Dibblis’ Diary

The Start of the New Saga



Warlord Guyver



            It seems that my race has taken a misdirected turn at some point. I have lost all faith in my people. Grend and the others should know better than to send this many creations over. W’Kar (creator name for the Warrior Unit) Unit and the others were easily able to overwhelm them. But due to them Alkanphal, our most powerful biological creation ever, was able to gain the use of a Guyver Unit. Thank Zaphod it’s highly damaged. So far I suspect our technology has grown much. I have been able to dissect a Jy-taki's Crystal and noticed that it is even more advanced than a Zoacrystal. It seems to show things from every single one of our creations. I remember when the Jy-taki were even weaker than a Guyver. This is quite an update.


            I have stumbled over this ‘Mark II’ technology for many weeks now. It seems Grend made this Control Armor upgrade after I was stranded in this side of the galaxy. So far I have determined the effects on different armors are varied. It boosted XT’s power level and added some new effects, it caused the Fighter Unit to become much stronger and repair some defects. And Mitsuki, the infamous Guyver1’s mate, has increased much. Her control medal seems to have changed to handle more than even the Assassin Series. I wonder what its effects on the Assassin Series would be like. I’ve only seen it used upon Standard and W'Kar Class Units aside from XT. I suspect if used on W'Kar class it would cause some major defects. The most I suspect would repair his damages due to the failure of Ai-Talis, but the good part is it may force the evolution process to cease and the Warrior Rage. This knowledge should be kept to myself.


            I have recently been studying for a way to increase my own level with Mark II. I suspect the influence may boost me to Guyver Norms. This will be valuable if my old Comrades come to visit. But I suspect all of the Guyvers will not be happy for this Mark II upgrade. It is quite painful from what Mitsuki says. If I can somehow put this Mark II to more uses. I have recently been allowed access to the Jy-taki's ship and discovered that most of the materials in there are used for Guyver Unit building and maintenance. I am sure I can make more upgrades and Units given time. I am in the process of making new Warrior Upgrades; Problem is I must get a genetic sample from a Warrior Class unit. The Warrior Upgrade is in XT’s hands for now; Fighters unit is a damaged clone and will not work right. So at this point I must get a sample from W’Kar. And we all know how hard that is.


            My new Magnificent Units are complete. Angel and Pirate Guyver, I have decided to refrain from allowing their identities from being exposed so they can live peaceful, have joined with Energy Guyver and my lovely Phantom as my protectors. From the wreckage of Warrior XT’s battle with Zguyver I suspect the Zoalord Unit destroyed. But since I arrived to investigate 2 months afterward and found no Control Medal I cannot be sure. I have taken every precaution to ensure their superiority over the W’Kar so I can rid him from existence if necessary. But if Zoalord Unit survived it would be a great asset.


            I’ve also been forced to wonder something mysterious. Joshua Selph, the most incredible intellect from the human race, has a Ketrex Organism. The Ketrex was our very first attempt at a way to extend our lives. It was a Virus that bonded with us like a Unit-G and kept us alive. But it allowed little more than life and an odd ability to shape shift so we could get any physical form we needed at the time. But the Ketrex Organism was extremely fussy and had to be made to only suit the Advent Race. So I doubt Josh’s full human blood. Somehow I suspect he is either part Advent or the Ketrex inside him is evolved to include human life. But how he got the Ketrex in the first place is a mystery itself. He says the Ketrex was born with him and came unto him when he came into his adult life. He also suspects that it is an organism older than the advent race that finds a host at birth to survive. Which makes little sense considering the organism dies with the host. But he says the organism awakened mass knowledge. That I don’t doubt because it carries knowledge from Zaphod inside it.


            His morphed units seem to have the technology he made inside them. He has somehow been able to gain access to Hyperspace and made a low powered unit accessible to it. He has not allowed me to look at the units and I can’t because of Neo Guyver armor I can’t force him to. Well, he has sent these Guyvers off into space as watchers in new relics. They are to look for oncoming creator attacks. Hopefully this will give us next to, smallest amount, 6 months to make our final preparations if they ever decide to show their faces. Hopefully this episode has convinced them otherwise. But I doubt that, my race can be quite arrogant at times, and if Grend is there they will be here. I just hope by then our defenses are high quality enough to withstand them.


            It has also been brought to my attention that another unit aside from my W’Kar is able to match his. They call this Guyver, ‘Nanotechnic Guyver’; they have asked me if I can figure a way to destroy him. They say he is as strong as Warrior XT or Guyver Alkanphal. They say he is at least double what W’Kar is. If that is so, I dread for our safety. The implication of having a friend that strong is horrific enough, an enemy is even worse. If I can deduce a way to utilize that technology, I can augment our strength even more.


            Sometimes I sit and wonder why I am helping these people. Is it because I fell responsible for them? I was the one who made the human genetic code after all. I made it so good that they have become better than I ever imagined. It took us 10 billion years to make a device like a bicycle! But I infer they still have a very far time ahead to even close the gap in technology to my race. That is the grounds in which I help them, that and because my race would shun me since my own experiment backfired on me and merged a Guyver Unit to me. I have no telepathic abilities anymore. And that is what connects us to Zaphod on the home planet.


            Something has also been very bad for us. Megan Douly’s unit was damaged. Her Control Medal was cracked twice in a battle with the Jy-taki. I have attempted to repair it but the main power matrix is damaged, and with the materials I have I cannot repair it. I have no choice but to use the Mark II Unit Remover I have to remove it. I have also found one of the malfunctioned Azathoth Units. I have been able to labor with that and I may be able to make it a functioning guyver unit! I would prefer to give this one to Megan. But I can’t even begin to guess what the effect may be on a human host.


            Well, now I must get back to work. Some things must be completed, mostly the completion of the Warrior Upgrades. I have much to do and little time in which to do it. Hopefully by the time the other Advents arrive I will be completed with my ultimate design.

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