Unit Type: True W'Kar Unit

Common Name: W'Kar Guyver

Evolutionary Stage: 2 + 3

Unit Height: 12 foot 8 inches

Unit Weight: 1640 lbs

Host Height: 6 foot 4 inches

Host Weight: 204 lbs

Host: Gregory Lucas

Avg. Bio Level: 18580

Max. Bio Level: 63957

Alignment: Chronos Second in Command. Previously Warlords and WarClan.

W'Kars Unit was created over 2 billion years ago in a crisis by Dibblis and Grend. This unit possess immense powers above any known Guyver Unit. It has no set limits in power due to evolution and can seem to empower himself to new levels after being in battle long enough. W'Kar is currently second in command of Chronos.
Speed and Durability

Speed: W'Kar has shown the ability to reach speeds approaching 3300 MPH on land and upto 20000 MPH. Although in an unobtrusive environment such as space W'Kar can max half the speed of light.

Strength and Durability: W'Kar muscles the strength of 1700 men. With focus and extra energy W'Kar can double his strength to that of 3400 men. The Armor itself is incredible and can withstand a Guyvers Mega Smasher with little to no damage. Shielded max can block anything short of 30X a Mega Smasher attack and with extra energy provided can block 35X.

Hypersenses: Hypersenses are incredibly advanced. Usage is approximately a 1 mile area. Senses can be calibrated to scan a units built up bio energy level showing units approximate strength and also can scan areas of Hyperspace for certain signatures.

Weapons System:

Head Laser: Highly powerful infared laser which is 12X that fired by a gigantic guyver. Weapon shows improved range, accuracy and overall function.

Pressure Cannon: Ranges in power to a Guyvers Mega Smasher. Gravity Ball is extremely large when fired (approximately 3 foot in diameter) and has shown the ability to mentally control the attack after firing. Weapon can track targets, split into multiple pressure cannons and other uses. The Pressure Cannon can be fired nonstop at a rate slightly faster than a Zoalords Gravity Bullet attack, although this drains him and forces W'Kar to immediately recharge his energy reserves.

Sonic Emitters: 4 times stronger than a normal Guyvers. Weapon is more versatile than average sonic emitters and can be used to create the Sonic Cocoon the Jy-taki have used. Primarily a defensive use however.

Plasma Swords: Vibrational swords fused with Plasma energy. Can cleave anything equal or lower than the Gigantic Level. Has shown the ability to pierce highly concentrated energy shield and fields.

Mega Smasher: 20X the force of a normal Mega Smasher. Weapon is now rarely draining and has overtime lost the defect of destroying the hosts body. Weapon can fire for as long as W'Kar can keep his energy up.

Energy Draining: The most versatile and powerful of W'Kars attacks. By draining surrounding energy of any type or form, W'Kar can create weapons upto 50X a Guyvers Mega Smasher. Versatility of this ability is amazing in the fact all forms of weapons can be made. Including, but not limited to, Energy Balls, Plasma Blasts, Bio Energy Bladed weapons, Time and Proximity bombs, and standard energy blasts. Being as though energy for this weapon is supplied by outside supplies such as any biological organism or even electrical systems.

Other Advances

Control Medal: Control Medal is separated into three main parts. The Bio Control System which controls and regulates the power distributed by Energy Drain or by the W'Kar Element. The Energy Draining System which powers most of the units functions by draining surrounding energy of any type into him as well as creating weapons from that energy. And the W'Kar Element (see below). The Bio Control System also copies the hosts mind into the medal so even in Self Defense mode the host can be in control. If the Bio Control System is damaged the medal activates the backup Friend or Foe mechanism which uses the host previous memories to attack only aggressors.

Cloaking: The unit can make the armor appear as anything. So it can give a chameleon effect, or keep the armor on and appear as clothing.

Warrior Rage: Warrior Rage is the most powerful of W'Kars ability's. Although it cannot be controlled in this state, the Warrior Rage gives W'Kar a 3X boost for as long as necessary to complete his task. Shown only when W'Kar is in an angry state, this is due to the unit's feeding from his emotions to increase it's Bio Energy Reserves and further evolve itself.

W'Kar Element: Created only when a planet forms. This Element has the potential to boost power ratings over 100X their normal rates. When this was merged with the original W'Kar Unit it did just that.

Hyperspace Orb: The unit also can send the host into Hyper Space to recover from battle or teleport. A battle backup transports the control medal into hyper space so it can remake the host's body without interference. The host must activate this system, it never does so automatically.

Damages: Hot and Cold environments prove deadly to W'Kars control medal. This is due to the W'Kar Elements current unstable state. When exploited, it weakens W'Kar by acting against the Bio Control System and refusing his body to recharge.


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