Name: Angel Guyver

Host Name: Laura

Height: 7 Foot


The fourth Magnificent Unit created by Dibblis. This was made from a mutated Black Unit. This Guyver Unit has the ability to manipulate Bio Energy in similar ways to a Ancient Zoalord to make just about anything the host wants. So far the Unit has been able to create giant fields of Bio Energy as shields and various size Bio Weapons. This unit was captured by Malice and was activated on a Lost Number named Laura and given Mark II Technology.

Although this unit has immense energy abilities, it lacks the physical strength a Guyver Unit normally has. Strength seems to be ranging from 100-150 men. Speed and Durability is equal to Gigantic Guyver Norm.

Normal Guyver weaponry was stripped and replaced with the Energy System. The unit can still fly in a similar manner to energy guyver, but it can use bio energy from surrounding areas.

Unit has shown ability to make a Mega Smasher like blast that has a explosion effect, this weapon approximates the Gigantic Guyvers Mega Smasher.

Subject can use Bio Cannons at any speed and can make as many as the current energy level provides. All of them seem to be approximately the strength of a Gigantic Guyvers Pressure Cannon.

Weapons can vary in power depending on the amount of energy put into them. Strongest blast was approximate to a W'Kar Class Mega Smasher. But the blast was too much for the unit to handle at once and it deactivated to avoid self destruction.

One weapon creates giant wing like appendages that seem to be made of bio energy coming from the units back. These appendages act in a similar manner to a Bio Sword and can be anywhere from 5 foot long to 25 foot. These wings can now be used to create a bio field surronding Angel Guyver that tears like normal Bio Swords.

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