, with Zoalord, Gigantic Guyver and Shivan properties. Plus the ability to crush opponents in a field of energy and boost their powers 2X for a short time making them twelve times stronger than a normal unit” Zeo Guyver says.

            “Than were screwed, Philip is the strongest here aside from you” Sho says.

            “Well we can still win. How much are you now Jarrod” Ira asks.

            “Twenty times a normal unit, and I can double too” he says.

            “Than we have a very good chance. Have a couple come for us while you finish some off and then you have the others we kept busy” Ira says.

            “Yeah that could work, or we could do a pre emptive strike and blow their ship up” a voice says behind them all. Agito comes forth with Shizu.

            “What do you want?” Sho asks.

            “I heard the Green Avenger came back and I wanted to say hi, anything wrong with that,” Agito asks.

            “Nothing, but you should have at least knocked” Sean says.

            Agito laughs. Shizu smiles as they sit.

            “We have a couple photographs and schematics of the approaching craft, it is two days away. The craft seems to have two creators on it as well. It’s a scout ship, lucky for us it isn’t a War or Battleship type or we would have a problem” Agito says.

            “Well that is good” Ira says. “But the problem remains how we approach this battle”.

            “I say we attack them in space, better to keep it away from the planet” Shizu says.

            “Jy-taki are made for space combat, you can have something stronger than them and they would still easily win. See they gain energy from solar emissions like the Assassin Series, and on a planet they receive little amounts of solar energy and don’t recharge fast or at all. In space they have almost unlimited energy because the solar energy can reach them without a problem” Zeo Guyver says.

            “We battled them on the ground” Fighter Guyver II says. “But I suggest we do this near their ship, not near ours. Their Gravity Crushers can do a number on buildings”.



1 hour later



            Philip, Sean and Jarrod speak to each other. Jarrod is giving detailing analysis of the Jy-taki and their powers.

            “Who died in the fight” Sean asks.

            “You sure you wanna hear this” Jarrod asks.

            Philip nods.

            “Alright” Jarrod replies sitting back. “Ira was killed by the Gravity Crusher. The Azathoth killed Sonic Guyver and Sho. Megan was seriously injured and her unit stripped and scrapped. She is now Aza Guyver. Sean was killed beforehand by Energy Guyver and Philip died when faced with Carrion, a creator made Zoalord” he says.

            “Geez, faced a bit of trouble” Sean asks?

            “Yeah. Greg and Alkanphal now run the world; the only ones fighting us are Agito and Mitsuki with Zeus Thunderbolt. But they haven’t gone too far. As far as I know Mitsuki is a Mark II Guyver and Agito is a Mark II Black Guyver, not much power compared to Alkanphal, Greg, Zertax, Xetel and I. Not to mention the new W’Kar called Malice and the constant threat of Jy-taki and Orobouras” Jarrod says.

            “What about that guy, XT, the alien you talked of” Philip inquires.

            “XT is a alien who came to earth seeking a home. He hates creators and now feels that he has a home with us humans, not to mention being a little too friendly with Jessica”.

            “But how strong is he” Sean inquires.

            “About 18X that of a guyver now, originally probably 12, but he was increased with Mark II and stuff. Very good guy, incredible fighter” Jarrod says.

            “Well after you leave we may look for him,” Philip says.



Forbidden Island



            Shendal removes her armor for the first time in days. Underneath she wears little, the suit may be cooled but it still gets hot while using weapons. She crashes down on the couch and looks around. She sees a glistening on the ground. Shendal throws a couple boards aside; even without her armor she is considerably strong.

            It’s a necklace; it’s the Egyptian Ankh. From her history lessons about the Great War she knew Warrior Guyvers wife Cassandra wore this.

            But the Warrior Guyver she learned about is not what it was. He is W’Kar. His unit made merely for power, nothing else. A unit that could make any human god like in strength and ability. A unit which has a past shrouded in mystery and illusion.

            And the host, Greg. According to her world a great man who was like your typical Superhero. Always doing for the good of the world. But that is not true, she knows that now. Greg is simply full of hatred and pain. She notices it with every look, every movement, every faked smile and laugh. All he can ever think of is revenge and killing those that stand in his way, a lot like a self-defense mode.

