Name: Energy Guyver

Host Name: Unknown, kept secret from Chronos

Height: 6 foot 10 inches

Weight: 544 lbs

Alignment: Previous World Government, currently unknown


The Energy Guyver was created by the Hunter Creator who made the Magnificant Units(as they are called by the Guyvers). The Energy Guyver relies on solely Bio-Energy when fighting.

  • The Control Medal is the same model utilized by the Assassin and Black units. The Compressed model allows more Bio-Energy to be utilized in battle.
  • Speed is determined by Bio-Energy levels. Upon average the Unit can run at 400 MPH, And fly at 560 MPH.
  • The Unit contains no Gravity Orb. The Unit uses the Bio Energy system to fire balls of pure energy. These weapons have no impact force but is highly deadly to all Organic Materials. This weapon has been approximated at similar levels to the Firepower Upgrade, but it wains depending on the energy used. The Guyver flies by emmiting Bio-Energy at high levels accelerating it at high speeds.
  • The Head laser is Exactely like the Standard Guyver.
  • The Unit uses the Mega-Smashers in a oddly different way than all other known units. By using the stored Bio-Energy in the Control Medal, the Energy Guyver has been known to fire a Mega-Smasher at the level of the Firepower Upgrade.
  • The strength of the Unit is only equal to fifty men.
  • Durability of the Armor depends on available Bio-energy. It has been anywhere from similar to the Cexten Battle armor. To that of a Gigantic Assassin.
  • The Unit has a set of Bio Emmiters. Which uses little Bio-Energy to use. It heats the air to high tempatures and burns even Guyver Armor.
  • The Unit has Bio-Energy swords similar to the ones utilized by the Zoagod Zertax. Depending on Bio-Energy, the swords can be used on any known level, Even Plasma Swords.
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