Unit Type: Special Matrix Created Apothecary Unit

Common Name: Apothecary Guyver

Host Name: Cassandra Lucas

Host Height: 5 foot 5 inches

Host Weight: 98 lbs

Armored Height: 7 foot 2 inches including head ornates

Armored Weight: 345 lbs

Alignment: Non-Military Member of the Anti Advent Republic

Cassandra was the unwilling host of a new form of guyver armor. This odd unit was created when a creator from another universe joined forces with Dibblis of ours. Ira Pike, who was resurrected by the advents, found herself with child once again. Jarrod Lucas (Fighter Guyver II) attempted to use the extra dimensional device known as the Matrix to save the child, but with unsuspected results the Matrix did so by planting the child inside of Cassandra and creating a unit to both keep the child safe and heal Cassandra of her deadly disease known as 'Black Silence Silver'.

Speed and Durability

Speed: Apothecary Guyver has been noted to fly at a maximum speed of 3750 MPH and run at a maximum of 600 MPH.

Strength and Durability: Physically Apothecary Guyver lacks in many areas. The maximum muscle she has ever attained was the strength of 250 men. Her body emits a natural body shield however, and combined with her Gigantic like durability she can withstand anything short of a Standard Guyvers Mega Smasher without much damage. Her shielding from attacks seem marvelous when compared to her other attributes, mainly because of the small shaving of W'Kar Element located inside of her control medal. She can shield upto 10X the power of a Mega Smasher given the proper time to raise the shield. Considering she has 200X the reaction time of any normal human helps in this case. The unit seems to have a special healing quality however, allowing the host to heal even with the unit inactive at the rate of a zoanoid (cuts and abrasions within a day, broken bones and large gashes in a week), or with the unit active the rate of half a guyver. Unit heals others at a much higher rate (see below)

Hypersenses: Hypersenses can be compared to a Gigantic Guyver but with increased range. It is thought the hypersenses work directly from the control medal rather than using roving orbs as most units.

Weapons System:

Head Laser: Head Laser is combined with the control medal and can create an emission approximately 12X the power of a normal guyvers.

Pressure Cannon: Units gravity orb is functionally inferior to even a normal guyvers. Any attempt at making a Pressure Cannon is impossible as the gravity orb cannot create a stable enough field to make a pressure cannon. When in flight the gravity orb is assisted by the energy in the W'Kar Element to help it fly. It is unknown if the Element can be used to help create the pressure cannon at this time.

Mega Smasher: Subject has no Mega Smasher.

Other Advances

Control Medal: Control Medal is a variation of the extra dimensional 'Warrior' type. It is composed of 4 sections that work either independently, or together to create a larger effect. When the host originally received the unit it was working independantly towards keeping a dual hosting system for both the current host and the child the host was carrying and was at only 1/4 of her average power. After the baby was born however, the unit returned to mono hosting and subject has now received the full benefit of her unit. The Control Medal also emits a shield that can withstand upto a standard guyvers mega smasher and helps it protect the host. Also, if threatened with the unit active, the host will automatically activate the hyper space orb and escape. Unfortunately, unlike the Warrior Units, the Apothecary Guyver cannot auto activate her unit.

Cloaking: Unit has shown the ability to cloak similar to a W'Kar unit as well as project holograms.

Hyper space Orb: The unit also can send the host into Hyper Space to recover from battle or teleport. A battle backup transports the control medal into hyper space so it can remake the host's body without interference.

Healing: Using her special qualities, Apothecary Guyver can heal others at higher rates than her unit even heals her. Therefore if a human (or other non enhanced creature) is injured, simply by touching them she can heal their wounds at the rate of a normal guyver. If a guyver or other enhanced creature is treated the same, their healing is enhanced by a factor of 10 and is also recharged to full power by using the power of the W'Kar Element, complimented by the HSL and Cyclone Power Matrix.

W'Kar Element, Hyper Space Link, Cyclone Power Matrix: Using these three systems the Unit can create an energy storage within the W'Kar Element capable of recharging any guyver or zoaform back to full power in moments.

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