            “Is it his fault, or the units?” she says holding the necklace.



2 days later



            “Welcome to hell boys and girls, time is almost here for the grand finale” Jarrod says landing near the World Government Headquarters with Zeo Guyver.

            “Six Jy-taki, two creators. That shouldn’t be too much to handle” Zeo Guyver says.

            “Depends, technology in this dimension may be different, for all we know the creators could all be W’Kar and the Jy-taki could be enhanced by it” Jarrod says.

            “So we could be facing W’Kar Jy-taki, oh great” Zeo says.

            “I doubt it, but possible”.


            After some moments the Jy-taki ship lands in southern Mexico, all the guyvers run and teleport towards it.


            Six Jy-taki step out, the same ones Fighter previously fought against. Two creators step out, Dibblis and Grend.

            “Guyvers, oh nevermind. Should not be a problem for the Jy-taki” Grend says stepping back in to the ship.

            “Grend, we have very little resources. This planet is our last hope to gain more Jy-taki” Dibblis says.

            “I agree, Jy-taki, destroy the Guyvers but conserve your energy” Grend says.


            Two Jy-taki step forward and Fighter, wasting little time, takes them both on. Outmatched the two Jy-taki double up and fire Pressure Cannons and Gravity Bullets pelting Fighter Guyver II back.

            Zeo Guyver takes one with Guyver4 and Ira and Jessica take another. Agito and Sho both bio boost, Agito activates a Gigantic and Firepower Upgrade while Sho activates a Firepower and Stealth. They both take one Jy-taki. Philip activates his unit and charges forward.

            Shizu looks around and screams, “W’KAR”. Suddenly she is wrapped in the Ninja Guyver armor, no sword though. She assists Philip in the attack.

            Fighter is jumped and pounded by the Jy-taki, he emits some form of Enzyme acid that burns the Jy-taki, but they are barely affected as they continue to pummel him.

            “That is fucking it” Fighter says blasting forward, shoulders glowing as he activates the doubler and rips one of the Jy-taki's arms off and pounds him in the face. The two Jy-taki back off as Fighter Guyver opens both Mega Smashers, at this level he reaches almost 40X that of a Guyver.

            Both Jy-taki put their doublers into overdrive and open their Smasher plates and charge black holes.


            Ninja dodges and fires a couple Pressure Cannons that the Jy-taki bats away. He then holds his hands in front of him and charges a Bio Wave as Dark Unit comes across his face with a Vibrational Sword, slicing open the Jy-taki's neck.

            Ninja Guyver then charges her Smasher with Philip and they both fire. The Jy-taki raises his shield, but has little time to fully charge it as parts of the blast leak through and burn chunks of him off.


            Guyver1 Firepower and Gigantic Firepower Dark both charge and fire every weapon they have, the Jy-taki blocks with his shielding, but has to double to sustain the blast as he is forces back screaming.

            When the dust settles a Gravity Field surrounds both Guyver1 Firepower and Gigantic Firepower Dark and begins to crush them both. The two Guyvers cannot fight it even in this strong state. Crushed then exploded as their medals are blown apart.


            Shizu screams and activates the Warrior Rage and blows the Jy-taki she was fighting away with a Mega Smasher before attacking the one who killed Agito and Sho with her Vibrational Swords.


            Ira and Jessica fight, dodging all the blasts the Jy-taki fires. The Jy-taki is quick to learn and because of it’s already enhanced speed, compensates by guessing the movements and blowing both back with Head and Hand Beams.

            Ira dashes aside and fires her head laser, at it’s strength it pierces cuts into the Jy-taki's neck, but does not penetrate. Little more than angered, the Jy-taki fires a Bio Wave that blows her to dust.

            Jessica screams but is caught in a Sonic Cocoon by the Jy-taki. Laughing the Jy-taki slams his fist into her Control Medal killing her.


            Ninja and Dark Unit finish with the other Jy-taki as does Zeo Guyver and Gigantic Gold. All four gang up on the Jy-taki who killed Ira and Jessica.


            Fighter Guyver II fires his Mega Smasher as the Jy-taki's wave of destruction reaches him. Both blasts collide and rip the ground around them apart under the stress. The blasts finally cease as all three combatants remain, unharmed.

            “I gravely underestimated you, at the time your bio levels matched the Orobouras, and combined I understand how you blocked that attack” Fighter says.

            The Jy-taki seem to speak to each other as they both disappear, flying at incredible speeds for the short amount of time they can away from the sun and both ram their Bio Swords into Fighter Guyvers II’s Mega Smasher cells.

            “Errgh, damn your smart” Fighter says. He extends his Bio Swords and attacks them, the Jy-taki are low on energy and cannot double so Fighter is easily gaining the advantage as he cuts them apart and slams his forearm blade into one of the Jy-taki Crystals.


            All the Guyvers charge their Mega Smasher and fire at the Jy-taki. Seeing it coming, the Jy-taki sends his Doubler into full power and fires his own Mega Smasher/Black Hole attack.

            Seemingly the blast the Guyvers fire is no match for the Jy-taki blast at this level and the vortex blast the Jy-taki fires goes through it to hit Ninja Guyver. It completely rips her apart and the Medal melts from her head.

            Low on power, the Jy-taki breaths heavy. All the Guyvers, very angry now, attack with Vibrational Swords and Head Laser fire, occasional Pressure Cannons as well. The Jy-taki backs off in attempt to recharge his depleted energy reserves, but has no time to as the Guyvers bat down and Zeo Guyver cuts the Jy-taki's head in half, along with his arm which he put up with her Plasma Sword.


            Fighter Guyver II grabs the Jy-taki by the arm and flings him into the air. But the Jy-taki counters with a small Bio Wave that hurls Fighter Guyver into a boulder. Standing up, Fighter sees the Jy-taki fire a double hand beam that he raises his shields to block, with little success as in this weakened form the beams pierce through and hit both legs sawing them off.

            Fighter lifts his upper body up with the Gravity Orb and begins to fire head lasers at the Jy-taki who counters each and gets closer.

            Fighter then gets an idea; he concentrates and hurls a large ball of Acid at the approaching Jy-taki’s face.

            Screaming, the Jy-taki regrounps and attempts to remove the vile acid from his face. He succedds in ripping it off to see Fighter Guyver II with his legs reattached firing a Pressure Cannon.

            The Jy-taki braces a shield in front of him at full power but the Pressure Cannon disappears. Suddenly two gravity balls hit him in the sides blowing him in half.

            “Didn’t know I could control them huh” Fighter Guyver says before ramming the Forward Bio Sword into the Jy-taki's head.


            “All dead” Philip says deactivating his armor.

            Sean does as well. “Them or us”.

            “Both” Philip says sinking his head.

            “We still have Dibblis and Grend to worry about” Fighter says flying by as he fires a Pressure Cannon blowing the tip of the ship off. He jumps in and sees Dibblis and Grend backing off with Unit Removers, both fire them.

            The beams hit Fighter Guyver and he simply laughs.

            “Not only do I have a W’Kar based unit, but it also has Mark II Technology” Fighter Guyver II says. “Using two removers on me is a waste of time”.

            “W’KAR” Dibblis says. “Impossible, we destroyed the unit”.

            “Seems we didn’t Dibblis” Grend says looking at a screen. “His bio level is above 20 thousand, only a W’Kar or Orobouras could get that high”.

            Fighter fires his head laser into both of their Control Medal killing them both. He then contacts the ships medal.

            It tells him of the creators of this dimension, very similar to the one he works in. Only difference is they are not as powerful in numbers, Dibblis and Grend were the last creators alive.

            “Oh gee, I must have done Genocide, ah well” Fighter II says smiling under his armor as he fires a head laser exploding the medal.



            “Come with us Philip and Sean, we could use the help” Shendal says.

            “Our world still has Zoanoids, not many but enough” Sean says.

            “But we also have Neo Guyver and the War Clan working, they can take care of it. We should go where our strength can be better used. Besides, some of our friends are still alive there” Philip says.



            Shendal puts on her helmet and holds her sword up towards the sky. The metal begins to glow green as the blade screams. A laser light show emits around her and the other Guyvers before they disappear.


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